
时间:2015-10-14 23:51:09

标签: javascript html html5 canvas



我有canvas with text




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



def hangman():
    answer = raw_input('Enter a word: ') # getting the word
    guesses = 6 # number of starting guesses
    word = '[' + '-'*len(answer) + ']' # this is the string of interest to be printed
    while True:
        print word, 'You have %d guesses left' % guesses,
        if guesses == 0 or '-' not in word: break
            # game finishes if word is guessed, or guesses run out
        letter = raw_input(', enter a letter: ') # guess a letter
        guesses -= 1 # decrease number of guesses by 1 each time
        for index, char in enumerate(answer): # iterate through all letters in answer
            if letter == char: # check if guessed letter is in the answer
                wordlist = list(word) # representing the word as a list to allow mutation
                wordlist[index+1] = letter # mutate the correctly guessed letter
                word = ''.join(wordlist) # recombining the list into a string


context.textAlign='left';  // this is the default to align horizontally to the left
context.textBaseline='top';  // text will be aligned vertically to the top


// set the font size and font face before measuring
context.font='14px verdana';
var textWidth=context.measureText('Hello').width;


var lineHeight=fontsizeInPixels * 1.286;

// get references to canvas and context
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var fontsize = 14;
var fontface = 'verdana';
var lineHeight = fontsize * 1.286;
var text = 'Draw a rectangle around me.';

ctx.font = fontsize + 'px ' + fontface;
var textWidth = ctx.measureText(text).width;

ctx.textAlign = 'left';
ctx.textBaseline = 'top';

ctx.fillText(text, 20, 50);
ctx.strokeRect(20, 50, textWidth, lineHeight);

canvas {
  border: 1px solid red;

答案 1 :(得分:2)


  • ctx.closePath()方法会关闭仍处于打开状态的Path2D:即ctx.moveTo(10,10); ctx.lineTo(50, 50); ctx.lineTo(30, 50);将保留未关闭的路径。调用closePath()将为您创建最后一个ctx.lineTo(10,10) 因此,ctx.rect()始终是封闭的路径,无需调用此方法 ctx.fill()将为您关闭路径 ctx.fillText()未生成路径且已包含fill()方法,无需再次调用。


目前无法在画布中获取文字的高度,但您可以使用some tricksas noted by markE,px中的近似值为1.286 * fontSize。



var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// the font size at which we will draw text
var fontSize= 15;
// set it
ctx.font = fontSize+'px Arial';
// the text position
var x = 50, y=50;
// the string to draw
var str = "Hello yyyqqqppp ";


// get every characters positions
var chars = [];
for(var i=0; i<str.length;i++) {
    if (str[i] === "y" || str[i] === "p") 
//iterate through the characters list
for(var i=0; i<chars.length; i++){
  // get the x position of this character
  var xPos = x+ctx.measureText(str.substring(0,chars[i])).width;
  // get the width of this character
  var width = ctx.measureText(str.substring(chars[i],chars[i]+1)).width;
  // get its height through the 1.286 approximation
  var height = fontSize*1.286;
  // get the y position
  var yPos = y-height/1.5
  // draw the rect
  ctx.strokeRect(xPos, yPos, width, height);
// draw our text
ctx.fillText(str, x, y);
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>