我目前正在使用Haskell制作光线跟踪程序。由于我是Haskell的初学者,我不清楚IO monad的评估策略。
问题在于" IO a"的长列表的内存使用,这是" IO Vec"在我的代码中。
列表的每个元素由递归函数计算,该函数计算IO Vec
,表示像素的颜色。因此,列表的长度等于width x height
称为width x height x samples
main = do
let ray = (compute ray for every pair of [0..w-1], [0..h-1]
pixels <- sequence [ (sumOfRadiance scene ray samples) | ray <- rays]
内存储一些用于函数调用的数据,这是IO Vec
main = do
let ray = (compute ray for every pair of [0..w-1], [0..h-1]
let pixels = [ (unsafePerformIO (sumOfRadiance scene ray samples)) | ray <- rays]
我知道unsafePerformIO是一个糟糕的解决方案,所以我想知道Haskell是否提供了另一种立即评估IO monad内部的方法。以下是我的整个代码(对不起,它有点长......)
-- Small path tracing with Haskell
import System.Environment
import System.Random.Mersenne
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Monad
import Codec.Picture
import Data.Time
import qualified Data.Word as W
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
-- Parameters
eps :: Double
eps = 1.0e-4
inf :: Double
inf = 1.0e20
nc :: Double
nc = 1.0
nt :: Double
nt = 1.5
-- Vec
data Vec = Vec (Double, Double, Double) deriving (Show)
instance (Num Vec) where
(Vec (x, y, z)) + (Vec (a, b, c)) = Vec (x + a, y + b, z + c)
(Vec (x, y, z)) - (Vec (a, b, c)) = Vec (x - a, y - b, z - c)
(Vec (x, y, z)) * (Vec (a, b, c)) = Vec (x * a, y * b, z * c)
abs = undefined
signum = undefined
fromInteger x = Vec (dx, dx, dx) where dx = fromIntegral x
x :: Vec -> Double
x (Vec (x, _, _)) = x
y :: Vec -> Double
y (Vec (_, y, _)) = y
z :: Vec -> Double
z (Vec (_, _, z)) = z
mul :: Vec -> Double -> Vec
mul (Vec (x, y, z)) s = Vec (x * s, y * s, z * s)
dot :: Vec -> Vec -> Double
dot (Vec (x, y, z)) (Vec (a, b, c)) = x * a + y * b + z * c
norm :: Vec -> Vec
norm (Vec (x, y, z)) = Vec (x * invnrm, y * invnrm, z * invnrm)
where invnrm = 1 / sqrt (x * x + y * y + z * z)
cross :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec
cross (Vec (x, y, z)) (Vec (a, b, c)) = Vec (y * c - b * z, z * a - c * x, x * b - a * y)
-- Ray
data Ray = Ray (Vec, Vec) deriving (Show)
org :: Ray -> Vec
org (Ray (org, _)) = org
dir :: Ray -> Vec
dir (Ray (_, dir)) = dir
-- Material
data Refl = Diff
| Spec
| Refr
deriving Show
-- Sphere
data Sphere = Sphere (Double, Vec, Vec, Vec, Refl) deriving (Show)
rad :: Sphere -> Double
rad (Sphere (rad, _, _, _, _ )) = rad
pos :: Sphere -> Vec
pos (Sphere (_ , p, _, _, _ )) = p
emit :: Sphere -> Vec
emit (Sphere (_ , _, e, _, _ )) = e
col :: Sphere -> Vec
col (Sphere (_ , _, _, c, _ )) = c
refl :: Sphere -> Refl
refl (Sphere (_ , _, _, _, refl)) = refl
intersect :: Sphere -> Ray -> Double
intersect sp ray =
let op = (pos sp) - (org ray)
b = op `dot` (dir ray)
det = b * b - (op `dot` op) + ((rad sp) ** 2)
if det < 0.0
then inf
let sqdet = sqrt det
t1 = b - sqdet
t2 = b + sqdet
in ansCheck t1 t2
where ansCheck t1 t2
| t1 > eps = t1
| t2 > eps = t2
| otherwise = inf
-- Scene
type Scene = [Sphere]
sph :: Scene
sph = [ Sphere (1e5, Vec ( 1e5+1, 40.8, 81.6), Vec (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec (0.75, 0.25, 0.25), Diff) -- Left
, Sphere (1e5, Vec (-1e5+99, 40.8, 81.6), Vec (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec (0.25, 0.25, 0.75), Diff) -- Right
, Sphere (1e5, Vec (50.0, 40.8, 1e5), Vec (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec (0.75, 0.75, 0.75), Diff) -- Back
, Sphere (1e5, Vec (50.0, 40.8, -1e5+170), Vec (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Diff) -- Front
, Sphere (1e5, Vec (50, 1e5, 81.6), Vec (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec (0.75, 0.75, 0.75), Diff) -- Bottom
, Sphere (1e5, Vec (50,-1e5+81.6,81.6), Vec (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec (0.75, 0.75, 0.75), Diff) -- Top
, Sphere (16.5, Vec (27, 16.5, 47), Vec (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec (1,1,1) `mul` 0.999, Spec) -- Mirror
, Sphere (16.5, Vec (73, 16.5, 78), Vec (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec (1,1,1) `mul` 0.999, Refr) -- Glass
, Sphere (600, Vec (50, 681.6 - 0.27, 81.6), Vec (12, 12, 12), Vec (0, 0, 0), Diff) ] -- Light
-- Utility functions
clamp :: Double -> Double
clamp = (max 0.0) . (min 1.0)
isectWithScene :: Scene -> Ray -> (Double, Int)
isectWithScene scene ray = foldr1 (min) $ zip [ intersect sph ray | sph <- scene ] [0..]
nextDouble :: IO Double
nextDouble = randomIO
lambert :: Vec -> Double -> Double -> (Vec, Double)
lambert n r1 r2 =
let th = 2.0 * pi * r1
r2s = sqrt r2
w = n
u = norm $ (if (abs (x w)) > eps then Vec (0, 1, 0) else Vec (1, 0, 0)) `cross` w
v = w `cross` u
uu = u `mul` ((cos th) * r2s)
vv = v `mul` ((sin th) * r2s)
ww = w `mul` (sqrt (1.0 - r2))
rdir = norm (uu + vv + ww)
in (rdir, 1)
reflect :: Vec -> Vec -> (Vec, Double)
reflect v n =
let rdir = v - (n `mul` (2.0 * n `dot` v))
in (rdir, 1)
refract :: Vec -> Vec -> Vec -> Double -> (Vec, Double)
refract v n orn rr =
let (rdir, _) = reflect v orn
into = (n `dot` orn) > 0
nnt = if into then (nc / nt) else (nt / nc)
ddn = v `dot` orn
cos2t = 1.0 - nnt * nnt * (1.0 - ddn * ddn)
if cos2t < 0.0
then (rdir, 1.0)
let tdir = norm $ ((v `mul` nnt) -) $ n `mul` ((if into then 1 else -1) * (ddn * nnt + (sqrt cos2t)))
a = nt - nc
b = nt + nc
r0 = (a * a) / (b * b)
c = 1.0 - (if into then -ddn else (tdir `dot` n))
re = r0 + (1 - r0) * (c ** 5)
tr = 1.0 - re
pp = 0.25 + 0.5 * re
if rr < pp
then (rdir, (pp / re))
else (tdir, ((1.0 - pp) / tr))
radiance :: Scene -> Ray -> Int -> IO Vec
radiance scene ray depth = do
let (t, i) = (isectWithScene scene ray)
if inf <= t
then return (Vec (0, 0, 0))
else do
r0 <- nextDouble
r1 <- nextDouble
r2 <- nextDouble
let obj = (scene !! i)
let c = col obj
let prob = (max (x c) (max (y c) (z c)))
if depth >= 5 && r0 >= prob
then return (emit obj)
else do
let rlt = if depth < 5 then 1 else prob
let f = (col obj)
let d = (dir ray)
let x = (org ray) + (d `mul` t)
let n = norm $ x - (pos obj)
let orn = if (d `dot` n) < 0.0 then n else (-n)
let (ndir, pdf) = case (refl obj) of
Diff -> (lambert orn r1 r2)
Spec -> (reflect d orn)
Refr -> (refract d n orn r1)
nextRad <- (radiance scene (Ray (x, ndir)) (succ depth))
return $ ((emit obj) + ((f * nextRad) `mul` (1.0 / (rlt * pdf))))
toByte :: Double -> W.Word8
toByte x = truncate (((clamp x) ** (1.0 / 2.2)) * 255.0) :: W.Word8
accumulateRadiance :: Scene -> Ray -> Int -> Int -> IO Vec
accumulateRadiance scene ray d m = do
let rays = take m $ repeat ray
pixels <- sequence [radiance scene r 0 | r <- rays]
return $ (foldr1 (+) pixels) `mul` (1 / fromIntegral m)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let argc = length args
let w = if argc >= 1 then (read (args !! 0)) else 400 :: Int
let h = if argc >= 2 then (read (args !! 1)) else 300 :: Int
let spp = if argc >= 3 then (read (args !! 2)) else 4 :: Int
startTime <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn "-- Smallpt.hs --"
putStrLn $ " width = " ++ (show w)
putStrLn $ " height = " ++ (show h)
putStrLn $ " spp = " ++ (show spp)
let dw = fromIntegral w :: Double
let dh = fromIntegral h :: Double
let cam = Ray (Vec (50, 52, 295.6), (norm $ Vec (0, -0.042612, -1)));
let cx = Vec (dw * 0.5135 / dh, 0.0, 0.0)
let cy = (norm $ cx `cross` (dir cam)) `mul` 0.5135
let dirs = [ norm $ (dir cam) + (cy `mul` (y / dh - 0.5)) + (cx `mul` (x / dw - 0.5)) | y <- [dh-1,dh-2..0], x <- [0..dw-1] ]
let rays = [ Ray ((org cam) + (d `mul` 140.0), (norm d)) | d <- dirs ]
let pixels = [ (unsafePerformIO (accumulateRadiance sph r 0 spp)) | r <- rays ]
let pixelData = map toByte $! pixels `seq` (foldr (\col lst -> [(x col), (y col), (z col)] ++ lst) [] pixels)
let pixelBytes = V.fromList pixelData :: V.Vector W.Word8
let img = Image { imageHeight = h, imageWidth = w, imageData = pixelBytes } :: Image PixelRGB8
writePng "image.png" img
endTime <- getCurrentTime
print $ diffUTCTime endTime startTime
答案 0 :(得分:10)
开始pixels <- sequence [ (sumOfRadiance scene ray samples) | ray <- rays]
pixels <- sequence [ (unsafePerformIO (sumOfRadiance scene ray samples)) | ray <- rays]
没有意义。这些类型不应该匹配 - sequence
只有在组合一堆m a
let pixels = [ unsafePerformIO (sumOfRadiance scene ray samples) | ray <- rays ]
动作的方式,而不是立即执行。 sequence
的原因似乎是生成随机数。随机性可能是一种痛苦 - 通常MonadRandom
完成工作,但它仍然会在动作之间产生顺序依赖,并且可能仍然不够懒惰(我试试看 - 如果你使用你得到了可重复性 - 即使在尊重monad定律的重构之后,相同的种子也能得到相同的结果。
不起作用且你需要以更加按需的方式生成随机数,那么就可以制作自己的随机性monad,它与你的{{1解决方案,但以适当封装的方式。我会告诉你我认为是Haskell Way To Cheat的方式。首先,一个可爱的纯实现草图:
现在这是一个完全纯粹的随机性实现......有几个捕获。 (1)没有非平凡的-- A seed tells you how to generate random numbers
data Seed = ...
splitSeed :: Seed -> (Seed, Seed)
random :: Seed -> Double
-- A Cloud is a probability distribution of a's, or an a which
-- depends on a random seed. This monad is just as lazy as a
-- pure computation.
newtype Cloud a = Cloud { runCloud :: Seed -> a }
deriving (Functor)
instance Monad Cloud where
return = Cloud . const
m >>= f = Cloud $ \seed ->
let (seed1, seed2) = splitSeed seed in
runCloud (f (runCloud m seed1)) seed2
我们应该在模块中隐藏它以保持抽象屏障。不应暴露data Seed = Seed
splitSeed Seed = (Seed, Seed)
-- Always NOINLINE functions with unsafePerformIO to keep the
-- optimizer from messing with you.
{-# NOINLINE random #-}
random Seed = unsafePerformIO randomIO
技术上并不需要runCloudIO :: Cloud a -> IO a
runCloudIO = return . runCloud
只是对纯度的点头,并没有实际做任何事情 - 你可以删除它 - 但我们需要splitSeed
将始终返回具有两个相同组件的对,因为随机值实际上与let foo = random in liftM2 (,) foo foo
快乐作弊。 : - )