时间:2010-07-26 00:28:53

标签: sql-server tsql week-number bugtracker.net

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--These 2 "declared" variables would be passed in somehow
declare @WeekNumber int = DATEPART(wk, GETDATE())
declare @ForYear int = YEAR(GETDATE())-1

--Since we don't have a raw date to work with, I figured I could just start with 
--Jan 1 of that year.  I'll store that date in a cte here, but if you are doing this
--in a stored proc or function, it would make much more sense to use another @variable
;with x as
    --this method works in SQL 2008:
    SELECT CONVERT(DateTime, ('1/1/' + CONVERT(varchar, @ForYear))) as Jan1ForSelectedYear
    --If you are using 2014 or higher, you can use this instead:
    --DATETIME2FROMPARTS(@ForYear, 1, 1, 0,0,0,0,0)
--Now that we have a date to work with, we'll just add the number of weeks to that date
--That will bring us to the right week number of the given year.
--Once we have THAT date, we can get the beginning and ending of that week
--Sorry to make you scroll, but I think this is easier to see what is going on this way
SELECT  CONVERT(varchar(50), DateAdd(wk, (@WeekNumber - 1), (DATEADD(dd, @@DATEFIRST - DATEPART(dw, x.Jan1ForSelectedYear) - 6, x.Jan1ForSelectedYear))), 101) as FirstDayOfWeekXForSelectedYear,
        CONVERT(varchar(50), DateAdd(wk, (@WeekNumber - 1), (DATEADD(dd, @@DATEFIRST - DATEPART(dw, x.Jan1ForSelectedYear)    , x.Jan1ForSelectedYear))), 101) as LastDayOfWeekXForSelectedYear