using namespace std;
int results[214];
void Solution(int number) // The real part of the program
int r,c; // rows and columns
char ch;
int var; // current input value of cell
int a[101][101]={0}; // a[i][j] is the sum of cells from the top left element 1,1 to the one with indexes i,j
int max=INT_MIN; // here the max numbers of bananas is kept
for(int i=1;i<=r;i++)
for(int k=1;k<=c;k++)
switch (ch) // Transforms chars to numbers
case 'B': var=1; break;
case 'T': var=-1; break;
default: var=0;
int maxSide=r;
if(c<r) maxSide=c; // just checking the smaller side
for(int i=1;i<=maxSide;i++) // The various lengths of the square area that is long i cells and
for(int p=1;p<=r-i+1;p++) // the top left corner has indexes p and q
for(int q=1;q<=c-i+1;q++)
int x; // current number of bananas
if(x>max) max=x; // comparing if this is the maximum amount of bananas so far
results[number]=max; // puts the max number of bananas for each case
int main()
int T; // number of cases
for(int i=1;i<=T;i++)
for(int i=1;i<=T;i++)
cout<<"Case "<<i<<": "<<results[i]<<endl; //outputs all the result of each case
return 0;