问题是我不能在我的laravel项目中使用$ conn所以我不知道如何我现在可以连接到数据库并存储我的所有数据。我可以读取json没问题,我在laravel项目中有一个模型用于相应的表,所有字段都设置为可填充。
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use DB;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
class JsonController extends Controller
public function importJson() {
$path = realpath('AllSetFiles/');
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path)) as $filename)
if ($filename->isDir()) continue;
// Include the JSON and put it inside $data.
$jsondata = file_get_contents($filename);
$data = json_decode($jsondata, true);
// Echo the variables to the screen or put them in the database. (y shows to screen)
$echo = "n";
// foreach card in cards in the JSON file put all values in their named variables.
foreach($data['cards'] as $cards => $values) {
if(isset($values['multiverseid'])) {
$multiverseid = $values['multiverseid'];
} else {
$multiverseid = "";
$name = $values['name'];
if (isset($values['manaCost'])) {
$manaCost_array = array();
$manaCost_array = array($values['manaCost']);
$manaCost = implode (", ", $manaCost_array);
} else {
$manaCost = "";
if (isset($values['cmc'])) {
$cmc = $values['cmc'];
} else {
$cmc = "";
if (isset($values['colors'])) {
$colors_array = array();
$colors_array = $values['colors'];
$colors = implode (", ", $colors_array);
} else {
$colors = "";
if (isset($values['type'])) {
$type = $values['type'];
} else {
$type = "";
if (isset($values['supertypes'])){
$supertypes_array = array();
$supertypes_array = $values['supertypes'];
$supertypes = implode (", ", $supertypes_array);
} else {
$supertypes = "";
if (isset($values['types'])){
$types_array = array();
$types_array = $values['types'];
$types = implode (", ", $types_array);
} else {
$types = "";
if (isset($values['subtypes'])){
$subtypes_array = array();
$subtypes_array = $values['subtypes'];
$subtypes = implode (", ", $subtypes_array);
} else {
$subtypes = "";
if (isset($values['rarity'])) {
$rarity = $values['rarity'];
} else {
$rarity = "";
if (isset($data['code'])) {
$serie = $data['code'];
} else {
$serie = "";
if (isset($values['text'])) {
$text = $values['text'];
} else {
$text = "";
if (isset($values['flavor'])) {
$flavor = $values['flavor'];
} else {
$flavor = "";
if (isset($values['artist'])) {
$artist = $values['artist'];
} else {
$artist = "";
if (isset($values['number'])) {
$number = $values['number'];
} else {
$number = "";
if (isset($values['power'])) {
$power = $values['power'];
} else {
$power = "";
if (isset($values['toughness'])) {
$toughness = $values['toughness'];
} else {
$toughness = "";
if (isset($values['layout'])) {
$layout = $values['layout'];
} else {
$layout = "";
if (isset($values['imageName'])) {
$imageName = $values['imageName'];
} else {
$imageName = "";
if ($echo == "y"){
echo 'multiverseid: <b>' . $multiverseid . '</b></br>';
echo 'name: <b>' . $name . '</b><br/>';
echo 'serie: ' . $serie . '<br/>';
echo 'manaCost:' . $manaCost . '<br/>';
echo 'cmc: ' . $cmc . '<br/>';
echo 'colors: ' . $colors . '<br/>';
echo 'type: ' . $type . '<br/>';
echo 'supertypes:' . $supertypes . '<br/>';
echo 'types: ' . $types . '<br/>';
echo 'subtypes: ' . $subtypes . '<br/>';
echo 'rarity: ' . $rarity . '<br/>';
echo 'text: ' . $text . '<br/>';
echo 'flavor: ' . $flavor . '<br/>';
echo 'artist: ' . $artist . '<br/>';
echo 'number: ' . $number . '<br/>';
echo 'power: ' . $power . '<br/>';
echo 'toughness: ' . $toughness . '<br/>';
echo 'layout: ' . $layout . '<br/>';
echo 'imageName: ' . $imageName . '<br/>';
echo 'src="http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=' . $multiverseid . '&type=card"<br/>';
echo '<br/><hr><br>';
} else {
// Put all variables in a query and send it to the database.
'multiverseid' => $multiverseid,
'name' => $name,
'serie' => $serie,
'manaCost' => $manaCost,
'cmc' => $cmc,
'colors' => $colors,
'type' => $type,
'supertypes' => $supertypes,
'types' => $types,
'subtypes' => $subtypes,
'rarity' => $rarity,
'text' => $text,
'flavor' => $flavor,
'artist' => $artist,
'number' => $number,
'power' => $power,
'toughness' => $toughness,
'layout' => $layout,
'imageName' => $imageName
} // end if show or query loop
} // end foreach loop
} // end foreach recursiveIterator
} // end of function importJson
} // end of class
Route::get('importjson', 'JsonController@importJson');
Class 'App\Http\Controllers\RecursiveIteratorIterator' not found