如果它不匹配,则表示视频仍在播放,我将进行新的屏幕捕获,将再次通过while循环进行比较。 如果匹配,则表示视频已停止并将退出while循环。
它首次通过循环时有效。 while循环返回null,表示视频正在播放。但是,在它第二次循环时,它将退出while循环并告诉我我的视频已经停止,但它显然没有。
// Get dimensions of the bounding rectangle of the specified window
WinDef.HWND hwnd = User32.INSTANCE.GetForegroundWindow();
WinDef.RECT dimensions = new WinDef.RECT();
// Get screen coordinates of upper-left and lower-right corners of the window in dimensions
User32.INSTANCE.GetWindowRect(hwnd, dimensions);
Rectangle window = new Rectangle(dimensions.toRectangle());
int x = window.x;
int y = window.y;
int width = window.width;
int height = window.height;
// Initialize screen region for Sikuli to match
Region region = new Region(x, y, width, height);
Robot robot;
Image image;
Pattern p;
try {
robot = new Robot(); // Gets and saves a reference to a new Robot object
} catch (AWTException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Failed to initialize robot...");
robot.delay(3000); // Delay robot for 3 seconds
// Take a screen capture of the region
BufferedImage capture = robot.createScreenCapture(dimensions.toRectangle());
image = new Image(capture);
p = new Pattern(image);
region.wait(1.0); // Wait 1 second
// Check if region content is still the same
while (region.exists(p.similar((float) 0.99), 0) == null) {
System.out.println("Video is playing");
// Take a new screen capture of the region
BufferedImage captureLoop = robot.createScreenCapture(dimensions.toRectangle());
image = new Image(captureLoop);
p = new Pattern(image);
region.wait(1.0); // Wait 1 second
System.out.println("Video has stopped");
答案 0 :(得分:0)
不使用while (region.exists(p.similar((float) 0.99), 0) == null)
,而是使用while (region.compare(image).getScore() == 1.0)