我有一个非常基本的散点图,显示了地球上影响最大的陨石坑。 y轴是直径,x是年龄。
int rowNumber; //set rowNumber as an integer
int dataWH = 10; //data width/height
int row = 0;
Table craterWiki = loadTable("craterWiki.tsv"); //loads and parses tsv data into rows and columns
String craterLink = craterWiki.getString(row, 5);
PFont font;
PFont fontTitle;
void setup() {
size(1120, 920);
rowNumber = craterWiki.getRowCount(); //number of rows
font = loadFont("CourierNewPSMT-14.vlw");
fontTitle = loadFont("CourierNewPSMT-18.vlw");
void draw() {
textFont (font, 14);
textSize(14); //deafult font size
fill(180, 200);
int vertx = 45; // location of y-axis title on x
int verty = 460; // location of y-axis title on y
int headx = 560; // location of header on x
int heady = 50; // location of header on y
int infox = 560; // location of crater info on x
int infoy = 400; // location of crater info on y
// x-axis setup (crater age)
line(100, 830, 1024, 830); // x-axis line
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // loops x-axis data in 16 increments
text (i*150, i * 60 + 100, 850); // 16 increments of 150, spacing between each increment, and location of the chain
textFont (fontTitle, 18);
text("Crater Age (million years)", 560, 885);
// y-axis setup (crater diameter)
textFont (font, 14);
line(100, 80, 100, 830); // y-axis line
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // loops y-axis data in 16 increments
text (i*20, 80, 830-i*49); //16 increments of 20, spacing between each increment, and location of the chain
pushMatrix(); //reset matrix stack
translate(vertx,verty); //location of y-axis title
rotate(-HALF_PI); //make text vertical
textFont (fontTitle, 18);
text("Crater Diameter (km)", 0, 0);
pushMatrix(); //reset matrix stack
translate(headx,heady); //location of header title
textFont (fontTitle, 18);
text(" Largest Impact Craters on Earth", 0, 0);
textFont (font, 14);
// data point draw loop
for (int row = 0; row < rowNumber; row++) {
// define/load table again
Table craterWiki = loadTable("craterWiki.tsv");
// crater names displayed above data point and in center
gString craterName = craterWiki.getString(row, 0);
// crater location displayed in center
String craterLocation = craterWiki.getString(row, 1);
// crater size displayed in center
String craterCountry = craterWiki.getString(row, 2);
String craterLink = craterWiki.getString(row, 5);
// crater size displayed in center
float craterSize = craterWiki.getFloat(row, 3);
float y = map(craterSize, 0, 300, 825, 100);
// crater age displayed in center
float craterAge = craterWiki.getFloat(row, 4);
float x = map(craterAge, 0, 2250, 100, 1024);
// data point ellipse based off of the actual diameter of the crater (craterSize)
fill(#FFBA00, 180);
ellipse(x, y, dataWH*craterSize/45, dataWH*craterSize/45);
// mouse interaction
fill(180, 200);
// when mouse is over the craterSize ellipse display the text below
if(dist(x, y, mouseX, mouseY) < (dataWH*craterSize/45)) {
text( "Crater Name: " + craterName, 0, 0);
text( "Location: " + craterLocation, 0 , 60);
text( "Country: " + craterCountry, 0 , 80);
text( "Age: " + craterAge +" million years", 0 , 40);
text( "Diameter: " + craterSize + "km", 0 , 20);
//second ellipse is also created when the mouse is over the craterSize ellipse
int dataWH = 12;
text(craterName, x, y - dataWH*craterSize/90 - 5);
fill(#FFD564, 180);
ellipse(x, y, dataWH*craterSize/45, dataWH*craterSize/45);
// if mouse pressed display crater wiki page
void mousePressed() {
答案 0 :(得分:1)
void mousePressed() {