
时间:2015-12-06 18:17:45

标签: c linux pointers struct


Allocating: 3000 bytes
Finding a block...
Iter: 0, Block: 19931136, Size: 5000, Usage: 1
Iter: 1, Block: -767770784, Size: 4500, Usage: 1
Iter: 2, Block: -767766240, Size: 4000, Usage: 1
Iter: 3, Block: -767762208, Size: 2920, Usage: 0
Iter: 4, Block: 19947676, Size: 3500, Usage: 1
Iter: 5, Block: -767775280, Size: 16000, Usage: 0
Splitting a block... (b->nb = 0)
Memory allocation policy: first fit
Total number of bytes allocated: 20200
Total free space in bytes: 15880
Largest contiguous free space in bytes: 12960
Total number of heap extensions: 2
Allocating: 2500 bytes
Finding a block...
Iter: 0, Block: 19931136, Size: 5000, Usage: 1
Iter: 1, Block: -767770784, Size: 4500, Usage: 1
Iter: 2, Block: -767766240, Size: 4000, Usage: 1
Iter: 3, Block: -767762208, Size: 2920, Usage: 0
Splitting a block... (b->nb = 19947676)
Memory allocation policy: first fit
Total number of bytes allocated: 22740
Total free space in bytes: 13340
Largest contiguous free space in bytes: 12960
Total number of heap extensions: 2
Allocating: 2000 bytes
Finding a block...
Iter: 0, Block: 19931136, Size: 5000, Usage: 1
Iter: 1, Block: -767770784, Size: 4500, Usage: 1
Iter: 2, Block: -767766240, Size: 4000, Usage: 1
Iter: 3, Block: -767762208, Size: 2500, Usage: 1
Iter: 4, Block: -767759664, Size: 0, Usage: 0
Iter: 5, Block: -1006104535, Size: -2390907, Usage: -84361856
Segmentation fault

我添加了迭代打印,以显示代码在通过链接列表使用第一个匹配策略搜索时所经历的阶段。 "块:"显示内存中该块的给定地址。 b-> nb跟随"分裂块..."显示下一个块的地址的实际值,该地址在拆分之前从原始未拆分块中拉出。如果仔细观察分段错误之前的迭代5,可以看到块地址是" -1006104535"什么时候应该是" 19947676"。


typedef struct block_t{
    int usage;              // Is block free or in use
    size_t size;            // Size of block
    void *previousBlock;    // Ptr to last block
    void *nextBlock;        // Ptr to next block
    char data[1];           // Data space of block

} block_t;


// Function for splitting block into free and used block
void splitBlock(block_t* block, int size){

    block_t* newBlock;

    char *str[80];
    char buffer[(int)block->size - size];

    newBlock = (block_t*) buffer;

 sprintf(str, "Splitting a block... (b->nb = %d)", (int*) block-  >nextBlock);

    // Intialize new block
    newBlock->usage = 0;
    newBlock->size = block->size - (size_t) size; 
    newBlock->previousBlock = (void*) block;
    newBlock->nextBlock = block->nextBlock;

    // Edit old block
    block->nextBlock = (void*) newBlock;

    totalNumBytesAllocated += size;
    totalFreeSpace -= size;


} // End splitBlock

我可以帮助我发现问题的任何帮助将不胜感激。我觉得逻辑是合理的,但是对于我正在使用的指针或我正在操作的堆,可能有一些我不理解的东西。应该注意的是,我理解seg错误问题是因为我的搜索是在一个不起眼的位置寻找下一个块,所以我知道这是一个指针问题,一旦它被解决,就不会发生seg错误。 / p>

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