
时间:2010-07-16 13:33:22

标签: f# stack-overflow tail-recursion


let buildSecondLevelExpressions expressions =
    let initialState = vector expressions |> randomize
    let rec allSeq state = seq {
        for partial in state do
            if count partial = 1
            then yield Seq.head partial
            if count partial > 1 || (count partial = 1 && depth (Seq.head partial) <= MAX_DEPTH) then
                let allUns = partial
                                |> pick false 1
                                |> Seq.collect (fun (el, rr) -> (createExpUnaries el |> Seq.map (fun bn -> add rr bn)))
                let allBins = partial  // Careful: this case alone produces result recursivley only if |numbers| is even (rightly!).
                                |> pick false 2
                                |> Seq.collect (fun (el, rr) -> (createExpBinaries el |> Seq.map (fun bn -> add rr bn)))
                yield! allSeq (interleave allBins allUns)
    allSeq initialState

如果您想知道,虽然它不重要,pick用于生成序列中元素的组合,interleave交错来自2个序列的元素。 vectorResizeArray的构造函数。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



let rec allSeq state work = seq { 
    match state with 
    | partial::rest -> 
        // Yield single thing to the result - this is fine
        if count partial = 1 then yield Seq.head partial 
        // Check if we need to make more recursive calls...
        if count partial > 1 || (* ... *) then 
            let allUns, allBins = // ...
            // Tail-recursive call to process the current state. We add 'rest' to 
            // the collected work to be done after the current state is processed
            yield! allSeq (interleave allBins allUns) (rest :: work)
            // No more processing for current state - let's take remaining
            // work from the 'work' list and run it (tail-recursively)
            match work with 
            | state::rest -> yield! allSeq state rest
            | [] -> () //completed
    | _ -> 
        // This is the same thing as in the 'else' clause above. 
        // You could use clever pattern matching to handle both cases at once
        match work with 
        | state::rest -> yield! allSeq state rest
        | [] -> () } //completed

答案 1 :(得分:3)



let rec xs() = seq { yield! xs() }


let rec xs n = seq { yield n; yield! xs(n+1) }


FWIW,即使the F# language reference也错了。它提供了以下用于展平树的代码:

type Tree<'a> =
   | Tree of 'a * Tree<'a> * Tree<'a>
   | Leaf of 'a

let rec inorder tree =
    seq {
      match tree with
          | Tree(x, left, right) ->
               yield! inorder left
               yield x
               yield! inorder right
          | Leaf x -> yield x


答案 2 :(得分:1)


    foreach (partial in state)
        if (...)
            yield ...
        if (...)
            //this could be reached multiple times
            yield! allSeq(...)