
时间:2015-08-11 21:39:16

标签: c++ opencv compilation

我知道问题的标题可能会使它看起来像是一个重复的问题,但事实并非如此。我已经在stackoverflow上尝试了几乎所有解决方案.. A way to read data out of a file at compile time to put it somewhere in application image files to initialize an array

我的问题是我使用的是C ++代码,我也在使用一些开放的cv库和函数。我有一个主要功能OsiMain.cpp,其代码为


int main (int argc, char * argv[])
    OsiManager osi ;        
    osi.loadConfiguration(argv[1]) ;
    osi.showConfiguration() ;        
    osi.run() ;
catch ( std::exception & e )
        std::cout << e.what() << std::endl ;

return 0 ;


在OsiManager构造函数中,我们初始化代码所需的一些参数的值。 OsiManager代码的构造函数部分在下面给出

// Default constructor
OsiManager::OsiManager ( )
    mMapInt["Minimum diameter for pupil"] = &mMinPupilDiameter ;
    mMapInt["Maximum diameter for pupil"] = &mMaxPupilDiameter ;
    mMapInt["Minimum diameter for iris"] = &mMinIrisDiameter ;
    mMapInt["Maximum diameter for iris"] = &mMaxIrisDiameter ;
    mMapInt["Width of normalized image"] = &mWidthOfNormalizedIris ;
    mMapInt["Height of normalized image"] = &mHeightOfNormalizedIris ;
    mMapString["Gabor filters"] = &mFilenameGaborFilters ;
    mMapString["Application points"] = &mFilenameApplicationPoints ;

    // Initialize all parameters
    initConfiguration() ;     

void OsiManager::initConfiguration ( )
    mMinPupilDiameter = 50;
    mMaxPupilDiameter = 160; 
    mMinIrisDiameter = 160; 
    mMaxIrisDiameter = 280; 
    mWidthOfNormalizedIris = 512; 
    mHeightOfNormalizedIris = 64; 
    mFilenameGaborFilters = "/home/Iris_Osiris_v4.1/OsirisParam/filters.txt" ;
    mFilenameApplicationPoints = "/home/Iris_Osiris_v4.1/OsirisParam/points.txt" ;
   mpApplicationPoints = 0 ;


这些值在构造函数中初始化。在函数 initconfiguration 中,我们可以看到两个文件路径mfilenameGaborFilter和mfilenameApplication points。这些给出了两个文件名的路径。这些文件基本上有9×15,9×25的巨大矩阵。这些矩阵被读入变量mGaborFilters和mpApplicationPoints,它们分别是vectorCvMat *和CvMat *类型。用于将这些文件读入变量的函数如下所示分别为loadGaborFilters和loadApplicationPoints。

void OsiManager::loadGaborFilters( )
    // Open text file containing the filters
    ifstream file(mFilenameGaborFilters.c_str(),ios::in) ;
    if ( ! file )
        throw runtime_error("Cannot load Gabor filters in file " + mFilenameGaborFilters) ;

    // Get the number of filters
    int n_filters ;
    file >> n_filters ;
    mGaborFilters.resize(n_filters) ;

    // Size of filter
    int rows , cols ;

    // Loop on each filter
    for ( int f = 0 ; f < n_filters ; f++ )
        // Get the size of the filter
        file >> rows ;
        file >> cols ;

        // Temporary filter. Will be destroyed at the end of loop
        mGaborFilters[f] = cvCreateMat(rows,cols,CV_32FC1) ;            

        // Set the value at coordinates r,c
        for ( int r = 0 ; r < rows ; r++ )
            for ( int c = 0 ; c < cols ; c++ )
                file >> mGaborFilters[f]->data.fl[r*cols+c] ;

    } // Loop on each filter

    // Close the file
    file.close() ;

} // end of function

// Load the application points (build a binary matrix) from a textfile
void OsiManager::loadApplicationPoints ( )
    // Open text file containing the filters
    ifstream file(mFilenameApplicationPoints.c_str(),ios::in) ;
    if ( ! file )
        throw runtime_error("Cannot load the application points in " + mFilenameApplicationPoints) ;

    // Get the number of points
    int n_points = 0 ;
    file >> n_points ;

    // Allocate memory for the matrix containing the points
    mpApplicationPoints = cvCreateMat(mHeightOfNormalizedIris,mWidthOfNormalizedIris,CV_8UC1) ;

    // Initialize all pixels to "off"
    cvSet(mpApplicationPoints,cvScalar(0)) ;        

    // Local variables
    int i , j ;

    // Loop on each point
    for ( int p = 0 ; p < n_points ; p++ )
        // Get the coordinates
        file >> i ; file >> j ;

        // Set pixel to "on"
        if ( i < 0 || i > mpApplicationPoints->rows-1 || j < 0 || j > mpApplicationPoints->cols-1 )
            cout << "Point (" << i << "," << j << ") " ;
            cout << "exceeds size of normalized image : " ;
            cout << mpApplicationPoints->rows << "x" << mpApplicationPoints->cols ;
            cout << " while loading application points" << endl ;
            mpApplicationPoints->data.ptr[(i)*mpApplicationPoints->cols+j] = 255 ;

    // Close the file
    file.close() ;

} // end of function



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您无法在编译时执行运行时文件IO,但由于源数据只是文本,您可以使用这些文件的内容初始化const char*字符串(使用C ++ 11原始字符串文字并复制和粘贴很容易并使用您的字符串文字初始化ifstream替换初始函数中的std::stringstream