
时间:2015-11-19 09:04:22

标签: javascript php fullcalendar


if ($icon==1) { print "<i class='ace-icon fa fa-check-circle green bigger-250'></i>"; }
if ($icon==2) { print "<i class='ace-icon fa fa-times-circle red bigger-250'></i>"; }
if ($icon==3) { print "<i class='ace-icon fa fa-clock-o blue bigger-250'></i>"; }
if ($icon==4) { print "<i class='ace-icon fa fa-check-circle yellow bigger-250'></i>"; }



            // ------------------------- TIMETABLE-ANZEIGE -------------------------
            print "<div class='col-sm-12'>";
            print "<br /><br />";
            print "<div class='main-container' id='main-container'>\n";
            print " <div class='row'>\n";
            print "     <div id='calendar'></div>\n";
            print " </div>\n";
            print "</div><!-- /.main-container -->\n";

            print "<!-- page specific plugin scripts -->\n";
            print "<script src='./bootstrap/assets/js/jquery-ui.custom.js'></script>\n";
            print "<script src='./bootstrap/assets/js/jquery.ui.touch-punch.js'></script>\n";
            print "<script src='./bootstrap/assets/js/date-time/moment.js'></script>\n";
            print "<script src='./bootstrap/assets/js/fullcalendar.js'></script>\n";
            print "<script src='./bootstrap/assets/js/bootbox.js'></script>\n";

            // initialize the external events


            <!-- inline scripts related to this page -->
            <script type="text/javascript">
                jQuery(function($) {

            /* initialize the external events

            $('#external-events div.external-event').each(function() {

                // create an Event Object (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_data/Event_Object/)
                // it doesn't need to have a start or end
                var eventObject = {
                    title: $.trim($(this).text()) // use the element's text as the event title

                // store the Event Object in the DOM element so we can get to it later
                $(this).data('eventObject', eventObject);

                // make the event draggable using jQuery UI
                    zIndex: 999,
                    revert: true,      // will cause the event to go back to its
                    revertDuration: 0  //  original position after the drag

            /* initialize the calendar

            print "var date = new Date();\n";
            print "var d = date.getDate();\n";
            print "var m = date.getMonth()-1;\n";
            print "var y = date.getFullYear();\n";
            print "var unixTimestamp = Date.now(); // in milliseconds;"


            var calendar = $('#calendar').fullCalendar({
                //isRTL: true,

                 buttonHtml: {
                    prev: '<i class="ace-icon fa fa-chevron-left"></i>',
                    next: '<i class="ace-icon fa fa-chevron-right"></i>'

                header: {
                    left: 'prev,next today',
                    center: 'title',
                    right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
                print "events: [\n";

                for ($x=0;$x<count($dates["id"]);$x++) {
                    print "  {\n";
                    print " id: '".$dates["id"][$x]."',\n";
                    print " title: '[".$dates["type"][$x]."] ".$dates["title"][$x]."',\n";
                    print " start: new Date(".date("Y",$dates["start"][$x]).", ".(date("n", $dates["start"][$x]) - 1).", ".date("j",$dates["start"][$x]).", ".date("G",$dates["start"][$x]).", ".date("i",$dates["start"][$x]).",0,0),\n";
                    print " end: new Date(".date("Y",$dates["end"][$x]+1).", ".(date("n", $dates["end"][$x]+1) - 1).", ".date("j",$dates["end"][$x]+1).", ".date("G",$dates["end"][$x]+1).", ".date("i",($dates["end"][$x]+1)).",0,0),\n";
                    print " allDay: false,\n";
                    print "durationEditable : false,\n";
                    print "draggable : false,\n";
                    print " className: 'label-info',\n";

                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="A") { print "backgroundColor: '#3399FF',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="C") { print "backgroundColor: '#0000FF',\n textColor: '#FFFFFF',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="SE") { print "backgroundColor: '#0099FF',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="SAC") { print "backgroundColor: '#0099FF',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="SD") { print "backgroundColor: '#66DDFF',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="PM") { print "backgroundColor: '#33CC66',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="AM") { print "backgroundColor: '#FFFF66',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="S") { print "backgroundColor: '#FF3333',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="SM") { print "backgroundColor: '#FF6600',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="SS") { print "backgroundColor: '#990033',\n textColor: '#FFFFFF',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="MJ") { print "backgroundColor: '#CCCCCC',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="PR") { print "backgroundColor: '#CCCCCC',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="XA") { print "backgroundColor: '#CCCCCC',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="XC") { print "backgroundColor: '#CCCCCC',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="XAC") { print "backgroundColor: '#CCCCCC',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="XPM") { print "backgroundColor: '#CCCCCC',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }
                    if ($dates["type"][$x]=="XAM") { print "backgroundColor: '#CCCCCC',\n textColor: '#333333',\n"; }

                    if ($x<(count($dates["id"])-1)) {
                        print "  },\n";
                    } else {
                        print "  }\n";

                print "]\n";
                timeFormat: 'h:mm'
                disableDragging: true,
                editable: false,
                droppable: false, // this allows things to be dropped onto the calendar !!!
                drop: function(date, allDay) { // this function is called when something is dropped

                    // retrieve the dropped element's stored Event Object
                    var originalEventObject = $(this).data('eventObject');
                    var $extraEventClass = $(this).attr('data-class');

                    // we need to copy it, so that multiple events don't have a reference to the same object
                    var copiedEventObject = $.extend({}, originalEventObject);

                    // assign it the date that was reported
                    copiedEventObject.start = date;
                    copiedEventObject.allDay = allDay;
                    if($extraEventClass) copiedEventObject['className'] = [$extraEventClass];

                    // render the event on the calendar
                    // the last `true` argument determines if the event "sticks" (http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_rendering/renderEvent/)
                    $('#calendar').fullCalendar('renderEvent', copiedEventObject, true);

                    // is the "remove after drop" checkbox checked?
                    if ($('#drop-remove').is(':checked')) {
                        // if so, remove the element from the "Draggable Events" list

                selectable: true,
                selectHelper: true,
                select: function(start, end, allDay) {

                eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {

                        show: 'true'


                    // change the border color just for fun
                    //$(this).css('border-color', 'red');




            print "<script language='JavaScript'>\n";

            print "function loadContent(pcal_id) {\n";
//              print "$('#date_content_box').modal('hide');\n";
                print "var url = 'index.php?func=mycalendar&show_pcal=' + pcal_id + '&sid=$sid';\n";
                print "document.getElementById('date_content_box_body').innerHTML = ('<p>loading details...</p>');\n";
                print "$('#date_content_box_body').load(url);\n";
            print "}\n";

            print "function loadEditContent(pcal_id) {\n";
                print "var url = 'index.php?func=mycalendar&edit_pcal=' + pcal_id + '&sid=$sid';\n";
                print "document.getElementById('edit_date_content_box_body').innerHTML = ('<p>loading details...</p>');\n";
                print "$('#edit_date_content_box_body').load(url);\n";
                print "$('#edit_date_content_box').modal({\n";
                print " show: 'true'\n";
                print "});\n";
            print "}\n";

            print "function loadDateReport(pcal_id,cstate,aid,pers_id) {\n";
                print "var url = 'index.php?func=datereport&id=' + pcal_id + '&cstate=' + cstate + '&aid=' + aid + '&pers_id=' + pers_id + '&src=$func&sid=$sid';\n";
                print "document.getElementById('datereport_content_box_body').innerHTML = ('<p>loading details...</p>');\n";
                print "$('#datereport_content_box_body').load(url);\n";
                print "$('#datereport_content_box').modal({\n";
                print " show: 'true'\n";
                print "});\n";
            print "}\n";

            print "</script>\n";

                        print "</div>"; // Ende Widget-Main
                    print "</div>"; // Ende Widget-Body
                print "</div>";  // Ende Widget-Box
            print "</div>"; // Ende Column 12
            print "</div>"; // Ende Column 12


谢谢, 克里斯

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

制作事件数组时,您可以设置自定义属性,例如event.icon =&#39; fa-times-circle&#39;然后使用eventRender


    defaultDate: '2015-11-01',
    events: [{
        start: '2015-11-01',
        end: '2015-11-03',
        title: 'test fa-check-circle',
        icon: 'fa-check-circle'
    }, {
        start: '2015-11-05',
        end: '2015-11-10',
        title: 'testing fa-clock-o',
        icon: 'fa-clock-o'
    }, {
        start: '2015-11-11',
        end: '2015-11-15',
        title: 'testing fa-times-circle',
        icon: 'fa-times-circle'
    eventRender: function (event, element, view) {
        var i = document.createElement('i');
        // Add all your other classes here that are common, for demo just 'fa'
        i.className = 'fa'; /*'ace-icon fa yellow bigger-250'*/
        // If you want it inline with title
        // If you want it on a line before
        // element.prepend(i);
        // Or the next line after title