我在Unity3d中使用C#脚本编写项目,使用希伯来语和英语编写的字符串。 Unity3d的问题是在编写UI文本时不支持RTL语言(如希伯来语)。
问题如下: 原文: מערכתהעטלףהינהמערכת,אשרמתבססתעלטכנולוגיתה-GPR (地面穿透雷达) - ראדארחודרקרקע。
团结一致: GPR-התיגולונכטלעתססבתמרשא,תכרעמהניהףלטעהתכרעמ .עקרקרדוחראדאר - (地面穿透雷达)我试图破解文本打印到文本框一个月的顺序,我不能正确地得到它。 我编写了以下功能:
public string CorrectText (string text)
string result = "";
string temp = "";
string charListString = "";
List<Char> charList = new List<char> ();
char[] charArray = text.ToCharArray ();
Array.Reverse (charArray);
//go through each char in charArray
for (int x = 0; x <= charArray.Length -1; x++) {
//if the current char we're examing isn't a Space char -
if (!char.IsWhiteSpace (charArray [x])) {
//add it to charList
charList.Add (charArray [x]);
} else { //if the current char we're examing is a Space char -
charListString = new string (charList.ToArray ());
//if charListString doesn't contains English or Numeric chars -
if (!Regex.IsMatch (charListString, "^[0-9a-zA-Z.,()-]*$")) {
//go through each char in charList
for (int y = 0; y <= charList.Count - 1; y++) {
//add the current char to temp as is (not flipped)
temp += charList [y];
//add temp to result
if (x < charArray.Length - 1)
result += temp + " ";
if (x == charArray.Length - 1)
result += temp;
//clear charList and temp
charList.Clear ();
temp = "";
} else { //if temp contains English or Numeric chars -
//go through each char in charList - This flipps the order of letters
for (int y = charList.Count - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
//add the current char to temp
temp += charList [y];
//add temp to result
if (x < charArray.Length - 1)
result += temp + " ";
if (x == charArray.Length - 1)
result += temp;
//clear charList and temp
charList.Clear ();
temp = "";
return result;
输入: מערכתהעטלףהינהמערכת,אשרמתבססתעלטכנולוגיתה-GPR (地面穿透雷达) - ראדארחודרקרקע。
输出: (地面穿透雷达) - ראדארחודרקרקע。 מערכתהעטלףהינהמערכת,אשרמתבססתעלטכנולוגיתה-GPR
有时括号会在句子中混淆,如下所示: )地面穿透(雷达 - ראדארחודרקרקע。
我在网上找到了一个将Visual Hebrew变成Logic Hebrew的工具,当我将翻转的文本复制到Unity时,它就像魔法一样工作!
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