
时间:2015-08-14 18:59:28

标签: python numpy scipy



    o o o o o 
o o x o o x o
o x x o o
  o x o o
  o o o o


coords = [(1000,3.5), (1000,4.0), (1000,4.5), (1000,5.0), (1000,5.5), 
(1100,4.5), (1100,5.5), (1200,4.0), (1200,4.5), (1200,5.0), (1200,5.5), 
(1300,3.5), (1300,4.0), (1300,4.5)]

所以我想要的值是[(1100,3.5), (1100,4.0), (1100,5.0), (1200,3.5)]



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

Dunno关于速度,但这里是一个适用于D维度的,这是 有点受现有评论和答案的启发。对于正方形的一套 宽度为w的点,约为D*w**(D-1)次。它循环遍历每个 维度,查看沿着该维度的投影,并沿着该投影中的维度循环所有线条,沿着每条线执行setdiff

import numpy as np

def grid_holes(coords):
    coords = np.atleast_2d(coords)
    N, D = coords.shape
    coords = coords[np.lexsort(coords.T)]
    diff = np.diff(coords, axis=0)
    spacing = np.where(diff, np.abs(diff), np.inf).min(0)

    missing = []
    for d in xrange(D):
        projection = np.delete(coords, d, 1)
        order = np.lexsort(projection.T)
        gridlines = np.split(coords[order],
                np.diff(projection[order], axis=0).any(1).nonzero()[0] + 1)
        for gridline in gridlines:
            x = gridline[:, d]
            s = spacing[d]
            i = np.round(x/s).astype(int)
            gaps = np.diff(i) - 1
            gap_locs = gaps.nonzero()[0]
            if not len(gap_locs):
            mx = [ x[loc] + s*(g+1) for loc in gap_locs
                                    for g in xrange(gaps[loc])]
            mcoords = np.repeat(gridline[:1], len(mx), 0)
            mcoords[:, d] = mx
    return np.concatenate(missing)


def test_grid_holes(coords, known_holes=None, func=grid_holes):
    ret = ()
    if isinstance(coords, tuple) and len(coords)==2:
        # Generate random coords
        N, D = coords
        coords = np.random.randint(0, int(N**(1./D)), coords)
        ret += (coords, )
        coords = np.atleast_2d(coords)
        N, D = coords.shape
    found_holes = func(coords)
    found_holes = np.unique(found_holes.view('f8,'*D)).view('f8').reshape(-1, D)
    ret += (found_holes,)
    if D <= 3:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        fig = plt.figure()
        if D == 2:
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        elif D == 3:
            from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        if known_holes is not None:
            known_holes = np.atleast_2d(known_holes)
            ax.scatter(*known_holes.T, c='r', marker='o')
        ax.scatter(*coords.T, c='k', marker='o')
        ax.scatter(*found_holes.T, c='k', marker='x')

    if known_holes is not None:
        known_holes = np.unique(known_holes.view('f8,'*D)).view('f8').reshape(-1, D)
        return np.allclose(found_holes, known_holes)
        return ret


coords = [(1000,3.5), (1000,4.0), (1000,4.5), (1000,5.0), (1000,5.5),
          (1100,4.5), (1100,5.5), (1200,4.0), (1200,4.5), (1200,5.0),
          (1200,5.5), (1300,3.5), (1300,4.0), (1300,4.5)]
holes = [(1100,3.5), (1100,4.0), (1100,5.0), (1200,3.5)]

test_grid_holes(coords, holes)

test_grid_holes((100, 3))

答案 1 :(得分:3)



2, 4, 6, 9, 11

然后步长将等于2,但显然这在9出错了。也许最好采取连续差异的最大公约数?例如。在this answer的帮助下。在我的代码中,我采取了不同的方法:只有&#34; ticks&#34;存在于已知坐标中用于构造网格。


def find_holes_2d(coords):
    coords = np.asanyarray(coords)

    # determine grid and transform coordinates
    uniq_x, labels_x = np.unique(coords[:,0], return_inverse=True)
    uniq_y, labels_y = np.unique(coords[:,1], return_inverse=True)

    # layout the known grid in an array
    grid = np.zeros([len(uniq_x), len(uniq_y)], bool)
    grid[labels_x, labels_y] = True

    # see which grid points are inside known coordinates
    x_fwd  = np.logical_or.accumulate(grid, axis=0)
    x_bkwd = np.logical_or.accumulate(grid[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]
    y_fwd  = np.logical_or.accumulate(grid, axis=1)
    y_bkwd = np.logical_or.accumulate(grid[:,::-1], axis=1)[:,::-1]

    # select the holes according to the criteria
    holes = ~grid & (x_fwd & x_bkwd | y_fwd & y_bkwd)

    # Transform positions back to original coordinates
    I,J = np.where(holes)
    return np.column_stack([uniq_x[I], uniq_y[J]])


def find_holes(coords):
    coords = np.asanyarray(coords)

    uniq, labels = zip(*[np.unique(c, return_inverse=True) for c in coords.T])

    grid = np.zeros(map(len, uniq), bool)
    grid[labels] = True

    candidates = np.zeros_like(grid)
    for dim in range(grid.ndim):
        grid0 = np.rollaxis(grid, dim)
        inside = np.logical_or.accumulate(grid0, axis=0) & 
                 np.logical_or.accumulate(grid0[::-1], axis=0)[::-1]
        candidates |= np.rollaxis(inside, 0, dim+1)
    holes = candidates & ~grid

    hole_labels = np.where(holes)

    return np.column_stack([u[h] for u, h in zip(uniq, hole_labels)])


o x o o
x   x o
o o o o

这里仍有一个洞仍未被发现&#34;未被发现&#34;。通过将找到的孔的坐标(x&#39; s)添加到原始坐标并运行第二次迭代,可以轻松解决这个问题。

答案 2 :(得分:1)




import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

coords = np.asarray(
    [(1000,3.5), (1000,4.0), (1000,4.5), (1000,5.0), (1000,5.5),
     (1100,4.5), (1100, 6.5), (1200,4.0), (1200,5.5), (1200,7.0), (1200,5.5),
     (1300,3.5), (1300,4.0), (1300,4.5), (1300, 5.5), (1700,5.0) ])

coords = coords[ np.lexsort(( coords[:,1], coords[:,0] )),:]


diffs = np.diff(coords, axis = 0)
dx = np.min(diffs[diffs[:,0] > 0.0, 0])
dy = np.min(diffs[diffs[:,1] > 0.0, 1])


indices = (diffs[:,0] == 0.0) * (diffs[:,1] > dy)

使用索引将孔扩展为缺失网格点列表,以提取起点和孔的长度。最后,连接 进入numpy.array或者如果没有洞则返回空数组。

hole_list = [ np.asarray( [ [x, y] for y in np.arange( y + dy, y + Dy, dy )] )
                            for ((x, y), Dy) in zip ( coords[indices,:],
                                                      diffs[indices,1] ) ]

if len( hole_list ) > 0:
    holes_x = np.concatenate( hole_list )
    holes_x = np.asarray( [] )


# Holes in columns.
coords_x = np.append( coords, holes_x, axis = 0 )
coords_x = coords[ np.lexsort( ( coords[:,0], coords[:,1] ) ), : ]
diffs = np.diff( coords_x, axis = 0 )

indices = ( diffs[:,1] == 0.0 ) * ( diffs[:,0] > dx )
hole_list = [ np.asarray( [ [x, y] for x in np.arange( x + dx, x + Dx, dx )] )
                            for ((x, y), Dx) in zip ( coords_x[indices,:],
                                                      diffs[indices,0] ) ]
if len( hole_list ) > 0:
    holes_y = np.concatenate( hole_list )
    holes_y = np.asarray( [] )


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

coords = np.asarray(
    [(1000,3.5), (1000,4.0), (1000,4.5), (1000,5.0), (1000,5.5),
     (1100,4.5), (1100, 6.5), (1200,4.0), (1200,5.5), (1200,7.0), (1200,5.5),
     (1300,3.5), (1300,4.0), (1300,4.5), (1300, 5.5), (1700,5.0) ])

coords = coords[ np.lexsort(( coords[:,1], coords[:,0] )),:]

# Find x and y grid sizes.
diffs = np.diff(coords, axis = 0)
dx = np.min(diffs[diffs[:,0] > 0.0, 0])
dy = np.min(diffs[diffs[:,1] > 0.0, 1])

# Holes in rows.
indices = (diffs[:,0] == 0.0) * (diffs[:,1] > dy)
hole_list = [ np.asarray( [ [x, y] for y in np.arange( y + dy, y + Dy, dy )] )
                            for ((x, y), Dy) in zip ( coords[indices,:],
                                                      diffs[indices,1] ) ]

if len( hole_list ) > 0:
    holes_x = np.concatenate( hole_list )
    holes_x = np.asarray( [] )

# Holes in columns.
coords_x = np.append( coords, holes_x, axis = 0 )
coords_x = coords[ np.lexsort( ( coords[:,0], coords[:,1] ) ), : ]
diffs = np.diff( coords_x, axis = 0 )

indices = ( diffs[:,1] == 0.0 ) * ( diffs[:,0] > dx )
hole_list = [ np.asarray( [ [x, y] for x in np.arange( x + dx, x + Dx, dx )] )
                            for ((x, y), Dx) in zip ( coords_x[indices,:],
                                                      diffs[indices,0] ) ]
if len( hole_list ) > 0:
    holes_y = np.concatenate( hole_list )
    holes_y = np.asarray( [] )

# Plot holes.
f = plt.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter( coords[:,0], coords[:,1], c = 'g', s=200 )
ax.scatter( holes_x[:,0], holes_x[:,1], c = 'r', s=50 )
ax.scatter( holes_y[:,0], holes_y[:,1], c = 'b', s=50 )