
时间:2015-08-12 14:58:58

标签: php mysql report


Schedule /* This is the shift schedule of employee */

ID  Name     Schedule 
1   Paul     11:00PM - 8:00AM   
2   Juan     11:00PM - 8:00AM  
3   Elise    11:00PM - 8:00AM

Attendance  /* This is the logs of employee, it is name fp_logs */

ID  EmployeeID    Type       Datetime     
1        1         0          2015-07-25 22:00:00
2        2         0          2015-07-25 22:48:00
3        3         0          2015-07-25 20:48:00  
1        1         1          2015-07-25 08:00:00 
2        2         1          2015-07-25 08:44:00
3        3         1          2015-07-25 08:00:00  

正如您在出勤表中看到的那样,我们有列名称" type"其中0表示登录,1表示注销。


$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM employees";
$employees = $DB->getRecords($strSQL);

$from = strtotime("07/01/2015");  // Add post from date here
$to = strtotime("07/31/2015");    // Add post to date here

$total = array(
                array('fullname'=> '', 'days' => 0, 'inc' => 0, 'late' => 0, 'undertime' => 0, 'absent' => 0, 'nightdiff' => 0)

    foreach($employees as $key => $emp){
        $empId = $emp['id'];
        $curDate = $from;
        while($curDate <= $to) {
            $sched = $DB->getRecord("select * from schedules where empid='$empId' and date(scheddate) = '".date('Y/m/d', $curDate)."'");

            $log = array(
                    'workingday' => @$sched['workingday'],
                    'day' => date('l', $curDate),
                    'login' => '',
                    'logout' => '',


            $ltnow = date('Y/m/d', $curDate) < date('Y/m/d', NOW); //less than now

            if($ltnow) {
                    if(@$sched['workingday']) {

                        $log_range = array(
                            'shift_before' => "datetime between date_add('".date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($sched['datefrom']))."',interval -6 hour) and '".date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($sched['datefrom']))."'",
                            'shift' => "datetime between '".date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($sched['datefrom']))."' and '".date('Y/m/d H:i:s',strtotime($sched['dateto']))."'",
                            'shift_after' => "datetime between '".date('Y/m/d H:i:s', strtotime($sched['dateto']))."' and date_add('".date('Y/m/d H:i:s',strtotime($sched['dateto']))."',interval +6 hour)"

                        $login = $DB->getRecord("select * from fp_logs where fp_id='$emp[fp_id]' and fp_id!='' and type='0' and $log_range[shift_before] limit 1");
                        $login_shift = $DB->getRecord("select * from fp_logs where fp_id='$emp[fp_id]' and fp_id!='' and type='0' and $log_range[shift] limit 1");
                        $logout_shift = $DB->getRecord("select * from fp_logs where fp_id='$emp[fp_id]' and fp_id!='' and type='1' and $log_range[shift] order by datetime desc limit 1");
                        $logout = $DB->getRecord("select * from fp_logs where fp_id='$emp[fp_id]' and fp_id!='' and type='1' and $log_range[shift_after] order by datetime desc limit 1");

                        $log['login'] = !empty($login['datetime'])?$login['datetime']:$login_shift['datetime'];
                        $log['logout'] = !empty($logout['datetime'])?$logout['datetime']:$logout_shift['datetime'];

                        $total[$key]['fullname'] = $emp['lname'] . ', ' .$emp['fname'];

                        if(empty($log['login']) && empty($log['logout'])) {

                        } else {
                            if(empty($log['login']) || empty($log['logout'])) {

                            } else {
                                if((date('H:i:00', strtotime($sched['datefrom'])) == '07:00:00' && date('H:i:00', strtotime($sched['dateto'])) == '11:00:00') ||
                                    (date('H:i:00', strtotime($sched['datefrom'])) == '06:00:00' && date('H:i:00', strtotime($sched['dateto'])) == '10:00:00'))
                                    $total[$key]['days']+= .5;

                                $total[$key]['late']        += getLate($sched['datefrom'], $log['login']);

                                $total[$key]['undertime']   += getUnderTime($sched['dateto'], $log['logout']);

                                $nd = getNightDiff($sched['datefrom'], $sched['dateto'], $log['login'], $log['logout']);
                                $nd = $nd<0?0:$nd;

                                $total[$key]['nightdiff'] += $nd;


                    } else {
                        if(@$sched['schedtitle'] == 'Suspended') {

            $curDate = strtotime(date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $curDate)." +1 day");



Attendance Report

Name   Days     Late    Absent  Undertime   NightDiff   Incomplete
Paul    22       1         1       0            123         0
Juan    22       0         0       0            231         0  
Elise   22       0         0       0            223         0   

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