
时间:2015-11-26 01:37:03

标签: java filereader

我是堆栈溢出的新用户..好吧所以我正在做一个ATM Java程序..我的问题是,我很难弄清楚如何制作一个<我的customers.txt ..



An ATM that accesses a bank.

public class ATM
public static final int CHECKING = 1;
public static final int SAVINGS = 2;

private int state;
private int customerNumber;
private Customer currentCustomer;
private BankAccount currentAccount;
private Bank theBank;

public static final int START = 1;
public static final int PIN = 2;
public static final int ACCOUNT = 3;
public static final int TRANSACT = 4;

    Construct an ATM for a given bank.
    @param aBank the bank to which this ATM connects

public ATM (Bank aBank)
    theBank = aBank;

    Resets the ATM to the initial state

public void reset()
    customerNumber = -1;
    currentAccount = null;
    state = START;

    Sets the current customer number and sets state to PIN.
    (Precondition: state is START)
    @param number the customer number

public void setCustomerNumber (int number)
    assert state == START;
    customerNumber = number;
    state = PIN;

    Finds customer in bank. If found, sets state to ACCOUNT, else to START
    (Precondition: state is PIN)
    @param pin the PIN of the current customer

public void selectCustomer (int pin)
    assert state == PIN;
    currentCustomer = theBank.findCustomer (customerNumber, pin);

    if (currentCustomer == null)
        state = START;
        state = ACCOUNT;

    Sets current account to checking or savings. Sets state to TRANSACT.
    (Precondition: state is ACCOUNT or TRANSACT)
    @param account one of CHECKING or SAVINGS

public void selectAccount (int account)
    assert state == ACCOUNT || state == TRANSACT;

    if (account == CHECKING )
        currentAccount = currentCustomer.getCheckingAccount ();
        currentAccount = currentCustomer.getSavingsAccount();
    state = TRANSACT;

    Withdraws amount from current account.
    (Precondition state is TRANSACT)
    @param value the amount to withdraw

public void withdraw (double value)
    assert state == TRANSACT;

    Deposits amount to current account.
    (Prcondition: state is TRANSACT)
    @param value the amount to deposit

public void deposit (double value)
    assert state == TRANSACT;
    currentAccount.deposit (value);

    Gets the balance of the current account.
    (Precondition: state is TRANSACT)
    @return the balance

public double getBalance()
    assert state == TRANSACT;
    return currentAccount.getBalance();

    Moves back to previous state

public void back ()
    if (state == TRANSACT)
        state = ACCOUNT;
    else if (state == ACCOUNT)
        state = PIN;
    else if (state == PIN)
        state = START;

    Gets the current state of this ATM.
    @return the currnt state

public int getState ()
    return state;


A bank customer with a checking and a savings account.

public class Customer
private int customerNumber;
private int pin;
private BankAccount checkingAccount;
private BankAccount savingsAccount;

    Construct a customer with a given number and PIN.
    @param aNumber the customer number
    @param aPin the personal identification number

public Customer (int aNumber, int aPin)
    customerNumber = aNumber;
    pin = aPin;
    checkingAccount = new BankAccount();
    savingsAccount = new BankAccount();

    Test if this customer matches a customer number and PIN
    @param aNumber a customer number
    @param aPin a personal identification number
    @return true if the customer number and PIN match

public boolean match (int aNumber, int aPin)
    return customerNumber == aNumber && pin == aPin;

    Gets the checking account of this customer
    @return the checking account

public BankAccount getCheckingAccount()
    return checkingAccount;

    Get the savings account of this customer
    @return checking account

public BankAccount getSavingsAccount()
    return savingsAccount;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

A bank contains customer with bank accounts

public class Bank
private ArrayList<Customer> customers;

    Construct a bank with no customers

public Bank()
    customers = new ArrayList<Customer> ();

    Reads the customer numbers and pins
    and initializes the bank accounts
    @param filename the name of the customer file

public void readCustomers(String filename)
    throws IOException
    Scanner in = new Scanner (new File(filename));

    while (in.hasNext())
        int number = in.nextInt();
        int pin = in.nextInt();
        Customer c = new Customer (number, pin);
        addCustomer (c);

    Adds a customer to the bank.
    @param c the customer to add

public void addCustomer (Customer c)

    Find a customer in the bank.
    @param aNumber a customer number
    @param aPin a personal identification number
    @return the matching customer, or null if no customer matches

public Customer findCustomer (int aNumber, int aPin)
    for (Customer c : customers)
        if (c.match(aNumber, aPin))
            return c;
    return null;


A bank account has a balance that can be changed by deposits and withdrawals
public class BankAccount
private int accountNumber;
private double balance;

    Counstruct a bank account with a zero balance.
    @param anAccountNumber the account number for this account

public BankAccount(){}

public BankAccount(int anAccountNumber)
    accountNumber = anAccountNumber;
    balance = 0;

    Construct a bank account with a given balance.
    @param anAccountNumber the account number for this account
    @param initialBalance the initial balance
public BankAccount(int anAccountNumber, double initialBalance)
    accountNumber = anAccountNumber;
    balance = initialBalance;

    Gets the account number of this bank account.
    @return the account number
public int getAccountNumber()
    return accountNumber;

    Deposits money into bank account
    @param amount the amount to deposit
public void deposit (double amount)
    double newBalance = balance + amount;
    balance = newBalance;

    Withdraws money from the bank account.
    @param amount the amount to withdraw
public void withdraw(double amount)
    double newBalance = balance - amount;
    balance = newBalance;

    Gets the current balance of the bank account.
    @return the current balance
public double getBalance()
    return balance;


import java.util.Scanner;

    A text based simulation of an automatic teller machine.

public class ATMSimulator
    public static void main (String [] args)
    ATM theATM;

        Bank theBank = new Bank ();
        theATM = new ATM (theBank);

    catch (IOException e)
        System.out.println ("Error opening accounts file.");

    Scanner in= new Scanner (;

    while (true)
        int state = theATM.getState();
        if (state == ATM.START)
            System.out.print ("Enter customer number: ");
            int number = in.nextInt();

        else if (state == ATM.PIN)
            System.out.println ("Enter PIN: ");
            int pin = in.nextInt();
            theATM.setCustomerNumber (pin);

        else if (state == ATM.ACCOUNT )
            System.out.print ("A = Checking, B = Savings, C = Quit: ");
            String command =;

            if (command.equalsIgnoreCase ("A"))
                theATM.selectAccount (ATM.CHECKING);
            else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase ("B"))
                theATM.selectAccount (ATM.SAVINGS);
            else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase ("C"))
                System.out.println ("Illegal input!");

        else if (state == ATM.TRANSACT)
            System.out.println ("Balance = " + theATM.getBalance());
            System.out.print ("A = Deposit, B = Withdrawal, C = Cancel: ");
            String command =;

            if (command.equalsIgnoreCase ("A"))
                System.out.print ("Amount: ");
                double amount = in.nextDouble();
                theATM.deposit (amount);

        else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase ("B"))
            System.out.print ("Amount: ");
            double amount = in.nextDouble();
            theATM.withdraw (amount);

        else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase ("C"))

            System.out.println ("Illegal input!");

我创建了customers.txt文件,但输出错误 ..请帮帮我

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



try( BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("filename.txt"))){  
   String line;
   while((line = br.readLine()) != null){

}catch(IOException e}{


try( BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader({  
   String line;
   while((line = br.readLine()) != null){

}catch(IOException e}{

要在控制台中指示输入结束,请使用ctrl + z

答案 1 :(得分:0)

嘿所以你在方法readCustomer中传递的文本文件的路径不是正确的路径。所以你可以做的是在路径中输入src和package名称,如下所示:&#34; src / packageName / customer.txt&#34;


"dependencies": {
    "@angular/core": "2.0.1",
    "@angular/platform-server": "2.0.1",
