我对swift& amp; Xcode和我在XCode中使用基本的“选项卡式”应用程序模板,我正在尝试实现MBCalendarKit以在第一个选项卡视图上显示日历。我正在使用Cocoapods作为MBCalendar工具包。 Basic选项卡式应用程序以以下文件开头:
“您可以显示CKCalendarView的实例。如果您想手动管理视图层次结构或更好地控制日历视图,请使用此实例。” :
render: function() {
return (
<form onSubmit={this.props.onTextSubmit}>
Here's how you'd show a CKCalendarView from within a view controller.
It's just four easy steps.
// 0. In either case, import CalendarKit:
#import "CalendarKit/CalendarKit.h"
// 1. Instantiate a CKCalendarView
CKCalendarView *calendar = [CKCalendarView new];
// 2. Optionally, set up the datasource and delegates
[calendar setDelegate:self];
[calendar setDataSource:self];
// 3. Present the calendar
[[self view] addSubview:calendar];
import UIKit
import MBCalendarKit
class FirstViewController: CKCalendarViewController, CKCalendarViewDataSource {
var data : NSMutableDictionary
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
data = NSMutableDictionary()
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override init(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: NSBundle?) {
self.data = NSMutableDictionary()
super.init(nibName: nibNameOrNil, bundle: nibBundleOrNil)
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
// Step 0 : Wire up the data source and delegate
self.delegate = self
self.dataSource = self
// Step 1 : Define some test events
let title : NSString = NSLocalizedString("Some random event", comment: "")
let date : NSDate = NSDate(day: 20, month: 12, year: 2015)
let event : CKCalendarEvent = CKCalendarEvent(title: title as String, andDate: date, andInfo: nil)
// Step 2 : Add the events to the cache array
self.data[date] = [event]
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
// MARK: - CKCalendarDataSource
func calendarView(calendarView: CKCalendarView!, eventsForDate date: NSDate!) -> [AnyObject]! {
return self.data.objectForKey(date) as! [AnyObject]!
// MARK: - Navigation
// In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little preparation before navigation
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
// Get the new view controller using segue.destinationViewController.
// Pass the selected object to the new view controller.