不支持开箱即用的面板。解决方案是运行xtdata y x, fe
,然后运行reg y x, r
webuse nlswork, clear /*unbalancing a bit:*/
replace tenure =. if year <73
replace hours =. if hours==24 | hours==38
replace tenure =. if idcode==3 | idcode == 12 | idcode == 19
xtreg ln_wage tenure hours union i.year, fe vce(robust)
eststo xtregit /*this is what I want to reproduce without xtreg to use it in stepwise */
xi i.year /* year dummies to keep */
xtdata ln_wage tenure hours union _Iyear*, fe clear
reg ln_wage tenure hours union _Iyear*, vce(hc3) /*regression on transformed data */
eststo regit
esttab xtregit regit