
时间:2015-12-15 23:06:21

标签: r graphics heatmap


 UserID    R F      M Rsegment Fsegment Msegment Total_Score
1  10609  984 3 318.78        2        4        4         244
2  10922  648 1 184.26        5        2        3         523
3  11300 1022 1  91.02        2        2        2         222
4  11400  864 5 851.73        3        5        5         355
5  11487  797 1 147.22        3        2        3         323
6  11762 1042 1  32.31        1        2        1         121

我想使用R(新近度),F(频率)和M(货币)列来制作热图,就像下面enter image description here下面的图像一样

我用过" plotly"打包并编写此代码,但收到此错误

# minimal value for n is 3, returning requested palette with 3 different levels
plot_ly(z = rfm_table[,c(5,6,4)]
        x = c("1","2","3","4","5"), y =c("1","2","3","4","5"),
       type = "heatmap")


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我从未使用过包 情节 或其任何功能。以下是替代解决方案,包括最适合我的解决方案(来自封装晶格)。


d1 <- data.frame(UserID = factor(rep(paste("id", 1:10), 50, sep = "")),
                 RR = factor(rep(1:5, 100)),
                 FF = factor(rep(1:5, each = 100)),
                 MM = round(1000*rnorm(500), 2))
table(d1$R, d1$F)

# Means of groups, long format
d.l <- aggregate(x = d1$M,
                 by = list(RR = d1$RR,
                           FF = d1$FF),
                 FUN = mean)

# Same data, wide format
d.w <- reshape(data = d.l,
               idvar = "RR",
               timevar = "FF",
               direction = "wide")
mm <- as.matrix(d.w[, -1])
colnames(mm) <- 1:5

使用颜色键绘制热图 选项1:使用默认的 热图 功能

        Rowv = NA,
        Colv = NA,
        xlab = "FF",
        ylab = "RR",
        main = "XXX")

enter image description here


选项2(我最喜欢的):使用 lattice

          xlab = "FF",
          ylab = "RR",
          main = "XXX",
          col.regions = heat.colors)

enter image description here

选项3:使用包 gplots

          Rowv = F,
          Colv = F,
          density.info = "none",
          trace = "none",
          xlab = "FF",
          ylab = "RR",
          main = "XXX")

enter image description here

选项4:使用 ggplots 我不打算编写代码,但你可以看到它here

答案 1 :(得分:2)

z来电中的plot_ly应该是一个矩阵,每个行 - 列对都对应xy值。

rfm_table <- read.table(text="
  UserID    R F      M Rsegment Fsegment Msegment Total_Score
  10609  984 3 318.78        2        4        4         244
  10922  648 1 184.26        5        2        3         523
  11300 1022 1  91.02        2        2        2         222
  11400  864 5 851.73        3        5        5         355
  11487  797 1 147.22        3        2        3         323
  11762 1042 1  32.31        1        2        1         121",
  header = TRUE)
df <- expand.grid(lapply(rfm_table[, 5:6], function(x) sort(unique(x))))
df <- merge(df, rfm_table[, 4:6], by = c("Rsegment", "Fsegment"), all.x = TRUE)
df <- df[order(df$Rsegment, df$Fsegment), ]
z <- matrix(df$M, nrow = length(unique(df$Rsegment)))
plot_ly(z = z, x = sort(unique(df[[1]])), y = sort(unique(df[[2]])),
        type = "heatmap")