Customer_ID Order_ID Product_Sub-Category Product Name
=========== ======== ==================== ============
A00001 20001A Vegetables Onions
A00001 20001A Vegetables Garlic
A00002 20001B Fruits Apples
A00002 20001B Fruits Oranges
A00002 20001B Vegetables Spinach
A00003 20001C Dairy Milk
A00003 20001C Dairy Cheese
A00004 20001D Meats Lamb Chops
A00004 20001D Meats T-bone Steak
A00004 20001D Dairy Yoghurt
A00004 20001D Fruits Grapes
A00004 20001D Vegetables Garlic
Customer_ID Order_ID Vegetables Fruits Dairy Meats
=========== ======== ========== ====== ===== =====
A00001 20001A Onions, Garlic
A00002 20001B Spinach Apples, Oranges
A00003 20001C Milk, Cheese
A00004 20001D Garlic Grapes Yoghurt Lamb Chops, T-bone Steak
答案 0 :(得分:0)
编辑 - 为性能添加了选择区别
Declare @SQL varchar(max) = Stuff((Select Distinct ',' + QuoteName([Product_Sub-Category]) From YourTable Order by 1 For XML Path('')),1,1,'')
Select @SQL = '
Select [Customer_ID],[Order_ID],' + @SQL + '
From (
Select A.Customer_ID
From (Select Distinct Customer_ID,Order_ID,[Product_Sub-Category] From YourTable) A
Cross Apply (
Select String=Stuff((Select Distinct '','' +[Product Name]
From YourTable
Where Customer_ID = A.Customer_ID
and Order_ID = A.Order_ID
and [Product_Sub-Category] = A.[Product_Sub-Category]
For XML Path ('''')),1,1,'''')
) C
) A
Pivot (Max(String) For [Product_Sub-Category] in (' + @SQL + ') ) p'
Select [Customer_ID],[Order_ID],[Dairy],[Fruits],[Meats],[Vegetables]
From (
Select A.Customer_ID
From (Select Distinct Customer_ID,Order_ID,[Product_Sub-Category] From YourTable) A
Cross Apply (
Select String=Stuff((Select Distinct ',' +[Product Name]
From YourTable
Where Customer_ID=A.Customer_ID
and Order_ID=A.Order_ID
and [Product_Sub-Category]=A.[Product_Sub-Category]
For XML Path ('')),1,1,'')
) C
) A
Pivot (Max(String) For [Product_Sub-Category] in ([Dairy],[Fruits],[Meats],[Vegetables]) ) p