我在Windows Server 2003(IIS6)上运行ColdFusion 8.0.1(带有修补程序4)。作为旁注,我使用Java 1.6u21作为ColdFusion的JVM。
答案 0 :(得分:13)
的文件。您可能希望先备份。<var name="interval"><string>300</string></var>
。这是任务运行之间的秒数。这是几秒钟,所以您可以手动将其调整为30,然后保存文件并关闭它。 这仍然会在CF管理员中显示为1分钟,但它应该每30秒运行一次 - 如果您愿意,请添加日志以证明它!
如果您使用CF admin编辑任何其他计划任务,那么手动更改将不受影响,但如果您编辑实际任务,则手动调整它将覆盖您的更改。
答案 1 :(得分:6)
答案 2 :(得分:2)
答案 3 :(得分:1)
我发现我无法使用列出的xml修改方法作为答案,因为我们使用的是CF 9.0.1,并且在我更改之后xml几乎会立即恢复。
以下是我用于测试的代码,格式化为回答提问者的30秒间隔。我使用了一个side log-management cfc以我可以保存和重新访问的方式输出调试。
<cfsetting requestTimeOut = "120000">
/* Get starting count to keep track of overall running time */
Start = GetTickCount();
/* Set an ID for this process so I know */
thisProcess = CreateUUID();
counter = 0;
/* Set up a log-file-handler object.
* I will use the log lines to keep track of this process
* and whether or not it steps on itself.
* */
LogWriter = CreateObject('component','log.LogMgr').init('C:\Logs\');
LogFile = 'Test\30SecondTestLog';
LogWriter.WriteToLog('Information',LogFile,'#thisProcess# __ Started');
<cfloop condition="Counter LT 4">
<!--- Output here is if you want to run it manually --->
<br /><cfdump var="#counter#">
<!--- Here you could put a cfhttp or similar trigger.
In my test I just used an update to a test DB table.
The catch here is that you don't want it to take too
long to get to the next steps, so you want to avoid
a long-running process that has to return something.
<cfquery datasource="Marge" name="update">
Update test..testCount
Set CountField = CountField + 1
counter += 1;
LogWriter.WriteToLog('Information',LogFile,'#thisProcess# __ #counter# - Written');
/* Important part! Here is where the 30-second delay
* happens. However, we don't want to dally if this is
* the last time running it.
* */
if(counter NEQ 4){ sleep(30000); }
<!--- Time to output finishing details --->
<br />Done. <br />
<cfset End = GetTickCount()>
<cfdump var="#End - Start#">
<cfset LogWriter.WriteToLog('Information',LogFile,'#thisProcess# __ Done - Time: #End - Start#')>
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfset LogWriter.WriteToLog('Error',LogFile,'#thisProcess# __ #counter# - #cfcatch.message#')>
variables.LogHome = '';
<cffunction name="init" raturntype="LogMgr">
<cfargument name="LogHome" type="string">
<cfset variables.LogHome = arguments.LogHome>
<cfreturn this>
<!--- I wanted to use WriteLog, but that function name is already used in core CF --->
<cffunction name="WriteToLog" returntype="void" hint="writes to a log file.">
<cfargument name="LogType" type="string" hint="Based off cflog, expects severity level: Information, Warning, Error, or Fatal">
<cfargument name="LogPath" type="string" hint="Path and file from log root">
<cfargument name="LogString" type="string" hint="String to output in log">
theFile = variables.LogHome & '\' & arguments.LogPath & '.log';
theString = arguments.LogType & chr(9) & DateFormat(Now(),'mm/dd/yyyy')& ' ' & TimeFormat(Now(),'HH:mm:ss');
theString &= ' ' & arguments.LogString;
<cfif FileExists(theFile)>
<cffile action="append"
<cffile action="write"
资讯02/26/2013 15:29:00 F1E76BAE-C29A-208A-7B14339FD6B9B8D5 __开始 信息02/26/2013 15:29:00 F1E76BAE-C29A-208A-7B14339FD6B9B8D5 __ 1 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:29:30 F1E76BAE-C29A-208A-7B14339FD6B9B8D5 __ 2 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:30:00 F1E76BAE-C29A-208A-7B14339FD6B9B8D5 __ 3 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:30:30 F1E76BAE-C29A-208A-7B14339FD6B9B8D5 __ 4 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:30:30 F1E76BAE-C29A-208A-7B14339FD6B9B8D5 __完成 - 时间:90123 信息02/26/2013 15:31:00 F1F9B64D-C29A-208A-73CEACA04A02F544 __开始 信息02/26/2013 15:31:00 F1F9B64D-C29A-208A-73CEACA04A02F544 __ 1 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:31:30 F1F9B64D-C29A-208A-73CEACA04A02F544 __ 2 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:32:00 F1F9B64D-C29A-208A-73CEACA04A02F544 __ 3 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:32:30 F1F9B64D-C29A-208A-73CEACA04A02F544 __ 4 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:32:30 F1F9B64D-C29A-208A-73CEACA04A02F544 __完成 - 时间:90053 信息02/26/2013 15:33:00 F20C0329-C29A-208A-79C8C0D4C1E1FDFF __开始 信息02/26/2013 15:33:00 F20C0329-C29A-208A-79C8C0D4C1E1FDFF __ 1 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:33:30 F20C0329-C29A-208A-79C8C0D4C1E1FDFF __ 2 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:34:00 F20C0329-C29A-208A-79C8C0D4C1E1FDFF __ 3 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:34:30 F20C0329-C29A-208A-79C8C0D4C1E1FDFF __ 4 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:34:30 F20C0329-C29A-208A-79C8C0D4C1E1FDFF __完成 - 时间:90054 信息02/26/2013 15:35:00 F21E5001-C29A-208A-744291B2817D7702 __开始 信息02/26/2013 15:35:00 F21E5001-C29A-208A-744291B2817D7702 __ 1 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:35:30 F21E5001-C29A-208A-744291B2817D7702 __ 2 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:36:00 F21E5001-C29A-208A-744291B2817D7702 __ 3 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:36:30 F21E5001-C29A-208A-744291B2817D7702 __ 4 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:36:30 F21E5001-C29A-208A-744291B2817D7702 __完成 - 时间:90029 信息02/26/2013 15:37:00 F2309E2F-C29A-208A-7D6A5A2D1CA7D9EF __已开始 信息02/26/2013 15:37:00 F2309E2F-C29A-208A-7D6A5A2D1CA7D9EF __ 1 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:37:30 F2309E2F-C29A-208A-7D6A5A2D1CA7D9EF __ 2 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:38:00 F2309E2F-C29A-208A-7D6A5A2D1CA7D9EF __ 3 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:38:30 F2309E2F-C29A-208A-7D6A5A2D1CA7D9EF __ 4 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:38:30 F2309E2F-C29A-208A-7D6A5A2D1CA7D9EF __完成 - 时间:90013 信息02/26/2013 15:39:00 F242ED34-C29A-208A-7952DA25AF0C446D __开始 信息02/26/2013 15:39:00 F242ED34-C29A-208A-7952DA25AF0C446D __ 1 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:39:30 F242ED34-C29A-208A-7952DA25AF0C446D __ 2 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:40:00 F242ED34-C29A-208A-7952DA25AF0C446D __ 3 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:40:30 F242ED34-C29A-208A-7952DA25AF0C446D __ 4 - 书面 信息02/26/2013 15:40:30 F242ED34-C29A-208A-7952DA25AF0C446D __完成 - 时间:90045
答案 4 :(得分:1)
Ciaran Archer对答案的评论不够,所以我会把它放在这里:
正如Kodora指出的那样,使用ColdFusion 9.0.1(在我的情况下为9.0.1.274733),更改将不立即生效,似乎需要重新启动服务。但是,在重新启动时,您对neo-cron.xml文件的更改将丢失!
值得注意的是,在Windows Server 2008 R2(可能更高版本)上,您可能需要以管理员身份打开记事本,然后在记事本中打开neo-cron.xml文件。否则,您可能无法将更改保存到文件中(由于UAC,我相信)。
答案 5 :(得分:0)
<!--- creates/updates the scheduled task you are going to run --->
<cfschedule action="update" task="testing" interval="seconds" operation="HTTPRequest" startdate="7/6/2012" starttime="11:06 AM" URL="yoursite.com">
<!--- runs the task you just updated (the part that makes the task repeat on your specified interval instead. If you do not include this, the task will run only once as it did in @sergii's case--->
<cfschedule action="run" task="testing">