
时间:2015-10-14 19:56:08

标签: ios swift game-center



目前正在使用GitHub的Game Center助手。目前的代码:

func findGameButton(sender: UIButton) {   // Run the following code when Find Game is hit.

    EasyGameCenter.findMatchWithMinPlayers(2, maxPlayers: 2) // Matchmaking


    Match Recept Data, Delegate Func of Easy Game Center
    func easyGameCenterMatchRecept(match: GKMatch, didReceiveData Data: NSData, fromPlayer playerID: String) {
        print("\n[MultiPlayerActions] Recept Data from Match !")
    Match End / Error (No NetWork example), Delegate Func of Easy Game Center
    func easyGameCenterMatchEnded() {
        /// When the game finished
        print("\n[MultiPlayerActions] Match Ended !")
    Match Cancel, Delegate Func of Easy Game Center
    func easyGameCenterMatchCancel() {
        /// if player cancel the game
        print("\n[MultiPlayerActions] Match cancel")


- (IBAction)sendTurn:(id)sender {

    GKTurnBasedMatch *currentMatch = // Set up currentMatch variable by retrieving the match from GameKitHelper singleton, only display one match at a time - keep track of this one match in our currrent match variable.
    [[GameKitHelper sharedInstance] currentMatch];
    NSString *newStoryString;
    if ([inputText.text length] > 250) {
        newStoryString = [inputText.text substringToIndex:249]; // Check if length of string in text is too long. If more than 250 characters we cut it off using the substringToIndex call. If not, we just pass the string into our variable.
    } else {
        newStoryString = inputText.text;
    NSString *sendString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@",
                            mainTextController.text, newStoryString];
    NSData *data = // Created by combining the string thats in mainTextController with the string we just created.
    [sendString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding ];
    //cachedOldStory used to rollback in case of failing to send out data
    NSString *cachedOldStory = [mainTextController.text copy];
    mainTextController.text = sendString;

    inputText.text = @"";
    characterCount.text = @"250";
    characterCount.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];

    NSUInteger currentIndex = [currentMatch.participants // For every turn sent, information about the next person in turn roatation is

    GKTurnBasedParticipant *nextParticipant;
    for (int i = 0; i < [currentMatch.participants count]; i++)

    NSUInteger nextIndex = (currentIndex +1 + i) %
                        [currentMatch.participants count];
    nextParticipant = [currentMatch.participants objectAtIndex:nextIndex];
            if (nextParticipant.matchOutcome != GKTurnBasedMatchOutcomeQuit) {

    NSArray *nextParticipants = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:nextParticipant, nil];
    [currentMatch endTurnWithNextParticipants:nextParticipants
                            completionHandler:^(NSError *error)
         if (error)
             NSLog(@"%@", error);
           //  statusLabel.text = @"Error, check Network and Game Center. Please try again.";
             mainTextController.text = cachedOldStory;
             // statusLabel.text = @"Your turn is over.";
             inputText.enabled = NO;

    NSLog(@"Send Turn, %@, %@", data, nextParticipant);


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