
时间:2015-09-20 03:38:29

标签: c++ loops

我想基本上永远地一遍又一遍地运行一些代码,但我不希望我的计算机耗尽内存或类似的东西。所以我想知道我怎么能用c ++做到这一点?我做到了。

for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
    if (i == 1) {i = 0;}
    //My code here


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

    //Your code here

答案 1 :(得分:5)


for ( ; ; ) {
    // do stuff.


答案 2 :(得分:2)


for (;;) {
   // do something over an over again

while (true) {
   // do something over an over again

本身,无限循环不会导致程序内存不足。但是如果你分配内存并忘记释放它,那么 会导致内存泄漏。鉴于此,以下代码可以正常使用:

YourClass* p;
for (;;) {
    p = new YourClass();    // every time the loop runs, a new instance of the class is created
    // [do something useful with the object]
    delete p;   // clean-up: deallocate the object.


YourClass* p;
for (;;) {
    p = new YourClass();    // every time the loop runs, a new instance of the class is created
    // [do something useful with the object]
    // oups... forgot to deallocate the object.

答案 3 :(得分:1)


class Application {
    enum ApplicationState {
        APPLICATION_PAUSED,  // Out of Focus or Paused If In A Timed Situation
    // Member Variables Such As Window Handle, Time Etc.,
    ApplicationState m_state;
    // virtual ~Application(); // Default Okay - Use Virtual If Using Inheritance
    ApplicationState getState() const { return m_state; }

    bool start() { m_sate = APPLICATION_RUNNING; return true; }
    bool pause() { m_state = APPLICATION_PAUSED; return true; } 
    // resume may keep track of time if the application uses a timer.
    // This is what makes it different than start() where the timer
    // in start() would be initialized to 0. And the last time before
    // paused was trigger would be saved, and then reset as new starting
    // time for your timer or counter. 
    bool resume() { m_state = APPLICATION_RUNNING; return true; }      
    bool exit(); { m_state = APPLICATION_EXIT;  return false; }


int main() {
    Application app;

    // One Type Of Infinite Loop, with a safety net.
    while ( !app.exit() ) {
        // do some work

    // Another Type Similar But Different
    while ( app.getState() == Application::APPLICATION_RUNNING ) {
      // do some work  

    // A Third Type
    while ( true ) {
       switch( app.getState() ) {
           case Application::APPLICATION_RUNNING {
               app.start(); // If Not Done Above Outside of Loop
               // Do Some Work
           case Application::APPLICATION_PAUSE {
               // Wait Till You Has Focus Or Continues
           case Application::APPLICATION_EXIT {
               // Change The Application State
           default: {
               // ErrorHandling Throw An Exception Etc.

        } // switch
    } while

    return 0;

您可能不一定在main.cpp中看到的一些类型的方法。 您会在应用程序类中看到这些类型的循环,这些循环是私有的并且是公开调用的,这样您的main.cpp就会看起来更干净:


#include "Application.h"

int main() {

    try {
        // Initialize Loggers, Settings, Process - Thread Blockers etc.

        // Handle Input Arguements

        // Give The Main Thread Application, Window Handle, Mutex etc, A Unique Name
        const std::string strApplicationName( "My Application" );
        Application app( strApplicationName );


    } catch( YourTypes& e ) {
        // Print Errors To Either File Or Console
        return RETURN_ERROR; 
    } catch ( ... ) {  // Default Types
        // Print Errors To Either File Or Console 
        return RETURN_ERROR;     

    return RETURN_OK; // return 0;



以下不是我的工作,而是一个我一直在努力的项目,所有功劳都归功于Marek A. Krzeminski,MASc http://www.marekknows.com此摘录显示了main.cpp文件。

// Version: 1.0
// Copyright (c) 2012 by Marek A. Krzeminski, MASc
// Marek@MarekKnows.com

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "BuildConfig.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "BlockProcess.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "Utility.h"

#include "Game.h"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// _tmain()
// Main Entry Point Into Application
int _tmain( int iNumArguments, _TCHAR* pArgumentText[] ) {
    using namespace vmk;

    try {
        // Test If Engine Is Supported By This Compiler

        Logger logger( "logger.txt" );
        Settings settings;

        // Prevent Starting Game Multiple Times At Once
        BlockProcess processBlocker( settings.getNameAndVersion() );
        if ( processBlocker.isBlocked() ) {
            std::ostringstream strStream;
            strStream << settings.getNameAndVersion() << " is already running in another window" << std::endl;
            throw ExceptionHandler( strStream, false );

        // Handle Input Arguments
        bool bShowHelp = false;
        for ( int i = 1; i < iNumArguments; ++i ) {
            std::ostringstream strStream;
            strStream << "Input Argument " << i << ": " << pArgumentText[i];

            std::string strArgument( Utility::toLower( std::string( pArgumentText[i] ) ) );

            if ( strArgument.compare( "/?" ) == 0 || strArgument.compare( "help" ) == 0 ) {
                bShowHelp = true;
            } else if ( strArgument.compare( "window" ) == 0 ) {
                settings.setWindowDisplayMode( true );
            } else if ( strArgument.compare( "debug_memory" ) == 0 ) {
                settings.setDebugLogging( settings.getDebugLogging() | Settings::DEBUG_MEMORY );
            } else if ( strArgument.compare( "seed" ) == 0 ) {
                // Need Next Argument To Know Which Seed Value To Use
                bool bError     = false;
                unsigned uSeedValue = 0;
                if ( i + 1 < iNumArguments ) {
                    uSeedValue = Utility::convertToUnsigned( std::string( pArgumentText[i+1] ) );
                    if ( uSeedValue == 0 ) {
                        bError = true;
                    } else {
                        settings.setRandomNumberSeed( uSeedValue );
                        i++; // Move Argument Counter Past Seed Value
                } else {
                    bError = true;

                if ( bError ) {
                    // Missing Argument For Seed Value
                    std::cout << " <- Missing Seed Value After This Argument";
                } else {
                    // Display Seed Value To Use
                    strStream << " " << uSeedValue;
            } else {
                strStream << " <- Unrecognized input argument";

            Logger::log( strStream, Logger::TYPE_CONSOLE );

        if ( bShowHelp ) {
            std::ostringstream strStream;
            strStream << std::endl
                      << settings.getNameAndVersion() << " command line arguments:" << std::endl
                      << "  seed nnn     | Supply seed value (nnn) to use in random number generator" << std::endl
                      << "  window       | Run the program in a window rather then full screen" << std::endl
                      << "  debug_memory | Log extra messages when objects are allocated in memory" << std::endl
                      << std::endl;
            Logger::log( strStream, Logger::TYPE_CONSOLE );

        } else {
            // Run The Game Here
            Game game;

    } catch( ExceptionHandler& e ) {
        std::cout << "Exception Thrown: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
        return RETURN_ERROR;
    } catch( ... ) {
        std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << " Caught Unknown Exception" << std::endl;
        return RETURN_ERROR;

    return RETURN_OK;

 } // _tmain
