
时间:2015-11-05 21:12:16

标签: vhdl hdl intel-fpga quartus

我正在尝试在Altera DE1-SoC板上设计一个基本的自动售货机。我的问题来自于试图编写控制自动售货过程的状态机。你如何跟踪在州之间跳跃的$值?我认为我试图实现的代码是用更高级的语言格式编写的,并且无法用VHDL编译。有什么想法吗?



错误(10482):State.vhd(21)处的VHDL错误:对象“unsignedInteger”   使用但未声明

library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
    use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
    use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

    entity MessageState is
        Reset          :in   std_logic; -- reset to a safe state
        MyStateOut  :out    std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0 ); -- drive the current state to display or LEDs 
        OutputCode  :out    std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0 ) -- to the display driver 


    architecture Vending_FSM of MessageState is

    signal Count: unsignedInteger(8 downto 0);

    -- we define a data type to represent the states. Use descriptive names
    -- add more lines for more states. Change the size of MyState as needed
    subtype MyState is std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

    constant Idle          :MyState := "000";
    constant NickelState  :MyState := "001";
    constant DimeState    :MyState := "010";
    constant QuarterState :MyState := "011";
    constant Dispense       :MyState := "100";

    signal state, next_state: MyState;


    MyStateOut <= state; -- make state visible.

    MyNextState: process(state, next_state) begin -- add all signals read or tested in this process

        case state is

        when Idle =>

            if ( KEY(0) = '1') then
                next_state <= NickelState;

            elsif ( KEY(1) = '1') then
                next_state <= DimeState;

            elsif ( KEY(2) = '1') then
                next_state <= QuarterState;

                next_state <= Idle; -- default action
                Count <= (others => '0');

            end if; 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

1)删除use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;,因为numeric_std已加载。它声明了SIGNEDUNSIGNED数据类型。
