import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*; // Needed for ActionListener
import javax.swing.event.*; // Needed for ActionListener
class LifeSimulationGUIDemo extends JFrame
static Colony colony = new Colony (0.5);
static Timer t;
//======================================================== constructor
public LifeSimulationGUIDemo ()
// 1... Create/initialize components
BtnListener btnListener = new BtnListener (); // listener for all buttons
JButton simulateBtn = new JButton ("Simulate");
simulateBtn.addActionListener (btnListener);
// 2... Create content pane, set layout
JPanel content = new JPanel (); // Create a content pane
content.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); // Use BorderLayout for panel
JPanel north = new JPanel ();
north.setLayout (new FlowLayout ()); // Use FlowLayout for input area
DrawArea board = new DrawArea (500, 500);
// 3... Add the components to the input area.
north.add (simulateBtn);
content.add (north, "North"); // Input area
content.add (board, "South"); // Output area
// 4... Set this window's attributes.
setContentPane (content);
pack ();
setTitle ("Life Simulation");
setSize (510, 570);
setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
setLocationRelativeTo (null); // Center window.
class BtnListener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
if (e.getActionCommand ().equals ("Simulate"))
Movement moveColony = new Movement (); // ActionListener for timer
t = new Timer (200, moveColony); // set up Movement to run every 200 milliseconds
t.start (); // start simulation
repaint (); // refresh display of colony
class DrawArea extends JPanel
public DrawArea (int width, int height)
this.setPreferredSize (new Dimension (width, height)); // size
public void paintComponent (Graphics g)
colony.show (g); // display current state of colony
class Movement implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
colony.advance (); // advance to the next time step
repaint (); // refresh
//======================================================== method main
public static void main (String[] args)
LifeSimulationGUIDemo window = new LifeSimulationGUIDemo ();
window.setVisible (true);
class Colony
private boolean grid[] [];
public boolean live ( int row, int column)
public Colony (double density)
grid = new boolean [100] [100];
for (int row = 0 ; row < grid.length ; row++)
for (int col = 0 ; col < grid [0].length ; col++)
grid [row] [col] = Math.random () < density;
public void show (Graphics g)
for (int row = 0 ; row < grid.length ; row++)
for (int col = 0 ; col < grid [0].length ; col++)
if (grid [row] [col]) // life
g.setColor (Color.black);
g.setColor (Color.white);
g.fillRect (col * 5 + 2, row * 5 + 2, 5, 5); // draw life form
public void advance ()
答案 0 :(得分:3)
生命游戏是由John Conway于1970年设计的细胞自动机。生命,简而言之,实质上是对生命本身简单动态的模拟 - - 出生,繁殖和死亡。通过给定的种子或初始输入,Life将自行发挥作用,并根据您寻求帮助的核心规则,决定哪些细胞存活,繁殖或死亡。
查看Wikipedia page有关康威生命游戏的规则:
- 任何活着的邻居少于两个的活细胞都会死亡,好像是由于人口不足造成的。
- 任何有两三个活邻居的活细胞都会留在下一代。
- 任何有三个以上活着的邻居的活细胞都会死亡,就像人口过多一样。
- 任何有三个活着的邻居的死细胞都会成为活细胞,好像通过繁殖一样。
/ else
public boolean live (int row, int column)
// If the cell we're checking is currently alive
if (grid[row][col]) // This is equal to: "if (grid[row][col] == true)"
// Check if fewer than two live neighbors exist
if (neighborCheck(row, column) < 2)
// Cell dies due to under-population.
return false;
// Check if two or three live neighbors exist
if (neighborCheck(row, column) <= 3)
// Cell lives.
return true;
// Check if more than three live neighbors exist
if (neighborCheck(row, column) > 3)
// Cell dies due to over-population.
return false;
// If the cell we're checking is currently dead
// Check if cell has exactly three neighbors
if (neighborCheck(row, column) == 3)
// Cell becomes alive.
return true;
)的单元格终生。如果它是活的(如果grid[row][column] == true
在每次检查中,我都写了一个neighborCheck()调用。这是一种方法(尚未编写),它将检查给定单元格周围的每个 8个邻居并返回生活邻居的数量。
这张图片:( http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/images/life_rules.gif)很好地说明了细胞与其邻居之间的关系。以下是neighborCheck()
private int neighborCheck(int row, int column)
// Iterate through each neighbor, count the living ones, and return it
...add your code here.
要遍历每个邻居,您需要以数学方式计算每个单元格相对于当前单元格的位置。我会让你为此编写代码,但请记住,你是在二维工作。例如,左上角邻居在行号中减1 ,在列号中减1 到当前单元格({{1 }, top-middle 邻居在行号中减1 但在列号(grid[row - 1][column - 1]