A screenshot that represents the problem.
* This code is placed within the CardView class
* in the touchedMoved:touches:withEvent method.
// Dictates the rotation strength based on the distance from center and card width.
let rotationStrength = min(self.distanceFromCenter.x / CGRectGetWidth(self.bounds), CardView.rotationMax)
// Degree change in radians.
let rotationAngle = CardView.rotationAngle * rotationStrength
// Amount the height/width changes when you move the card up to a certain point.
let scaleStrength = 1 - ((1 - CardView.scaleMin) * fabs(rotationStrength))
let scale = max(scaleStrength, CardView.scaleMin)
// Transformation to rotate by certain amount.
let rotationTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(rotationAngle)
// Transformation to scale by a certain amount.
let scaleAndRotationTransform = CGAffineTransformScale(rotationTransform, scale, scale)
// Apply transformations.
self.transform = scaleAndRotationTransform
有什么建议吗?我有点卡在这里! :)