
时间:2015-10-05 05:19:22

标签: java image-processing


[Color Component (Red, green, or blue)][Row][Col]




如果你还没有完成任何图像处理工作,这看起来有点令人困惑,但它实际上非常直接。你的面具基本上是一个盒子,可以在图像中移动并创建一个"邻居"像素的大小是预定约束的大小(我通常使用3x3"邻域",所以我有9个值 - 就像我下面的代码一样。)

要点是选择邻域中的目标像素 - 通常是中心(在此示例中,始终是中心)并根据周围像素计算其值。非常简单,它在消除图像噪点方面也非常令人印象深刻。



  1. 获取邻域值:

            //First two for loops will travel through column and row of image array. 
            //The third will travel through the RGB values (This is 4 values because Transparency is also accounted for here.)
            for (int row = 1; row < imageInDimension.getHeight() - 1; row++) {
            for (int column = 1; column < imageInDimension.getWidth() - 1; column++) {
            for (int ColComp = 1; ColComp < 4; ColComp++) {
            //The Neighborhood////////
            int pixelNeighbors[] = new int[9];
            //Assign values to neighborhood
            pixelNeighbors[0] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column - 1][row - 1];
            pixelNeighbors[1] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column - 1][row];
            pixelNeighbors[2] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column - 1][row + 1];
            pixelNeighbors[3] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column][row - 1];
            pixelNeighbors[4] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column][row];
            pixelNeighbors[5] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column][row + 1];
            pixelNeighbors[6] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column + 1][row - 1];
            pixelNeighbors[7] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column + 1][row];
            pixelNeighbors[8] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column + 1][row + 1];
  2. 对&#34;邻居&#34;中的每个像素执行距离计算。相对于&#34;邻域中的其他像素&#34;并将每个值存储在一个运行总和中(在这里使用绝对值,因为它是一个距离公式)

                //Calculate distances
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                    runningSumPixel0 += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[0] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
                    runningSumPixel1 += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[1] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
                    runningSumPixel2 += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[2] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
                    runningSumPixel3 += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[3] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
                    runningSumPixel4 += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[4] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
                    runningSumPixel5 += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[5] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
                    runningSumPixel6 += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[6] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
                    runningSumPixel7 += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[7] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
                    runningSumPixel8 += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[8] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
  3. 这就是我认为我要么太复杂或搞乱逻辑的地方。我需要为最低运行总和提供资金,并将目标像素设置为该值。我现在所拥有的将比较每个运行总和与所有值并验证它是否是最低值。如果它是最低的,则它变为目标像素值。这是一个很长的问题,我道歉。

                    //Determine lowest distance value and set target pixel to lowest distance value original value
                    if (runningSumPixel0 < runningSumPixel1 &
                            runningSumPixel0 < runningSumPixel2 &
                            runningSumPixel0 < runningSumPixel3 &
                            runningSumPixel0 < runningSumPixel4 &
                            runningSumPixel0 < runningSumPixel5 &
                            runningSumPixel0 < runningSumPixel6 &
                            runningSumPixel0 < runningSumPixel7 &
                            runningSumPixel0 < runningSumPixel8) {
                        System.out.println("Target set to o position");
                        newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[0];
                    } else if (runningSumPixel1 < runningSumPixel0 &
                            runningSumPixel1 < runningSumPixel2 &
                            runningSumPixel1 < runningSumPixel3 &
                            runningSumPixel1 < runningSumPixel4 &
                            runningSumPixel1 < runningSumPixel5 &
                            runningSumPixel1 < runningSumPixel6 &
                            runningSumPixel1 < runningSumPixel7 &
                            runningSumPixel1 < runningSumPixel8) {
                        System.out.println("Target set to 1 position");
                        newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[1];
                    } else if (runningSumPixel2 < runningSumPixel0 &
                            runningSumPixel2 < runningSumPixel1 &
                            runningSumPixel2 < runningSumPixel3 &
                            runningSumPixel2 < runningSumPixel4 &
                            runningSumPixel2 < runningSumPixel5 &
                            runningSumPixel2 < runningSumPixel6 &
                            runningSumPixel2 < runningSumPixel7 &
                            runningSumPixel2 < runningSumPixel8) {
                        System.out.println("Target set to 2 position");
                        newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[2];
                    } else if (runningSumPixel3 < runningSumPixel0 &
                            runningSumPixel3 < runningSumPixel1 &
                            runningSumPixel3 < runningSumPixel3 &
                            runningSumPixel3 < runningSumPixel4 &
                            runningSumPixel3 < runningSumPixel5 &
                            runningSumPixel3 < runningSumPixel6 &
                            runningSumPixel3 < runningSumPixel7 &
                            runningSumPixel3 < runningSumPixel8) {
                        System.out.println("Target set to 3 position");
                        newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[3];
                    } else if (runningSumPixel4 < runningSumPixel0 &
                            runningSumPixel4 < runningSumPixel2 &
                            runningSumPixel4 < runningSumPixel3 &
                            runningSumPixel4 < runningSumPixel1 &
                            runningSumPixel4 < runningSumPixel5 &
                            runningSumPixel4 < runningSumPixel6 &
                            runningSumPixel4 < runningSumPixel7 &
                            runningSumPixel4 < runningSumPixel8) {
                        System.out.println("Target set to 4 position");
                        newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[4];
                    } else if (runningSumPixel5 < runningSumPixel0 &
                            runningSumPixel5 < runningSumPixel2 &
                            runningSumPixel5 < runningSumPixel3 &
                            runningSumPixel5 < runningSumPixel4 &
                            runningSumPixel5 < runningSumPixel1 &
                            runningSumPixel5 < runningSumPixel6 &
                            runningSumPixel5 < runningSumPixel7 &
                            runningSumPixel5 < runningSumPixel8) {
                        System.out.println("Target set to 5 position");
                        newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[5];
                    } else if (runningSumPixel6 < runningSumPixel0 &
                            runningSumPixel6 < runningSumPixel2 &
                            runningSumPixel6 < runningSumPixel3 &
                            runningSumPixel6 < runningSumPixel4 &
                            runningSumPixel6 < runningSumPixel5 &
                            runningSumPixel6 < runningSumPixel1 &
                            runningSumPixel6 < runningSumPixel7 &
                            runningSumPixel6 < runningSumPixel8) {
                        System.out.println("Target set to 6 position");
                        newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[6];
                    } else if (runningSumPixel7 < runningSumPixel0 &
                            runningSumPixel7 < runningSumPixel2 &
                            runningSumPixel7 < runningSumPixel3 &
                            runningSumPixel7 < runningSumPixel4 &
                            runningSumPixel7 < runningSumPixel5 &
                            runningSumPixel7 < runningSumPixel6 &
                            runningSumPixel7 < runningSumPixel1 &
                            runningSumPixel7 < runningSumPixel8) {
                        System.out.println("Target set to 7 position");
                        newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[7];
                    } else if (runningSumPixel8 < runningSumPixel0 &
                            runningSumPixel8 < runningSumPixel2 &
                            runningSumPixel8 < runningSumPixel3 &
                            runningSumPixel8 < runningSumPixel4 &
                            runningSumPixel8 < runningSumPixel5 &
                            runningSumPixel8 < runningSumPixel6 &
                            runningSumPixel8 < runningSumPixel7 &
                            runningSumPixel8 < runningSumPixel1) {
                        System.out.println("Target set to 8 position");
                        newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[8];
  4. 返回新图片。

  5. 我相当肯定我的邻居是正确的,因为我使用相同的算法在不同的过滤器上找到邻域并且它可以完美地工作。




    protected Image VMFilter (Image imageIn) {
            //Get Image Dimensions
            Dimension imageInDimension = getImageDimension(imageIn);
            //calculate total number of pixels
            double totalPixels = imageInDimension.getHeight() * imageInDimension.getWidth();
            //Move image into an array.."old image"
            int OldImageTGRB[][][] = pixelsArrayToTRGBArray(imageToPixelsArray(imageIn), imageInDimension);
            //Create new image where new values will be stored
            int newImageTRGB[][][] = pixelsArrayToTRGBArray(imageToPixelsArray(imageIn), imageInDimension);
            //////////THE LOGIC///////////////
            //Sort through oldImage TRGB and create the neighborhood from values
            for (int row = 1; row < imageInDimension.getHeight() - 1; row++) {
                for (int column = 1; column < imageInDimension.getWidth() - 1; column++) {
                    //Will Cycle through the color components assigning values to the neighborhood
                    for (int ColComp = 1; ColComp < 4; ColComp++) {
                        //The Neighborhood////////
                        int pixelNeighbors[] = new int[9];
                        //Assign values to neighborhood
                        pixelNeighbors[0] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column - 1][row - 1];
                        pixelNeighbors[1] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column - 1][row];
                        pixelNeighbors[2] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column - 1][row + 1];
                        pixelNeighbors[3] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column][row - 1];
                        pixelNeighbors[4] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column][row];
                        pixelNeighbors[5] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column][row + 1];
                        pixelNeighbors[6] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column + 1][row - 1];
                        pixelNeighbors[7] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column + 1][row];
                        pixelNeighbors[8] = OldImageTGRB[ColComp][column + 1][row + 1];
                        //Create running sum variables to keep track of distance calculation sums
                        int runningSumPixels[] = new int[9];
                        //Calculate distances
                        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
                            runningSumPixels[i] += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[i] - pixelNeighbors[i]);
                        int iLow = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                        int lowest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
                            if (runningSumPixels[i] < lowest) {
                                iLow = i;
                                lowest = runningSumPixels[i];
                            System.out.println("Old Value:" + newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row]);
                            newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row] = pixelNeighbors[iLow];
                            System.out.println("New Value:" + newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row]);
            //Return new image..
            return pixelsArrayToImage(
                    TRGBArrayToPixelsArray(newImageTRGB, imageInDimension), imageInDimension);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

步骤3 if语句中的



可能的错误:,在我看来应该允许i取值8,将条件更改为i < 9而不是{{ 1}}。

改进:您当前的第3步实施非常幼稚(可能有问题,因为i < 8而不是<运算符。考虑这样做:

  • 将9个<=变量替换为一个数组(如runningSumPixel);
  • 使用以下代码替换第3步。

<子> CODE功能


比你的小一点,对吗? :)

答案 1 :(得分:0)


protected Bitmap VMFilter (Bitmap bitmap) {
        //Get Image Dimensions
        //Dimension imageInDimension = getImageDimension(imageIn);

        //calculate total number of pixels
        double totalPixels = bitmap.getWidth()* bitmap.getHeight(); //imageInDimension.getHeight() * imageInDimension.getWidth();
        int w = bitmap.getWidth(),h = bitmap.getHeight();

        //Move image into an array.."old image"
        int OldImageTGRB[][][] = bitmapToTRGBArray(bitmap);
        //Create new image where new values will be stored
        int[][][] newImageTRGB = new int[w][h][3];////pixelsArrayToTRGBArray(bitmap);

        //////////THE LOGIC///////////////
        //Sort through oldImage TRGB and create the neighborhood from values
        int nearbyWindow = 10;
        for (int row = nearbyWindow; row < bitmap.getWidth() -nearbyWindow ; row++) {
            for (int column = nearbyWindow; column < bitmap.getHeight()-nearbyWindow ; column++) {
                //Will Cycle through the color components assigning values to the neighborhood
                for (int ColComp = 0; ColComp < 3; ColComp++) {

                    //The Neighborhood////////
                    int totalNeighbors = nearbyWindow * nearbyWindow;

                    int pixelNeighbors[] = new int[totalNeighbors];

                    for(int i=0;i<totalNeighbors;i++){
                        pixelNeighbors[i] = OldImageTGRB[row-1][column-1][ColComp];

                    //Create running sum variables to keep track of distance calculation sums
                    int runningSumPixels[] = new int[totalNeighbors];

                    //Calculate distances
                    for (int i = 0; i < totalNeighbors; i++) {
                        runningSumPixels[i] += Math.abs(pixelNeighbors[i] - pixelNeighbors[ColComp]);

                    int iLow = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    int lowest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

                    for (int i = 0; i < totalNeighbors; ++i) {
                        if (runningSumPixels[i] < lowest) {
                            iLow = i;
                            lowest = runningSumPixels[i];
                        //System.out.println("Old Value:" + newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row]);
                        newImageTRGB[row][column][ColComp] = pixelNeighbors[iLow];
                        //System.out.println("New Value:" + newImageTRGB[ColComp][column][row]);
        //Return new image..
        return pixelsArrayToBitmap(newImageTRGB, w,h, bitmap);