
时间:2015-11-18 21:37:49

标签: r


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


# returns a sequence of Business Month Ends between two inputs (inclusive)
# or for the one input

GetBizMonthEndFor <- function(dateChar1, dateChar2 = dateChar1){
  # generate the sequence of month starts
  dateChar <- seq(floor_date(as.Date(dateChar1), unit = "month"), 
                  floor_date(as.Date(dateChar2), unit = "month"), 
                  by = "month")
  # add a month to each sequence element and subtract a day           
  dateChar <- dateChar  + months(1) - days(1)
  # if the day is saturday or sunday, subtract a day or two to hit the 
  # previous friday
  dateChar[wday(dateChar) == 1] <- dateChar[wday(dateChar) == 1] - days(2)
  dateChar[wday(dateChar) == 7] <- dateChar[wday(dateChar) == 7] - days(1)

# returns a sequence of Business Month Starts between two inputs (inclusive)
# or for the one input
GetBizMonthStartFor <- function(dateChar1, dateChar2 = dateChar1){
  # generate the sequence of month starts
  dateChar <- seq(floor_date(as.Date(dateChar1), unit = "month"), 
                  floor_date(as.Date(dateChar2), unit = "month"), 
                  by = "month")
  # January 1 is a holiday, so if the month start is january 1, make
  # January 2 the business month start
  dateChar[month(dateChar) == 1 & day(dateChar) == 1] <- 
      dateChar[month(dateChar) == 1 & day(dateChar) == 1] + days(1)
  # If the day is a saturday or sunday, add a day or two to hit the next
  # monday
  dateChar[wday(dateChar) == 1] <- dateChar[wday(dateChar) == 1] + days(1)
  dateChar[wday(dateChar) == 7] <- dateChar[wday(dateChar) == 7] + days(2)



> GetBizMonthEndFor("2015-01-12", "2015-10-12")
[1] "2015-01-30" "2015-02-27" "2015-03-31" "2015-04-30" "2015-05-29" "2015-06-30"
[7] "2015-07-31" "2015-08-31" "2015-09-30" "2015-10-30"


> GetBizMonthStartFor("2015-11-01")
[1] "2015-11-02"