
时间:2015-08-30 10:46:46

标签: f# c#-to-f#


在C#/ VB.net中,扩展方法执行此操作(尽管我不能将该函数限制为扩展静态类的静态方法,如F#中所示)。我可以编写一次函数然后以两种方式调用它:

public function bounded(s as string, min as UShort, max as UShort) as string
    if min > max then throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
    if string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) then return new string(" ", min)
    if s.Length < min then return s.PadRight(min, " ")
    if s.Length > max then return s.Substring(0, max)
    return s
end function

' usage     
dim b1 = bounded("foo", 10, 15)
dim b2 = "foo".bounded(0, 2)

(那还不太完美,因为我希望bounded成为String的静态方法,但是C#/ VB.Net无法做到在这方面指向F#。)


// works fine
module Utilities = 
    type List<'T> with
            member this.tryHead = if this.IsEmpty then None else Some this.Head        
    module List =             
        let tryHead (l : List<'T>)  = l.tryHead



// doesn't quite work
type List<'T> with        
    member this.tryHead = if this.IsEmpty then None else Some this.Head
    static member tryHead(l : List<'T>) = l.tryHead

至少可以让我跳过模块声明,但是当定义编译时,它不起作用 - someList.tryHead没问题,但List.tryHead someList会产生Property tryHead is not static错误。


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module Utilities = 
    module List =
        let tryHead l = if List.isEmpty l then None else Some (List.head l)
    type List<'a> with
        member this.tryHead = List.tryHead this