(select coalesce(max(ch.chistdate),to_date('01011900','MMDDYYYY'))
from mydb.chist ch
where ch.cactionid in (1,2)
and ch.chistdate < inv.jdate
and ch.cid = cbo.cid) = (select max(ch.chistdate)
from mydb.chist ch
where ch.cactionid in (3,4)
and ch.chistdate < inv.jdate
and ch.cid = cbo.cid)
select *
from (select inv.domainnm
, count(distinct cbo.cid) as numbo
, trunc(inv.asdate) as asdate
from mydb.inv inv
join mydb.ComittedBO cbo on (inv.domainnm = cbo.domainnm
and inv.jdate >= cbo.sdate
and coalesce(cbo.edate, to_date('01-JAN-3000','DD-MON-RRRR')) >= inv.jdate
and cbo.cid not in (select cpp.cid
from mydb.cpprices cpp
where NOT EXISTS (select 1 from mydb.cpitems cpt where cpp.cid = cpt.cid)
and trunc(cpp.sdate) <= current_date
and ((to_number(to_char(current_date, 'dd')) = 1
and coalesce(trunc(cpp.edate),trunc(current_date+1)) >= add_months(trunc(current_date,'mm'),-1))
or coalesce(trunc(cpp.edate),trunc(current_date+1)) >= trunc(current_date,'month'))))
where ((NOT EXISTS (select 1
from mydb.customers cu
where cu.statusid = 3
and cu.cid = cbo.cid)
and NOT EXISTS (select 1
from mydb.chist ch
where ch.cactionid in (3,4)
and ch.chistdate < inv.jdate
and ch.cid = cbo.cid))
((select coalesce(max(ch.chistdate),to_date('01011900','MMDDYYYY'))
from mydb.chist ch
where ch.cactionid in (1,2)
and ch.chistdate < inv.jdate
and ch.cid = cbo.cid) in (select max(ch.chistdate)
from mydb.chist ch
where ch.cactionid in (3,4)
and ch.chistdate < inv.jdate
and ch.cid = cbo.cid )
group by inv.domainnm,trunc(inv.asdate)) inventory
left join mydb.ahist ah on (inventory.domainnm = ah.domainnm
and ah.aaid = 7
and ah.astatusid in (7,9,14,17,19)
and ah.asdate + interval'1' day >= inventory.asdate
and inventory.asdate + interval'1' day >= ah.asdate)
left join mydb.auction au on (inventory.domainnm = au.domainnm
and au.asdate + interval'1' day >= inventory.asdate
and inventory.asdate + interval'1' day >= au.asdate)
left join sdb.harv hv on (inventory.domainnm = hv.domainnm
and hv.sndate + interval'1' day >= inventory.asdate
and inventory.asdate + interval'1' day >= hv.sndate)
left join mydb.customers "cs" on ah.cid = "cs".cid
left join mydb.aresult ar on ah.aid = ar.aid
left join mydb.cdphist cdph on ar.cdpid = cdph.cdpid
left join mydb.reg rgr on cdph.rid = rgr.rid
where ((to_number(to_char(current_date, 'dd')) = 1
and inventory.asdate >= add_months(trunc(current_date,'mm'),-1))
or inventory.asdate >= trunc(current_date,'month'))
and inventory.asdate < current_date
答案 0 :(得分:0)
派生表,我将从WHERE子句中提出问题的两个SELECT语句移动到带有LEFT OUTER JOIN的FROM子句。
语句用于每组{{1} (1和2,3和4)。然后,在WHERE子句中,我刚刚测试了每个cactionid
我认为通过更多地处理这个查询可以获得更多的效率,但希望这会得到相同的结果(我相信它会,但没有看到你的数据库架构和一些示例数据,它&#39 ;很难重写像这样的复杂的东西),希望它能在不堵塞你有限的假脱机空间的情况下运行。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
那么挥发性表可能会解决您的问题。在主查询之前创建一个易失性表,如下所示: -
create volatile table tab1
chistdateM date format 'MMDDYYYY'
)primary index(chistdate)
on commit preserve rows;
insert into tab1 `enter code here`
select coalesce(max(ch.chistdate),to_date('01011900','MMDDYYYY')) as chistdate
from mydb.chist ch , mydb.ComittedBO cbo
where ch.cactionid in (1,2)
and ch.chistdate < inv.jdate
and ch.cid = cbo.cid;
create volatile table tab2
chistdateS date format 'MMDDYYYY'
)primary index(chistdate)
on commit preserve rows;
insert into tab2
select max(ch.chistdate) from mydb.chist ch
where ch.cactionid in (3,4)
and ch.chistdate < inv.jdate
and ch.cid = cbo.cid ;
并在你的逆变派生表中使用它们: -
select * from (select inv.domainnm, count(distinct cbo.cid) as numbo , trunc(inv.asdate) as asdate
from mydb.inv inv join mydb.ComittedBO cbo on (inv.domainnm = cbo.domainnm and inv.jdate >= cbo.sdate
and coalesce(cbo.edate, to_date('01-JAN-3000','DD-MON-RRRR')) >= inv.jdate
and cbo.cid not in (select cpp.cid from mydb.cpprices cpp
where NOT EXISTS (select 1 from mydb.cpitems cpt where cpp.cid = cpt.cid)
and trunc(cpp.sdate) <= current_date
and ((to_number(to_char(current_date, 'dd')) = 1
and coalesce(trunc(cpp.edate),trunc(current_date+1)) >= add_months(trunc(current_date,'mm'),-1))
or coalesce(trunc(cpp.edate),trunc(current_date+1)) >= trunc(current_date,'month'))))
where ((NOT EXISTS (select 1
from mydb.customers cu
where cu.statusid = 3
and cu.cid = cbo.cid)
and NOT EXISTS (select 1
from mydb.chist ch
where ch.cactionid in (3,4)
and ch.chistdate < inv.jdate
and ch.cid = cbo.cid))
( Select * from tab1 where chistdateM in (select chistdateS from tab2) )
group by inv.domainnm,trunc(inv.asdate)) inventory
left join mydb.ahist ah on (inventory.domainnm = ah.domainnm
and ah.aaid = 7
and ah.astatusid in (7,9,14,17,19)
and ah.asdate + interval'1' day >= inventory.asdate
and inventory.asdate + interval'1' day >= ah.asdate)
left join mydb.auction au on (inventory.domainnm = au.domainnm
and au.asdate + interval'1' day >= inventory.asdate
and inventory.asdate + interval'1' day >= au.asdate)
left join sdb.harv hv on (inventory.domainnm = hv.domainnm
and hv.sndate + interval'1' day >= inventory.asdate
and inventory.asdate + interval'1' day >= hv.sndate)
left join mydb.customers "cs" on ah.cid = "cs".cid
left join mydb.aresult ar on ah.aid = ar.aid
left join mydb.cdphist cdph on ar.cdpid = cdph.cdpid
left join mydb.reg rgr on cdph.rid = rgr.rid
where ((to_number(to_char(current_date, 'dd')) = 1
and inventory.asdate >= add_months(trunc(current_date,'mm'),-1))
or inventory.asdate >= trunc(current_date,'month'))
and inventory.asdate < current_date