
时间:2015-09-28 23:32:20

标签: r geospatial

我想计算地图上具有给定半径的圆与部分与圆重叠的多边形之间的重叠区域。 这是地图:

map(database="worldHires", xlim = c(-97.1, -80), ylim = c(25, 32.5), col = "grey", fill=TRUE, lwd = 2, bg = "lightblue2", mar=rep(0, 4))
#add Grand Isle
points(-90.0122, 29.2278, pch = 21, col = "blue", bg = "blue", cex=2)
text(-91.5, 28.9, "Grand Isle", cex = 1.2)


plotCircle <- function(LonDec, LatDec, Km) {
  ER <- 6371 #Mean Earth radius in kilometers. Change this to 3959 and you will have your function working in miles.
AngDeg <- seq(1:360) #angles in degrees 
Lat1Rad <- LatDec*(pi/180)#Latitude of the center of the circle in radians
Lon1Rad <- LonDec*(pi/180)#Longitude of the center of the circle in radians
AngRad <- AngDeg*(pi/180)#angles in radians
Lat2Rad <-asin(sin(Lat1Rad)*cos(Km/ER)+cos(Lat1Rad)*sin(Km/ER)*cos(AngRad)) #Latitude of each point of the circle rearding to angle in radians
Lon2Rad <- Lon1Rad+atan2(sin(AngRad)*sin(Km/ER)*cos(Lat1Rad),cos(Km/ER)-   sin(Lat1Rad)*sin(Lat2Rad))#Longitude of each point of the circle rearding to angle in radians
Lat2Deg <- Lat2Rad*(180/pi)#Latitude of each point of the circle rearding to angle in degrees (conversion of radians to degrees deg = rad*(180/pi) )
Lon2Deg <- Lon2Rad*(180/pi)#Longitude of each point of the circle rearding to angle in degrees (conversion of radians to degrees deg = rad*(180/pi) )

plotCircle(-90.0122,29.2278,100)#Plot a dashed circle of 100 km around Grand Isle

这可以将圆圈绘制到地图上。 多边形在这里

poly <- readOGR("path/filename")
poly1<- spTransform(poly, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
plot(poly1, add=TRUE, col="orange")


res <-gIntersection(x, poly1)

其中x = plotCircle或将地图与绘制在其上的圆组合在一起的函数。我不断收到以下错误消息:


相同的错误(spgeom1 @ proj4string,spgeom2 @ proj4string):     试图从没有插槽的基本类(“函数”)的对象获取插槽“proj4string”



How to calculate the area of polygon overlap in R?

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