from skimage import io
# dictionary of color codes for my rgb values
_color_codes = {
(255, 200, 100): 1,
(223, 219, 212): 2,
# get the corresponding color code for the rgb vector supplied
def replace_rgb_val(rgb_v):
rgb_triple = (rgb_v[0], rgb_v[1], rgb_v[2])
if rgb_triple in _color_codes:
return _color_codes[rgb_triple]
return -1
# function to replace, this is where I iterate
def img_array_to_single_val(arr):
return np.array([[replace_rgb_val(arr[i][j]) for j in range(arr.shape[1])] for i in range(arr.shape[0])])
# my images are square so the shape of the array is (n,n,3)
# I want to change the arrays to (n,n,1)
img_arr = io.imread(filename)
# this takes from ~5-10 seconds, too slow!
result = img_array_to_single_val(img_arr)
答案 0 :(得分:5)
def img_array_to_single_val(arr, color_codes):
result = numpy.ndarray(shape=arr.shape[:2], dtype=int)
result[:,:] = -1
for rgb, idx in color_codes.items():
result[(arr==rgb).all(2)] = idx
return result
进行比较,得到一个n x n x 3 - 布尔数组。只有当所有三个颜色部分都相同时,我们才会找到匹配项,因此.all(2)
会减少最后一个轴,使用n {n - 布尔数组,每个匹配True
def img_array_to_single_val(image, color_codes):
image = image.dot(numpy.array([65536, 256, 1], dtype='int32'))
result = numpy.ndarray(shape=image.shape, dtype=int)
result[:,:] = -1
for rgb, idx in color_codes.items():
rgb = rgb[0] * 65536 + rgb[1] * 256 + rgb[2]
result[arr==rgb] = idx
return result
color_map = numpy.ndarray(shape=(256*256*256), dtype='int32')
color_map[:] = -1
for rgb, idx in color_codes.items():
rgb = rgb[0] * 65536 + rgb[1] * 256 + rgb[2]
color_map[rgb] = idx
def img_array_to_single_val(image, color_map):
image = image.dot(numpy.array([65536, 256, 1], dtype='int32'))
return color_map[image]
答案 1 :(得分:2)
方法#1:使用NumPy's powerful broadcasting capability
# Extract color codes and their IDs from input dict
colors = np.array(_color_codes.keys())
color_ids = np.array(_color_codes.values())
# Initialize output array
result = np.empty((img_arr.shape[0],img_arr.shape[1]),dtype=int)
result[:] = -1
# Finally get the matches and accordingly set result locations
# to their respective color IDs
R,C,D = np.where((img_arr == colors[:,None,None,:]).all(3))
result[C,D] = color_ids[R]
方法#2:使用cdist from scipy.spatial.distance
可以替换approach #1
的最终步骤,如此 -
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
R,C = np.where(cdist(img_arr.reshape(-1,3),colors)==0)
result.ravel()[R] = color_ids[C]
答案 2 :(得分:1)
手动浏览每个像素并创建一个256 ** 3项目的字典只是为了得到另一个调色板对我来说似乎很奇怪,如果你没有追求你想要创建的特定效果。如果您只想将图像展平为整数值,可以使用skimage rg2gray(img)函数。这将为您提供图片亮度。
您可以使用pylabs colormaps获取另一种表示形式:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import skimage
import matplotlib.cm as cm
img = io.imread("Fox.jpg")
gray_img = skimage.color.rgb2gray(img)
plt.imshow(img, cmap=cm.Jet)