> head(dput(table.merged))
structure(list(value = structure(c(2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L,
4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L,
1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L,
5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L,
2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L,
3L, 4L, 1L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1L, 5L), .Label = c("Very dissatisfied",
"Dissatisfied", "Neutral", "Satisfied", "Very satisfied"), class = "factor"),
site = c("Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona",
"Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona",
"Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona",
"Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona",
"Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona",
"Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona",
"Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona",
"Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona", "Barcelona",
"Barcelona", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon",
"Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon",
"Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon",
"Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon",
"Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon",
"Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon",
"Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon", "Lisbon"), variable = c("Is the TMS Team approachable ",
"Is the TMS Team approachable ", "Is the TMS Team approachable ",
"Is the TMS Team approachable ", "Is the TMS Team approachable ",
"They give you the chance to listen to your call ", "They give you the chance to listen to your call ",
"They give you the chance to listen to your call ", "They give you the chance to listen to your call ",
"They give you the chance to listen to your call ", "They fairly evaluate your calls ",
"They fairly evaluate your calls ", "They fairly evaluate your calls ",
"They fairly evaluate your calls ", "They fairly evaluate your calls ",
"They explain in detail the result of your call ", "They explain in detail the result of your call ",
"They explain in detail the result of your call ", "They explain in detail the result of your call ",
"They explain in detail the result of your call ", "They are knowledgeable about H2H ",
"They are knowledgeable about H2H ", "They are knowledgeable about H2H ",
"They are knowledgeable about H2H ", "They are knowledgeable about H2H ",
"They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ", "They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ",
"They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ", "They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ",
"They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ", "They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team ",
"Is the TMS Team approachable ", "Is the TMS Team approachable ",
"Is the TMS Team approachable ", "Is the TMS Team approachable ",
"Is the TMS Team approachable ", "They give you the chance to listen to your call ",
"They give you the chance to listen to your call ", "They give you the chance to listen to your call ",
"They give you the chance to listen to your call ", "They give you the chance to listen to your call ",
"They fairly evaluate your calls ", "They fairly evaluate your calls ",
"They fairly evaluate your calls ", "They fairly evaluate your calls ",
"They fairly evaluate your calls ", "They explain in detail the result of your call ",
"They explain in detail the result of your call ", "They explain in detail the result of your call ",
"They explain in detail the result of your call ", "They explain in detail the result of your call ",
"They are knowledgeable about H2H ", "They are knowledgeable about H2H ",
"They are knowledgeable about H2H ", "They are knowledgeable about H2H ",
"They are knowledgeable about H2H ", "They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ",
"They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ", "They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ",
"They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ", "They reinforce the 3As approach and importance ",
"They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"They give effective coaching to help you improve your NS results including H2H and 3As ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team ",
"What is the overall satisfaction regarding the TMS Team "
), score = c(0.0431034482758621, 0.129310344827586, 0.413793103448276,
0.0258620689655172, 0.387931034482759, 0.0431034482758621,
0.293103448275862, 0.310344827586207, 0.0603448275862069,
0.293103448275862, 0.0603448275862069, 0.198275862068966,
0.387931034482759, 0.0431034482758621, 0.310344827586207,
0.0172413793103448, 0.155172413793103, 0.413793103448276,
0.0258620689655172, 0.387931034482759, 0.0258620689655172,
0.103448275862069, 0.379310344827586, 0.0258620689655172,
0.46551724137931, 0.0172413793103448, 0.0948275862068965,
0.336206896551724, 0.0258620689655172, 0.525862068965517,
0.0344827586206897, 0.146551724137931, 0.318965517241379,
0.0344827586206897, 0.46551724137931, 0.0344827586206897,
0.181034482758621, 0.336206896551724, 0.0258620689655172,
0.422413793103448, 0.0628930817610063, 0.270440251572327,
0.383647798742138, 0.0377358490566038, 0.245283018867925,
0.119496855345912, 0.364779874213836, 0.232704402515723,
0.10062893081761, 0.182389937106918, 0.0880503144654088,
0.19496855345912, 0.446540880503145, 0.0314465408805031,
0.238993710691824, 0.0691823899371069, 0.138364779874214,
0.452830188679245, 0.0251572327044025, 0.314465408805031,
0.0314465408805031, 0.182389937106918, 0.427672955974843,
0.0251572327044025, 0.333333333333333, 0.0377358490566038,
0.132075471698113, 0.427672955974843, 0.0125786163522013,
0.389937106918239, 0.0566037735849057, 0.207547169811321,
0.364779874213836, 0.050314465408805, 0.320754716981132,
0.0628930817610063, 0.19496855345912, 0.408805031446541,
0.0440251572327044, 0.289308176100629), Position = c(0.021551724137931,
0.107758620689655, 0.379310344827586, 0.599137931034483,
0.806034482758621, 0.021551724137931, 0.189655172413793,
0.491379310344828, 0.676724137931034, 0.853448275862069,
0.0301724137931034, 0.15948275862069, 0.452586206896552,
0.668103448275862, 0.844827586206897, 0.00862068965517241,
0.0948275862068966, 0.379310344827586, 0.599137931034483,
0.806034482758621, 0.0129310344827586, 0.0775862068965517,
0.318965517241379, 0.521551724137931, 0.767241379310345,
0.00862068965517241, 0.0646551724137931, 0.280172413793103,
0.461206896551724, 0.737068965517241, 0.0172413793103448,
0.107758620689655, 0.34051724137931, 0.517241379310345, 0.767241379310345,
0.0172413793103448, 0.125, 0.383620689655172, 0.564655172413793,
0.788793103448276, 0.0314465408805031, 0.19811320754717,
0.525157232704403, 0.735849056603774, 0.877358490566038,
0.059748427672956, 0.30188679245283, 0.60062893081761, 0.767295597484277,
0.908805031446541, 0.0440251572327044, 0.185534591194969,
0.506289308176101, 0.745283018867925, 0.880503144654088,
0.0345911949685535, 0.138364779874214, 0.433962264150943,
0.672955974842767, 0.842767295597484, 0.0157232704402516,
0.122641509433962, 0.427672955974843, 0.654088050314465,
0.833333333333333, 0.0188679245283019, 0.10377358490566,
0.383647798742138, 0.60377358490566, 0.805031446540881, 0.0283018867924528,
0.160377358490566, 0.446540880503145, 0.654088050314465,
0.839622641509434, 0.0314465408805031, 0.160377358490566,
0.462264150943396, 0.688679245283019, 0.855345911949686),
variable2 = c("Is the TMS Team\napproachable", "Is the TMS Team\napproachable",
"Is the TMS Team\napproachable", "Is the TMS Team\napproachable",
"Is the TMS Team\napproachable", "They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall",
"They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall", "They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall",
"They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall", "They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall",
"They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls", "They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls",
"They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls", "They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls",
"They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls", "They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall",
"They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall", "They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall",
"They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall", "They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall",
"They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H", "They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H",
"They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H", "They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H",
"They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H", "They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance",
"They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance", "They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance",
"They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance", "They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team",
"Is the TMS Team\napproachable", "Is the TMS Team\napproachable",
"Is the TMS Team\napproachable", "Is the TMS Team\napproachable",
"Is the TMS Team\napproachable", "They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall",
"They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall", "They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall",
"They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall", "They give you\nthe chance to\nlisten to your\ncall",
"They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls", "They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls",
"They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls", "They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls",
"They fairly\nevaluate your\ncalls", "They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall",
"They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall", "They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall",
"They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall", "They explain\nin detail the\nresult of your\ncall",
"They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H", "They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H",
"They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H", "They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H",
"They are\nknowledgeable\nabout H2H", "They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance",
"They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance", "They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance",
"They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance", "They reinforce\nthe 3As\napproach and\nimportance",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"They give\neffective\ncoaching\nto help you\nimprove your\nNS results\nincluding H2H\nand 3As",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team",
"What is\nthe overall\nsatisfaction\nregarding the\nTMS Team"
)), .Names = c("value", "site", "variable", "score", "Position",
"variable2"), row.names = c(NA, 80L), vars = list(variable), labels = structure(list(
variable = structure(1:8, .Label = c("Is.the.TMS.Team.approachable.",
"They.give.you.the.chance.to.listen.to.your.call.", "They.fairly.evaluate.your.calls.",
"They.explain.in.detail.the.result.of.your.call.", "They.are.knowledgeable.about.H2H.",
"They.reinforce.the.3As.approach.and.importance.", "They.give.effective.coaching.to.help.you.improve.your.NS.results..including.H2H.and.3As.",
), class = "factor")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
-8L), .Names = "variable", vars = list(variable)), indices = list(
0:4, 5:9, 10:14, 15:19, 20:24, 25:29, 30:34, 35:39), class = c("grouped_df",
"tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
labs(title="General satisfaction with TMS", y="Percentage",x="")+
您将看到按字母顺序填充条形而不是水平。我曾尝试在ggplot aes中使用order
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这里我将使用 dplyr 中的函数计算位置。我使用arrange
table.merged2 = table.merged %>%
group_by(site, variable2) %>%
arrange(value) %>%
mutate(position2 = cumsum(score) - (0.5 * score))
ggplot(table.merged2, aes(variable2, score, fill=value)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity",alpha=0.6,colour="grey60") +
geom_text(aes(label=round(score,2), y=position2), colour="white") +
facet_wrap(~site) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("darkred","red","orange","green","darkgreen")) +
labs(title="General satisfaction with TMS", y="Percentage", x="") +