
时间:2015-11-14 00:25:24

标签: java file java.util.scanner

所以我有一个文件,其中包含所有的总统 - 他们的名字,中间名首字母(如果有的话)和姓氏。




public class NameSearch {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        try {
            // read from presidents file
            Scanner presidentsFile = new Scanner(new File("Presidents.txt"));
            // scanner for user input
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
            // create array list of each line in presidents file
            ArrayList<String> presidentsArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();

            // prompt user to enter a string to see if it matches with a president's name
            System.out.println("Enter a search string of letters to find a president match: ");
            // store user input
            String userInput = keyboard.nextLine();

            // add president file info to array list linesInPresidentFile
            while (presidentsFile.hasNextLine()) {
            } // end while loop

            String presidentNamesArray[] = presidentsArrayList.toArray(new String[presidentsArrayList.size()]);
            String results = searchArray(presidentNamesArray, userInput);

            //System.out.println("\nThe presidents who have \"" + userInput + "\" as part of their name are: ");

        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            // print out error (if any) to screen

        } // end catch block

    } // end main

    // method to search for a specific value in an array
    public static String searchArray(String array[], String value) {

        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            if (array[i].toLowerCase().contains(value.toLowerCase())) {
                String splitter[] = array[i].split(" ,");

        return Arrays.toString(array);





void linkedList::swapTwoAdjacent(int num1, int num2) {
    node *temp1, *temp2, *temp3;

    temp1 = head;
    temp2 = temp1->next;

    if (head == NULL) {
        cout << "List is empty" << endl;
    else if (head->next == NULL) {
        cout << "Swap not possible! List has only one node." << endl;

    else if (temp1->data == num1 && temp2->data == num2) {      // if the nodes to swap are the first two nodes
                head->next = temp2->next;   // make the next of head point to the third node
                temp2->next = head;         // make the next of the second node point to head
                head = temp2;               // now make the second node the head

    else {
        node *tempHolder1, *tempHolder2, *tempHolder3;  // holders for nodes in temps to make swapping easier

        // go through nodes in the list with three pointers
        // temp1->temp2->temp3
        // I'm using three pointers so that I always know the node before the two nodes I'm looking for

        for (temp1 = head, temp2 = temp1->next, temp3 = temp2->next; temp3 != NULL; temp1 = temp1->next, temp2 = temp1->next, temp3 = temp2->next) {
            // cout << "IN FOR" << endl;

            if (temp2->data == num1 && temp3->data == num2) { // if the two nodes are found

                // these are just placeholders to make swapping easier

                tempHolder1 = temp1;    // now temp1 is the node before the two nodes I want to swap
                tempHolder2 = temp2;    // temp2 is the first node
                tempHolder3 = temp3;    // temp3 is the second node

                temp1->next = tempHolder2->next;        // make the first node point to the third node
                temp2->next = tempHolder3->next;        // make the second node point to what's after the third node
                temp3->next = tempHolder2;              // make the third node point to the second node



            else {



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


//define your class like this:
static int i; //to keep a track of number of objects
public class dummy{
string fname;
string lname;
string year;

while the file content exists:
read the line
dummy dobj[i++] = new dummy();//allocate memory for the object 
split the different parameters (fname, lname, year) from the read line
put these read parameters into the object 
dobj[i].fname = first;
dobj[i].lname = second;
dobj[i].year = y;

//ask your user to enter the query in a specified format
//if he enters lname, compare your input to all the object's lname, and so on
//in case of lname && fname, compare your input to the lname first and then check for the corresponding objects fname, if they match.. display


答案 1 :(得分:0)

您可能在使用名字和姓氏搜索时遇到问题的原因是您必须准确匹配您的输入(当然忽略大小写)。我的意思是如果您使用George Washington作为输入,则您的程序将找不到George,Washington,(1789-1797)行的匹配项。这是因为您的程序将George Washington视为一个字符串。注意:输入缺少逗号,因此不会将其视为George,Washington,(1789-1797)的子字符串。如果您使用George,Washington作为输入字符串,那么您的程序将打印乔治华盛顿线。您的程序只搜索输入字符串是否是文件中任何行的子字符串。它不会专门搜索名字或姓氏。如果您使用in作为输入字符串,那么您将获得与 gton中的George Wash D. Roosevelt中的Frankl 匹配。


public static String searchArray(String array[], String value) {
    // Uses both blank spaces and commas as delimiters
    String[] terms = value.toLowerCase().Split("[ ,]"); 

    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        String line = array[i].toLowerCase();
        boolean printIfAllMatch = true;
        boolean printIfAtLeastOneMatches = false;
        for(int j = 0 ; j < terms.length; j++) {
            // Check that all terms are contained in the line
            printIfAllMatch &= line.Contains(terms[j]); 
            // Check that at least one term is in the line
            printIfAtLeastOneMatches |= line.Contains(terms[j]); 

        String splitter[] = array[i].split(" ,");
        if (printIfAllMatch) {
        if(printIfAtLeastOneMatches) {

    //I'm not sure why you're returning the original array as a string
    //I would think it would make more sense to return an Array of filtered data.
    return Arrays.toString(array);
