
时间:2015-09-13 06:17:02

标签: python regex pandas

此问题是对我之前问题Multiple Phrases Matching Python Pandas的扩展。虽然我在解决问题的答案之后想出了方法,但出现了单数和复数单词的一些典型问题。

ingredients=pd.Series(["vanilla extract","walnut","oat","egg","almond","strawberry"])

df=pd.DataFrame(["1 teaspoons vanilla extract","2 eggs","3 cups chopped walnuts","4 cups rolled oats","1 (10.75 ounce) can Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken with Herbs Soup","6 ounces smoke-flavored almonds, finely chopped","sdfgsfgsf","fsfgsgsfgfg","2 small strawberries"])



如果在DataFrame中的短语中找到成分(单数或复数),   返回成分。否则,返回false。


df.columns = ['val']
V = df.val.str.lower().values.astype(str)
K = ingredients.values.astype(str)
df['existence'] = map(''.join, np.where(np.char.count(V, K[...,np.newaxis]),K[...,np.newaxis], '').T)


df.ix[df.existence=='', 'existence'] = np.nan


print df
                                                 val        existence
0                        1 teaspoons vanilla extract  vanilla extract
1                                             2 eggs              egg
2                             3 cups chopped walnuts           walnut
3                                 4 cups rolled oats              oat
4  1 (10.75 ounce) can Campbell's Condensed Cream...             NaN    
5    6 ounces smoke-flavored almonds, finely chopped           almond
6                                          sdfgsfgsf              NaN  
7                                        fsfgsgsfgfg              NaN
8  2 small strawberries                                           NaN

这一直是正确的,但是当单数和复数单词映射不像almond => almonds apple => apples。当某些内容显示为strawberry => strawberries时,此代码会将其识别为NaN

改进我的代码以检测此类事件。我喜欢将我的成分Series更改为data Frame,如下所示。


#inputwords       #outputword

vanilla extract    vanilla extract 
walnut             walnut
walnuts            walnut
oat                oat
oats               oat
egg                egg
eggs               egg
almond             almond
almonds            almond
strawberry         strawberry
strawberries       strawberry
cherry             cherry
cherries           cherry


                                                 val        existence
0                        1 teaspoons vanilla extract  vanilla extract
1                                             2 eggs              egg
2                             3 cups chopped walnuts           walnut
3                                 4 cups rolled oats              oat
4  1 (10.75 ounce) can Campbell's Condensed Cream...             NaN    
5    6 ounces smoke-flavored almonds, finely chopped           almond
6                                          sdfgsfgsf              NaN  
7                                        fsfgsgsfgfg              NaN
8  2 small strawberries                                           strawberry


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

考虑使用词干分析器:) http://www.nltk.org/howto/stem.html


    from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer
    stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english")
    stemmer2 = SnowballStemmer("english", ignore_stopwords=True)
    >>> print(stemmer.stem("having"))
    >>> print(stemmer2.stem("having"))




答案 1 :(得分:0)

# your data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(data = ["1 teaspoons vanilla extract","2 eggs","3 cups chopped walnuts","4 cups rolled oats","1 (10.75 ounce) can Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken with Herbs Soup","6 ounces smoke-flavored almonds, finely chopped","sdfgsfgsf","fsfgsgsfgfg","2 small strawberries"])

# Here you create mapping
mapping = pd.Series(index = ['vanilla extract' , 'walnut','walnuts','oat','oats','egg','eggs','almond','almonds','strawberry','strawberries','cherry','cherries'] , 
          data = ['vanilla extract' , 'walnut','walnut','oat','oat','egg','egg','almond','almond','strawberry','strawberry','cherry','cherry'])
# create a function that checks if the value you're looking for exist in specific phrase or not
def get_match(df):
    match = np.nan
    for key , value in mapping.iterkv():
        if key in df[0]:
            match = value
    return match
# apply this function on each row
df.apply(get_match, axis = 1)