时间:2015-12-03 04:34:41

标签: assembly readfile masm

这里的问题是我必须在MASM中找到斐波那契系列达到给定限制。我必须从文件中读取该限制。例如,存储在名为" Test.txt"


 .model small
    msg0 db 'enter the filename $'
    msg1 db 'file found $'
    msg2 db 'file not found $'
    msg3 db 'file read successfull $'
    msg4 db 'file read not successfull $'
    newline db 10,13,'$'
    limit dw ?
    filename db 50 dup(?)
    filedata db 50 dup(?)
    pointerpos db 100 dup(?) 
    print macro msg
    push ax
    push dx

    mov ah,09h
    mov dx,offset msg
    int 21h

    pop dx
    pop ax

    print msg0
    mov si,offset filename
    call readstring
    mov dx,offset filename
    mov al,00h
    mov ah,3dh
    int 21h
    jc failed
    print msg1
    mov bx,ax

    mov al,00h
    mov dx,offset pointerpos
    mov ah,42h
    int 21h 
    jc failed3

    mov dx,offset filedata
    mov cx,1
    mov ah,3fh
    int 21h
    jc failed1
    print newline
    print msg3

    mov si,offset filedata
    call readlimit
    mov ax,limit
    call display
   failed: print newline
           print msg2

   failed1: print newline
            print msg4
   failed3: print newline

  readstring proc near
    push ax
    push si

  l1:     mov ah,01h
    int 21h
    cmp al,0dh
    je skip
    mov [si],al
    inc si
    jmp l1

  skip:   mov al,0h
    mov [si],al
    pop si
    pop ax
  readstring endp

  readlimit proc near
    push ax
    push bx
    push cx
    push dx   
    mov bx,0
    mov cx,10     

  l2:     mov al,[si]
    cmp al,'0'
    jb last
    cmp al,'9'
    ja last
    sub al,30h
    mov ah,0
    push ax
    mov ax,bx
    mul cx
    mov bx,ax
    pop ax
    add bx,ax

   last:   mov limit,bx
    pop dx
    pop cx
    pop bx
    pop ax
   readlimit endp

   display proc near
    push ax
    push bx
    push cx
    push dx
    mov bx,10
    mov cx,0

  l5:     mov dx,0
    div bx
    cmp ax,0
    je l4
    inc cx
    push dx
    jmp l5

   l4:     pop dx
    add dl,30h
    mov ah,02h
    int 21h
    loop l4     ;decrement cl by 1 and check if cl==0
   pop dx
   pop cx
   pop bx
   pop ax
  display endp  



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您的代码看起来没问题,直到文件被打开为止 从这里开始,目前还不清楚你要做什么。您将 pointerpos 定义为100字节的缓冲区,但我不明白为什么!它不应该只是一个包含你刚刚打开的文件中的偏移量的双字吗?


mov al,00h
mov dx,offset pointerpos
mov ah,42h
int 21h 
jc failed3

Seek 功能要求您在CX:DX中传递文件偏移量 如果是您的示例值 5 放在文件的第一个字节中,然后CX和DX都必须设置为零。


pointerpos   dd 0
mov al, 00h
mov dx, [pointerpos]
mov cx, [pointerpos+2]
; handle already in BX
mov ah, 42h
int 21h 
jc failed3

我还在 display 例程中发现了一个错误。您需要确保至少完成1次推送,否则程序将崩溃! 更改您的代码

 mov dx,0
 div bx
 cmp ax,0
 je l4
 inc cx
 push dx
 jmp l5

 mov dx,0
 div bx
 inc cx
 push dx
 cmp ax,0
 jne l5