
时间:2015-10-01 14:23:25

标签: string macos swift cocoa


当我在TableView中为每个酶同时在NSTextView窗口中键入DNA序列(字符串)时(每个酶代表小字符串),用户立即看到每个酶对应的找到的位点数(字符串)( 0或任何数字)。





我是cocoa的新手,经过 R Menke的建议(我在代码中将代码行放在下面)我有更多可能是愚蠢的问题。我有一个控制器类作为NSWindowController的子类。我无法将 R Menke 的代码放到此类中(请参阅下面的错误)。并且,在我的控制器类中,我有我的NSTextView,用户将文本键入@IBOutlet,我应该使用它吗?我应该制作另一个控制器文件?下面的代码和错误。

import Cocoa

class AllUnderControl: NSWindowController, NSTextViewDelegate
override var windowNibName: String?
return "AllUnderControl"

override func windowDidLoad() {
    inputDnaFromUser.delegate = self

func textDidChange(notification: NSNotification) {

    // trigger your function

@IBOutlet var inputDnaFromUser: NSTextView! = NSTextView(frame: CGRectZero)

更新2 在阅读了两个控制器的描述之后:NSWindowController和NSViewController我在下面进行了以下更改。触发功能是否正确?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


实施NSTextViewDelegateNSTextView的代表设置为self并在textDidChange内触发您的功能。 NSTextViewDelegate具有一组将由用户交互触发的功能。因此,当相应的动作发生时,它们内部的代码将被执行。

我建议使用NSViewController,而不是NSWindowController。 NSWindowController用于管理NSViewControllers。 NSViewControllers是按钮和文本字段等更好的地方。

NSWindowController vs NSViewController

class ViewController: NSViewController, NSTextViewDelegate {

    @IBOutlet var inputDnaFromUser: NSTextView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        inputDnaFromUser.delegate = self


    override var representedObject: AnyObject? {
        didSet {
        // Update the view, if already loaded.

    func textDidChange(notification: NSNotification) {
        print("editing stuff")




let string = "The sky is blue today, super blue"
let searchString = "blue"

var ranges: [NSRange] = []

var copyString = NSMutableString(string: string)

while copyString.containsString(searchString) {

    guard let lastRange = ranges.last else {
    var replaceString = ""
    for _ in 0..<lastRange.length { replaceString += "$" } // unnalowed character

    copyString.replaceCharactersInRange(lastRange, withString: replaceString)


根据评论中的建议: 一种更快的方法。

let string : NSString = "The sky is blue today, super blue"
let searchString = "blue"

var ranges: [NSRange] = []

var searchRange : NSRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: string.length)
var lastFoundRange : NSRange = string.rangeOfString(searchString, options: NSStringCompareOptions.LiteralSearch, range: searchRange)

while lastFoundRange.location != NSNotFound {


    let searchRangeLocation = lastFoundRange.location + lastFoundRange.length
    let searchRangeLength = string.length - searchRangeLocation
    searchRange = NSRange(location: searchRangeLocation, length: searchRangeLength)

    lastFoundRange = string.rangeOfString(searchString, options: NSStringCompareOptions.LiteralSearch, range: searchRange)



这是我写的iOS word highlighter实现了这个逻辑。除了使用UIColor外,一切都是纯粹的基础。很容易将其改为Cocoa。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您需要实现UISearchResultsUpdating协议才能实现此目的。它使用UISearchController(在iOS 8中引入),必须以编程方式而不是通过故事板添加,但不要担心,它非常简单。


干杯, 罗素

class YourTableViewController: UITableViewController, UISearchBarDelegate, UISearchResultsUpdating {
    // Array of searchable enzymes
    var enzymes: [String] = ["...", "...", "..."]

    // Dictionary of enzymes mapping to an array of NSRange 
    var enzymeSites: [String : [NSRange]] = [String : [NSRange]]()

    // Search controller
    var enzymeSearchController = UISearchController()

    // MARK: - Lifecycle

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.enzymeSearchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
        self.enzymeSearchController.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = true

        // This is used for dynamic search results updating while the user types
        // Requires UISearchResultsUpdating delegate
        self.enzymeSearchController.searchResultsUpdater = self

        // Configure the search controller's search bar
        self.enzymeSearchController.searchBar.placeholder = "Enter DNA sequence"
        self.enzymeSearchController.searchBar.delegate = self
        self.definesPresentationContext = true

        // Set the search controller to the header of the table
        self.tableView.tableHeaderView = self.enzymeSearchController.searchBar

    // MARK: - Search Logic

    func searchEnzymeSites(searchString: String) {

        // Search through all of the enzymes
        for enzyme in enzymes {
            // See logic from here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27040924/nsrange-from-swift-range
            let nsEnzyme = searchString as NSString
            let enzymeRange = NSMakeRange(0, nsEnzyme.length)

            nsEnzyme.enumerateSubstringsInRange(enzymeRange, options: NSStringEnumerationOptions.ByWords, { (substring, substringRange, enclosingRange, stop) -> () in

                if (substring == enzyme) {
                    // Update the enzymeSites dictionary by appending to the range array

    // MARK: - Search Bar Delegate Methods

    func searchBarSearchButtonClicked(searchBar: UISearchBar) {

        // Force search if user pushes button
        let searchString: String = searchBar.text.lowercaseString
        if (searchString != "") {

    func searchBarCancelButtonClicked(searchBar: UISearchBar) {

        // Clear any search criteria
        searchBar.text = ""

        // Force reload of table data from normal data source

    // MARK: - UISearchResultsUpdating Methods

    // This function is used along with UISearchResultsUpdating for dynamic search results processing
    // Called anytime the search bar text is changed
    func updateSearchResultsForSearchController(searchController: UISearchController) {

        let searchString: String = searchController.searchBar.text.lowercaseString
        if (searchString != "") {

    // MARK: - Table view data source

    override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
        return 1

    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        if (self.enzymeSearchController.active) {
            return self.enzymeSites.count
        } else {
            // return whatever your normal data source is

    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        var cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("userCell") as! UserCell

        if (self.enzymeSearchController.active && self.enzymeSites.count > indexPath.row) {
            // bind data to the enzymeSites cell
        } else {
            // bind data from your normal data source

        return cell

    // MARK: - UITableViewDelegate

    override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
        tableView.deselectRowAtIndexPath(indexPath, animated: true)

        if (self.enzymeSearchController.active && self.searchUsers.count > 0) {
            // Segue or whatever you want
        } else {
            // normal data source selection