我需要在raspberry的创业公司启动一个Java应用程序, 但我无法想象如何?!
我在重新启动时将它推入crontab ...
我在main的第一行和addShutdownHook()中播放声音。 所以我可以听到每次,应用程序开始然后立即停止...
当我在CLI中启动它时,我没有这个问题! :@
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我的应用程序运行一个线程,等待键盘条目运行实时测试并在此循环中断时关闭应用程序' q',
package event;
import interfaces.ComparableShapes;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.util.Vector;
import model.ModelOne;
// import model.ModelOne.ActionEnum;
import shapes.*;
// import ui.applet.*;
// import java.awt.Graphics;
public class ShapeMouseHandler extends MouseAdapter
private ModelOne ntcModel;
// Need Variables for the upper left corner of a shape
private int upLtX;
private int upLtY;
// Create variables for the move operation
private int moveStartX;
private int moveStartY;
// These were added in version 2 rewrite to replace SelectPoint objects
private int resizeStartX;
private int resizeStartY;
private int currentClickCount; // This holds polygon x and y array index
// private int selectedXcoord; // added for remove, move, change functionality
// private int selectedYcoord; // added for remove, move, change functionality
private Shape currentShape; // for now I will hold the current shape here
private boolean dragInProgress; // On when a Drag is in progress
// All SelectPoints to be decomissioned
// private SelectPoint currentSelectPoint; // Holds the last point selected by mouse click
// private SelectPoint currentMoveStart; // Holds the starting point of a move function
// private SelectPoint currentMoveEnd; // Holds the ending point of a move function
// Next is the constructor associates a model to the listener
public ShapeMouseHandler(ModelOne mouseModel)
// Linking the passed in model to this model
this.ntcModel = mouseModel;
// This is the MouseAdapter MousePressed Method - see if mouse is clicked
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent mousePressEvent)
/* I am switching all mouse events to work with the switch statement based on
* the selected action that will give me independent functionality control for each
// Determine which shape is currently selected
currentShape = ntcModel.getSelectedShape(mousePressEvent.getX(), mousePressEvent.getY());
switch (ntcModel.getActionEnum())
case DRAW: // action = Draw
// Establish the upper left corner of the current shape
upLtX = mousePressEvent.getX();
upLtY = mousePressEvent.getY();
// Ask the model to create a starter shape
currentShape = ntcModel.createShape();
// proceed if a shape has been created - not sure how it would not be
if (currentShape != null)
// Set upper left coordinates to location of the mouse
// Now we need to set the Width and Height parameters
// If the user does not drag the mouse
if (currentShape instanceof Oval)
((Oval) currentShape).setBoundBoxWidth(50);
((Oval) currentShape).setBoundBoxHeight(50);
// Tell the model to repaint the applet or Application
break; // break for case Action = 0 (Draw)
case MOVE: // case for case Action = 1 (Move)
// Establish location of currentShape
// currentShape = ntcModel.getSelectedShape(mousePressEvent.getX(), mousePressEvent.getY());
// Establish the start point for the object move
if(currentShape == null)
// Do nothing for now - later add a message to user "Remove What"
System.out.println("\nYou have asked to move a shape but there are no shapes drawn");
if (dragInProgress == false)
// Establish a baseline for a move operation to be performed in drag event
moveStartX = mousePressEvent.getX();
moveStartY = mousePressEvent.getY();
} // close dragInProgress condition
break; // break for case Action = 1 (Move)
case RESIZE: // case for case Action = 2 (Resize)
// Establish location of currentShape
// currentShape = ntcModel.getSelectedShape(mousePressEvent.getX(), mousePressEvent.getY());
// Establish the start point for the object resize
if(currentShape == null)
// Do nothing for now - later add a message to user "Remove What"
System.out.println("\nYou have asked to resize a shape but there are no shapes drawn");
// Establish a baseline for a resize operation to be performed in drag event
resizeStartX = mousePressEvent.getX();
resizeStartY = mousePressEvent.getY();
// currentShape = ntcModel.getSelectedShape(mousePressEvent.getX(), mousePressEvent.getY());
break; // break for case Action = 2 (Resize)
case REMOVE: // case for case Action = 3 (Remove)
ntcModel.removeShapesToCompare(((ComparableShapes)currentShape)); // Added to overcome Concurrent Modification Error
// tell the applet to redraw the shapes
break; // break for case Action = 3 (Remove)
case CHANGE: // case for case Action = 4 (Change)
// System.out.println("\n***Debug - The Change Option is selected");
/* There are 4 conditions to address:
* 1) If there is no shape I cannot change a shape
* 2) If we are not in Multi Shape mode, I change the only shape present, Will still use mouse to initiate change
* 3) In Multi shape mode I need to determine what shape is selected by mouse click listener
* 3a) only one shape identified as selected, change the shape selected
* 3b) more than one shape selected - for now change them all
* The basis of the change functionality is to take the target shape and change it's
* Shape definition: Triangle, Pentagon etc. , line color and fill color based on the UI
* Ok so it took a 5 mile run for me to realize I cannot take a class triangle and turn it
* into a pentagon. So we need to retrieve the shape data, delete the old shape,
* create a new shape and give it the shape data from the last shape.
// Establish location of currentShape
// currentShape = ntcModel.getSelectedShape(mousePressEvent.getX(), mousePressEvent.getY());
if(currentShape == null)
// Do nothing for now - later add a message to user "Change What"
System.out.println("\nYou have asked to change a shape but there are no shapes drawn");
else if (currentShape != null)
// get the current mouse coordinates
// compare current mouse coordinates with shapes in Vector
Vector <ComparableShapes> shapeVector = ntcModel.getShapesToCompare();
// Get the data for the current shape so it can be used as a baseline for the new shape
int currentXOrigin = ((Shape)(currentShape)).getXorigin();
int currentYOrigin = ((Shape)(currentShape)).getYorigin();
int currentWidth = ((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).getBoundBoxWidth();
int currentHeight = ((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).getBoundBoxHeight();
// Remove the shape being changed
// Create a new shape where the old shape was just sitting
currentShape = ntcModel.getCurrentShape();
}// end of if current shape not null
// tell the applet to redraw the shapes
break; // break for case Action = 4 (Change)
} // end of switch statement
// This is the MouseAdapter mouseDragged method - see if mouse is dragged
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent dragEvent)
/* I am switching all mouse events to work with the switch statement based on
* the selected action that will give me independent functionality control for each
// This is an attempt to fix the grometric drag problem
dragInProgress = true; // This will allow me to turn off mousePressed while drag in running
switch (ntcModel.getActionEnum())
case DRAW: // action = Draw
//currentShape = ntcModel.getCurrentShape();
// proceed if a shape has been created - not sure how it would not be
if (currentShape != null)
// Check to see if we are in DRAW mode.
// if (ntcModel.getAction() == ModelOne.DRAW)
if (ntcModel.getActionEnum() == ModelOne.ActionEnum.DRAW)
// Set upper left coordinates to location of the mouse
// There is a note in the code about this allowing "rubber-banding"
currentShape.setXorigin(Math.min(upLtX, dragEvent.getX()));
currentShape.setYorigin(Math.min(upLtY, dragEvent.getY()));
// Now we need to set the Width and Height parameters
// If the user does not drag the mouse
if (currentShape instanceof Oval)
// Set ending point by mouse drag coordinates
// So here we are casting the variable currentShape into a OriginBasedShapes type
// object so we can use the OriginBasedShapes setter Methods "setXwidth and setXheight"
((Oval) currentShape).setBoundBoxWidth(Math.abs(upLtX - dragEvent.getX()));
((Oval) currentShape).setBoundBoxHeight(Math.abs(upLtY - dragEvent.getY()));
else if (currentShape instanceof BoundRectShapes)
// Set ending point by mouse drag coordinates
// So here we are casting the variable currentShape into a OriginBasedShapes type
// object so we can use the OriginBasedShapes setter Methods "setXwidth and setXheight"
// ((BoundRectShapes) currentShape).setXwidth(Math.abs(upLtX - dragEvent.getX()));
// ((BoundRectShapes) currentShape).setYheight(Math.abs(upLtY - dragEvent.getY()));
((BoundRectShapes) currentShape).setBoundBoxWidth(dragEvent.getX());
((BoundRectShapes) currentShape).setBoundBoxHeight(dragEvent.getY());
if (currentShape instanceof ArrayBasedShapes)
// Set ending point by mouse drag coordinates
// So here we are casting the variable currentShape into a ArrayBasedShapes type
// object so we can use the ArrayBasedShapes setter Methods "setXnext and setYnext"
// The idea here is we are loading a set of array click points one for x values
// and the other for y values
((ArrayBasedShapes) currentShape).setXcoords(Math.abs(upLtX - dragEvent.getX()), currentClickCount );
((ArrayBasedShapes) currentShape).setYcoords(Math.abs(upLtY - dragEvent.getY()), currentClickCount );
// Tell the model to repaint the applet or application
break; // break for case Action = 0 (Draw)
case MOVE: // case for case Action = 1 (Move)
/* Concept - click the mouse somewhere in a shape and drag it to a new location. I need to
* Capture the Mouse pressed event when the move box is selected
* Capture the mouse dragged end location when the move box is selected
* replace the starting coordinates (xStart and yStart) by adding (or subtracting) the difference
* between the mousePressed event and the mouseDragged event
* The solution will require logic that can handle all combinations of 3 x/y positions
* 1) the Current starting x/y position of the object
* 2) the Mouse pressed position (which can only be greater than 1) above
* 3) the mouse dragged to position
* In addition there are 2 scenarios:
* 1) No shape present - nothing to move
* 2) Multi shape mode - deal with shape in a vector
* After first attempt it looks like I have to retrieve the width and height and reset them
* on a move otherwise the endpoint does not move.
// System.out.println("\n***Debug - The Move Option is selected");
if(currentShape == null)
// Do nothing for now - later add a message to user "Remove What"
System.out.println("\nYou have asked to move a shape but there are no shapes drawn");
else if (currentShape != null)
// Get the starting X and Y position of the selected shape
int shapeXPosition = ((Shape)(currentShape)).getXorigin();
int shapeYPosition = ((Shape)(currentShape)).getYorigin();
// Get the width and height of the current shape so we can reuse it in the new location
int shapeWidth = ((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).getBoundBoxWidth();
int shapeHeight = ((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).getBoundBoxHeight();
// Get the end point for the move from the drag event
int moveEndX = dragEvent.getX();
int moveEndY = dragEvent.getY();
// Reposition the selected shape based on the difference between the mousePressed
// and mouseDragged events
((Shape)(currentShape)).setXorigin(shapeXPosition + (moveEndX - moveStartX));
((Shape)(currentShape)).setYorigin(shapeYPosition + (moveEndY - moveStartY));
System.out.println("*** Debug: StartX, EndX, StartY, EndY "+ moveStartX + " " + moveEndX + " " + moveStartY + " " + moveEndY);
// These next 2 lines do not work for the oval
if (currentShape instanceof Oval)
((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).setBoundBoxWidth(shapeWidth + (moveEndX - moveStartX));
((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).setBoundBoxHeight(shapeHeight + (moveEndY - moveStartY));
// tell the applet to redraw the shapes
break; // break for case Action = 1 (Move)
case RESIZE: // case for case Action = 2 (Resize)
// This is the code transplanted from GUIDemo
/* Concept - click the mouse somewhere in a shape and drag to change it's size. I need to
* Capture the Mouse pressed event when the resize box is selected
* Capture the mouse dragged end location when the resize box is selected
* replace the width and height coordinates (xSize and ySize) by adding (or subtracting) the difference
* between the mousePressed event and the mouseDragged event
* The solution will require logic that can handle all combinations of 3 x/y positions
* 1) the Current starting x/y position of the object
* 2) the Mouse pressed position (which can only be greater than 1) above
* 3) the mouse dragged to position
* In addition there are 2 scenarios:
* 1) No shape present - nothing to Resize
// System.out.println("\n***Debug - The Resize Option is selected");
if(currentShape == null)
// Do nothing for now - later add a message to user "Remove What"
System.out.println("\nYou have asked to resize a shape but there are no shapes drawn");
else if (currentShape != null)
// Look for dragpoint
// If the shape is selected change it's Width and Height
// Get the current width and Height of the selected shape
int shapeXPosition = ((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).getBoundBoxWidth();
int shapeYPosition = ((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).getBoundBoxHeight();
// Get the ending x an y position after the drag
int resizeEndX = dragEvent.getX();
int resizeEndY = dragEvent.getY();
// Reset the selected shapes width and Height based on the difference between the
// start (MousePressedEvent) and end (mouseDraggedEvent) of the drag
((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).setBoundBoxWidth(shapeXPosition + (resizeEndX - resizeStartX));
((BoundRectShapes)(currentShape)).setBoundBoxHeight(shapeYPosition + (resizeEndY - resizeStartY));
// tell the applet to redraw the shapes
break; // break for case Action = 2 (Resize)
case REMOVE: // case for case Action = 3 (Remove)
break; // break for case Action = 3 (Remove)
case CHANGE: // case for case Action = 4 (Change)
break; // break for case Action = 4 (Change)
} // end of switch statement
dragInProgress = false; // Allow mouse pressed functionality to run again
} // end mouseDragged method
// I added this because I need to chain clicks for an abstract polygon "ArrayBasedShape" and to do
// this I need the MouseEvent method getClickCount().
// This is the MouseAdapter MousePressed Method - see if mouse is clicked
//public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent releaseEvent)
// currentShape.getLineColor();
// In order to implement fill I will have to test for each individual shape type
如果是服务,或者您将应用程序置于后台,&#34;有下一个&#34;不要阻止,所以我的应用认为&#39; q&#39;是发送和关闭。
我刚刚添加了一个使用app asService的启动参数,它禁用或不禁用此等待循环..!