# a function that calculates the correlation between moving averages for
different lengths of window
# the input functions are "independent": the variable over which to apply the
moving function
# "dependent": the output column, "startLength": the shortest window length,
"endLength" the longest window length
# "functionType": the function to apply (mean, sd, etc.)
MovingAverageCorrelation <- function(indepedent, depedent, startLength, endLength, functionType) {
# declare an matrix for the different rolling functions and a correlation vector
avgMat <- matrix(nrow = length(depedent), ncol = (endLength-startLength+1))
corVector <- rep(NA, ncol(avgMat))
# run the rollapply function over the data and calculate the corresponding correlations
for (i in startLength:endLength) {
avgMat[, i] <- rollapply(indepedent, width = i, FUN = functionType,
na.rm = T, fill = NA, align = "right")
corVector[i] <- cor(avgMat[, i], depedent, use = "complete.obs")
# set test data
indVector <- runif(1000)
depVector <- runif(1000)
# run the function over the data
cor <- MovingAverageCorrelation(indVector, depVector, 1, 100, "mean")
答案 0 :(得分:2)
sapply(1:100, function(i) cor(rollapplyr(indVector, i, mean, na.rm = TRUE, fill = NA),
depVector, use = "complete.obs"))
sapply(1:100, function(i) cor(rollmeanr(indVector, i, fill = NA), depVector, use = "comp"))