
时间:2015-11-10 23:08:59

标签: sql oracle pivot


id(INT), user_id(INT) & dateCreated(DATE)


id(INT), trip_id(INT), field(VARCHAR) & value(VARCHAR) 

其中字段是&#39; smartbox.destination &#39;&#39; smartbox.dateFrom &#39;,&#39; < em> smartbox.dateTo &#39;,&#39; smartbox.numberOfPeople &#39;值列是varchar。 但是,让我们说用户更改目的地并保存此更改,在trip表中创建一条新记录,并在tripDetails表中创建一条记录(更新后的目的地)


user_id, trip_id, destination, dateFrom, dateTo, numberOfPeople, givenDay(DATE)


我已经设置了一个sqlfiddle here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  • tripDetails.value列已声明为not null
  • 您的SQL客户端会询问您givenDate
  • 的值
  • 以(完全)格式yyyy-mm-dd
  • 为查询提供您的指定日期


with pivot$ as (
        U.id as user_id, T.id as trip_id, max(T.dateCreated) as trip_date,
        max(decode(TD.field, 'smartbox.destination', TD.value)) as trip_destination,
        max(decode(TD.field, 'smartbox.dateFrom', TD.value)) as trip_date_from,
        max(decode(TD.field, 'smartbox.dateTo', TD.value)) as trip_date_to,
        max(decode(TD.field, 'smartbox.numberOfPeople', TD.value)) as trip_no_of_people
    from users U
        join trips T
            on T.user_id = U.id
        join tripDetails TD
            on TD.trip_id = T.id
            and TD.field in ('smartbox.destination', 'smartbox.dateFrom', 'smartbox.dateTo', 'smartbox.numberOfPeople')
    where T.dateCreated <= date'&givenDate'
    group by U.id, T.id
resolve_versioning$ as (
    select user_id, trip_id, trip_date,
        first_value(trip_destination) ignore nulls over (partition by user_id order by trip_date desc rows between current row and unbounded following) as trip_destination,
        first_value(trip_date_from) ignore nulls over (partition by user_id order by trip_date desc rows between current row and unbounded following) as trip_date_from,
        first_value(trip_date_to) ignore nulls over (partition by user_id order by trip_date desc rows between current row and unbounded following) as trip_date_to,
        first_value(trip_no_of_people) ignore nulls over (partition by user_id order by trip_date desc rows between current row and unbounded following) as trip_no_of_people,
        row_number() over (partition by user_id order by trip_date desc) as relevance$
    from pivot$
select user_id, trip_id,
    trip_destination, trip_date_from, trip_date_to, trip_no_of_people,
    date'&givenDate' as given_date
from resolve_versioning$
where relevance$ <= 1


  • pivot$子查询将您的键/值对非规范化为更宽的行,trip_id作为数据集的逻辑主键,当没有键/值对时,有效地保留列NULL trip_id。 (顺便说一句,这是tripDetails.value列的非可空性对查询成功至关重要的地方)
  • resolve_versioning$子查询利用first_value()分析函数,处理用户(partition by user_id)的所有行程的每个单独行程详细信息,找到第一个(first_value })相应旅行细节的非NULL(ignore nulls)值,从“最年轻”的旅行日期回溯到较旧的日期(order by trip_date desc)...或者,如果你看另一个然后,它会按行程日期的顺序查找行程详细信息的最后一个非NULL值。
  • rows between current row and unbounded following是一种“神奇”,是正确处理特定分析order by窗口所必需的。 (Read here for an explanation.
  • 整个row_number() over (partition by user_id order by trip_date desc)只是将所有结果行从1向上编号,其中1被分配到行程日期排序中的“最年轻”行。然后,在最外面的选择中,整个结果被过滤以仅显示最年轻的行(relevance$ <= 1)。
