
时间:2015-12-14 22:07:32

标签: assembly masm


.model flat, stdcall

includelib msvcrt.lib
extern exit: proc
extern printf: proc
extern scanf: proc
extern fscanf: proc
extern fprintf: proc
extern fopen: proc
extern fclose: proc

public start


  type_read db "r",0

  type_write db "w", 0

  destination db "destination.txt",0      ;name of destination file
  fscanf_format db "%lld",0 
  fprintf_format db "%lld",0

  msg_start db "Source file path:",0

  source dd 0  ;name of source file
  source_format db "%s", 0
  block64 dq 0
  pointer_source db 0
  pointer_destination dd 0


    mov eax,0
    push offset msg_start
    call printf
    add esp,4

    ; read name source file
    push  offset source
    push offset source_format
    call scanf
    add esp,8

    ; open source file
    push offset type_read
    push offset sursa
    call fopen
    add esp,8
    mov pointer_source,eax  ;save source pointer eax

    ; open destination file
    push offset type_write
    push offset destination
    call fopen
    add esp,8
    mov pointer_destination,ebx

    ;file reading
    push    offset block64           ;offset of qword variable
    push    offset fscanf_format     ;format string "%lld",0
    push    pointer_source            ;file pointer
    call    fscanf
    add     esp,16

    ;i tried to write what i've read to file destination.txt but i am not sure how to
    pop     ebx
    sub     esp,8

    cmp eax,0ffffffffh;end of file?
    je finish
    end reading

    push 0
    call exit
    end finish

end start

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

更新,问题从64位块更改为64字节块,显然是由第三人(请参阅问题后的评论,或查看编辑历史记录)。下面两个例子,一个用于使用fscanf / fprintf的64位,一个用于使用fread / fwrite的64字节块。


使用Microsoft masm(ml.exe)进行64位拷贝的工作示例。

block64 dd      0,0                     ;two dd's for 64 bits
pointer_source dd 0                     ;source FILE * value
pointer_destination dd 0                ;dest   FILE * value

msg_start   db "Source file path:",0
source      db "                "       ;name of source file (read in)
destination db "destination.txt",0      ;name of destination file
fscanf_format db "%lld",0 
fprintf_format db "%lld",10,0           ;added new line
source_format db "%s", 0
type_read db "r",0
type_write db "w", 0
        ; ...
        push    offset msg_start
        call    printf
        add     esp,4

        ; read name source file
        push    offset source
        push    offset source_format
        call    scanf
        add     esp,8

        ; open source file
        push    offset type_read
        push    offset source
        call    fopen
        add     esp,8
        mov     pointer_source,eax      ;save source FILE *

        ; open destination file
        push    offset type_write
        push    offset destination
        call    fopen
        add     esp,8
        mov     pointer_destination,eax ;save destination FILE *

        push    offset block64
        push    offset fscanf_format
        mov     eax,pointer_source      ;push file pointer value
        push    eax
        call    fscanf
        add     esp,12                  ;restore esp
        cmp     eax,0ffffffffh          ;br if end of file
        je      finish
        mov     eax,block64+4           ;push 64 bit block
        push    eax                     ;   
        mov     eax,block64             ;
        push    eax                     ;
        push    offset fprintf_format   ;push ptr to format string
        mov     eax,pointer_destination ;push file pointer value
        push    eax                     ;
        call    fprintf                 ;print value
        add     esp,16                  ;restore esp
        jmp     short reading           ;short is optional
        mov     eax,pointer_destination ;push file pointer value
        push    eax                     ;
        call    fclose                  ;close file
        add     esp,4
        mov     eax,pointer_source      ;push file pointer value
        push    eax
        call    fclose                  ;close file
        add     esp,4
        push    dword ptr 0             ;(masm needs dword ptr)
        call    exit


block64 db      64 dup (0)              ;64 byte buffer
pointer_source dd 0                     ;source FILE * value
pointer_destination dd 0                ;dest   FILE * value

msg_start   db "Source file path:",0
source      db "                "       ;name of source file (read in)
destination db "destination.txt",0      ;name of destination file
source_format db "%s", 0
type_read db "rb",0                     ;read binary
type_write db "wb", 0                   ;write binary
        ; ...
        push    offset msg_start
        call    printf
        add     esp,4

        ; read name source file
        push    offset source
        push    offset source_format
        call    scanf
        add     esp,8

        ; open source file
        push    offset type_read
        push    offset source
        call    fopen
        add     esp,8
        mov     pointer_source,eax      ;save source FILE *

        ; open destination file
        push    offset type_write
        push    offset destination
        call    fopen
        add     esp,8
        mov     pointer_destination,eax ;save destination FILE *

        mov     eax,pointer_source      ;push FILE * value
        push    eax
        push    dword ptr 64            ;count
        push    dword ptr 1             ;size
        push    offset block64          ;ptr to buffer
        call    fread                   ;read 64 bytes (or less)
        add     esp,16                  ;restore esp
        test    eax,eax                 ;br if end file
        je      finish
        mov     ebx,pointer_destination ;push file pointer value (ebx)
        push    ebx                     ;
        push    eax                     ;count
        push    dword ptr 1             ;size
        push    offset block64          ;ptr to buffer
        call    fwrite                  ;write 64 bytes (or less)
        add     esp,16                  ;restore esp
        jmp     short reading           ;short is optional
        mov     eax,pointer_destination ;push file pointer value
        push    eax                     ;
        call    fclose                  ;close file
        add     esp,4
        mov     eax,pointer_source      ;push file pointer value
        push    eax
        call    fclose                  ;close file
        add     esp,4
        push    dword ptr 0
        call    exit