
时间:2015-12-28 00:06:52

标签: vb.net bit-manipulation bytearray bitwise-operators bit-shift

我正在使用Visual Studio 2015在vb.net中编写程序。我试图弄清楚如何修改16位整数中的各个位。数字数据类型的字节顺序是小印度语,如下所示:

  • 原产地(2位)
  • 已标记(1位)
  • 可寻址(1位)
  • 协议(12位)
Field:  [ origin ] [tagged] [addressable] [protocol]
Bits:    16 15      14       13            12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

在下面的示例代码中,我试图弄清楚如何在变量" i"中设置原点,标记,可寻址和协议。这是一个16位整数。

  Dim i As UInt16 = 0
  Dim origin As Byte = 0          ' Message origin indicator
  Dim tagged As Byte = 0          ' Determines usage of the Frame Address target field (0 or 1)
  Dim addressable As Byte = 0     ' Message includes a target address (0 or 1)
  Dim protocol As UInt16 = 1024   ' Protocol number: must be 1024 (decimal)

任何人都可以提供一个vb.net示例,说明如何更新变量" i"这样它包含原点,标记,可寻址和协议的位值?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Dim tagged As Byte = 1          ' Determines usage of the Frame Address target field (0 or 1)
Dim addressable As Byte = 1     ' Message includes a target address (0 or 1)
Dim protocol As UInt16 = 1026   ' Protocol number: must be 1024 (decimal)

sendbuf(0) = sendbuf(0) or tagged ' bit 0
sendbuf(0) = sendbuf(0) or (addressable << 1) ' bit 1
sendbuf(0) = sendbuf(0) or ((protocol << 2) and 255) ' first 6 bits of protocol

sendbuf(1) = sendbuf(1) or (protocol >> 6) ' next 6 bits of protocol

您可能需要对其进行调整 - 我没有按照链接进行操作,因此我不能完全确定哪些位应该放在哪里(有14位适合2个字节)。 / p>

答案 1 :(得分:0)

使用枚举中的二进制值映射位值。 1 = 1,2 = 10,4 = 100等。然后您可以使用枚举分配变量。您还可以将值组合到新的枚举中(请参阅ProtocolX)。


    ' switch bits on 1, 5, 13, 14, 16
    i = FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit1 + FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit5 +
        FrameSectionEnum.AddressableBit13 +
        FrameSectionEnum.TaggedBit14 + FrameSectionEnum.OriginBit16


    ' switch bits on 2 and 3 using a combined value. preserve other bits
    i = SetOn(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolX)


    ' switch bits off 1 and 5
    i = SetOff(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit1 + FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit5)



Function CheckBit(i As Integer, bit As FrameSectionEnum) As Integer
    Return If((i And bit) = bit, 1, 0)
End Function


Function SetOn(i As Integer, bit As FrameSectionEnum) As Integer
    Return i Or bit
End Function


Function SetOff(i As Integer, bit As FrameSectionEnum) As Integer
    Return i And (Not bit)
End Function


Module Module1

    Enum FrameSectionEnum
        ProtocolBit1 = 1
        ProtocolBit2 = 2
        ProtocolBit3 = 4
        ProtocolBit4 = 8
        ProtocolBit5 = 16
        ProtocolBit6 = 32
        ProtocolBit7 = 64
        ProtocolBit8 = 128
        ProtocolBit9 = 256
        ProtocolBit10 = 512
        ProtocolBit11 = 1024
        ProtocolBit12 = 2048

        AddressableBit13 = 4096

        TaggedBit14 = 8192

        OriginBit15 = 16384
        OriginBit16 = 32768

        ProtocolX = ProtocolBit2 + ProtocolBit3
    End Enum

    Sub Main()

        Dim i As UInt16 = 0
        ' switch bits on 1, 5, 13, 14, 16
        i = FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit1 + FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit5 +
            FrameSectionEnum.AddressableBit13 +
            FrameSectionEnum.TaggedBit14 + FrameSectionEnum.OriginBit16

        ' switch bits on 2 and 3 using a combined value. preserve other bits
        i = SetOn(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolX)

        ' switch bits off 1 and 5
        i = SetOff(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit1 + FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit5)


    End Sub

    Function SetOn(i As Integer, bit As FrameSectionEnum) As Integer
        Return i Or bit
    End Function

    Function SetOff(i As Integer, bit As FrameSectionEnum) As Integer
        Return i And (Not bit)
    End Function

    Function CheckBit(i As Integer, bit As FrameSectionEnum) As Integer
        Return If((i And bit) = bit, 1, 0)
    End Function

    Sub PrintBits(i As Integer)

        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.OriginBit16))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.OriginBit15))

        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.TaggedBit14))

        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.AddressableBit13))

        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit12))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit11))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit10))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit9))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit8))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit7))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit6))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit5))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit4))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit3))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit2))
        Console.Write(CheckBit(i, FrameSectionEnum.ProtocolBit1))


    End Sub

End Module

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Field:  [ origin ] [tagged] [addressable] [protocol]
Bits:    15 14      13       12            11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


origin << 14

taggedaddressable字段需要分别向左移位13位和12位,这可以通过相同的方式完成。 protocol字段已经在正确的位置,因此不需要移位。它们都可以与Or运算符组合在一起,如下所示:

i = (origin << 14) Or (tagged << 13) Or (addressable << 12) Or protocol



Dim i As UInt16
Dim origin As UInt16 = 0
Dim tagged As UInt16 = 0
Dim addressable As UInt16 = 0
Dim protocol As UInt16 = 1024

i = (origin << 14) Or (tagged << 13) Or (addressable << 12) Or protocol


Dim i As UInt16 = 0
Dim origin As Byte = 0
Dim tagged As Byte = 0
Dim addressable As Byte = 0
Dim protocol As UInt16 = 1024

i = (CType(origin, UInt16) << 14) Or (CType(tagged, UInt16) << 13) Or (CType(addressable, UInt16) << 12) Or protocol
