
时间:2015-10-16 15:39:44

标签: java class


我让salesperson班级正常工作。 Annualwages类运行,但显示“hello null”和“您的年度总薪酬为50,000美元”(这只是没有增加销售额的固定年薪)。


package annualwages;

import java.util.Scanner;

/** @author Rachael  */
class salesperson { //begins salesperson class
    int annualSales;
    String name;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int annualSales;
        String name;
        // Create a Scanner object to read input.
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System. in );

        //Get the user's name.
        System.out.print("What is your name? ");
        name = keyboard.nextLine();

        //Get the amount of annual Sales
        System.out.print("How much in sales did you make in the last year? ");
        annualSales = keyboard.nextInt();

} //ends salesperson class
package annualwages;

 * @author Laptop
public class Annualwages {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) { //begins the main method
        /**Declaration Statements */
        final double COMMISSION = 0.15;
        //Sets a fixed variable for commission earned

        final double SALARY = 50000;
        //Sets a fixed variable for Salary earned

        final double SALESTARGET = 120000;
        //Sets a fixed variable for the sales target

        double totalSales, totalWages, actualCommission, accelFactor = 1.25;
         * initializes annual Sales, total Sales, Total Wages, 
         * actual commission and acceleration factor as a double. 
         * Sets the acceleration factor to increase by 1.25. */

        salesperson sp = new salesperson();

        //Sales incentive begins at a minimum at $96,000 in sales.
        //if less than, then no commission is earned
        if (sp.annualSales <= 96000) {
            actualCommission = 0;

        // Sales incentive with $96,000 or more earns 15% commission
        else if ((sp.annualSales > 96000) && (sp.annualSales < SALESTARGET)) {
            actualCommission = COMMISSION;

        //Sales incentive increases if the sales person earns more than $120,000
        //in sales with the acceleration factor of 1.25
        else {
            actualCommission = COMMISSION * accelFactor;

        //Calculates total sales by multiplying sales and commission
        totalSales = sp.annualSales * actualCommission;

        //Calculates total wages by adding salary to total sales
        totalWages = SALARY + totalSales;

        //Display the resulting information.
        System.out.println("Hello " + sp.name);
        System.out.println("Your total annual compensation is $" + totalWages);
    } // ends main method

} // ends annual wages class

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import java.util.Scanner;

public class salesperson {

    int annualSales;
    String name;

    public salesperson(){
        // Create a Scanner object to read input.
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

        //Get the user's name.
        System.out.print("What is your name? ");

        //Get the amount of annual Sales
        System.out.print("How much in sales did you make in the last year? ");

请注意,我已从方法中删除了声明nameannualSales的内容。 在此之后,Annualwages课程中的其余代码应该正常运行。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


 int annualSales;
 String name;

应该制作&#34; public static&#34;。您也不应该在main方法中再次定义它们。

最后,您似乎没有使用IDE。下载&#34; Eclipse IDE&#34;用Java编写代码。它会让你的生活更轻松

答案 2 :(得分:1)


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