我想将前几个月 的所有数据合并为一行,所以从下图中我想结合05/05 / 05的数据2014-07 / 09/2014,但保留最近最近一个月 的数据,但未合并。所以我需要总结G列和H列中的数据,对于行2-4,其他列无关紧要。
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Sub Summary()
Dim FirstDataRow As Long
Dim LastDataRow As Long
Dim DataRow As Long
Dim cDates As Long
Dim cAmounts As Long
Dim CutoffDate As Date
Dim EarliestOldDate As Date
Dim LatestOldDate As Date
Dim SumOfOld As Long
Dim OldMonthsRow As Long
Dim OffSetToSummaryTable As Long
Dim InputRow As Long
Dim OutputRow As Long
Dim TheDate As Date
Dim TheAmount As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
' Assume we're operating on the activesheet
Set ws = ActiveSheet
' Assume data starts in Row 2
FirstDataRow = 2
' Assume data is a contiguous block
LastDataRow = ws.Range("F" & CStr(FirstDataRow)).End(xlDown).Row
' Assume 3 empty rows between input and summary table
OffSetToSummaryTable = 3
' Calculate row where sum of old months goes
OldMonthsRow = LastDataRow + OffSetToSummaryTable + 1
' Calculate the cutoff date = first date of current month
CutoffDate = DateSerial(2015, 1, 1)
' CutoffDate = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), 1)
' Column where dates are
cDates = 6
' Column where amounts are
cAmounts = 7
' Initialize earliest and latest old dates, and sum of old
EarliestOldDate = DateSerial(3000, 12, 31) ' Way out in the future
LatestOldDate = DateSerial(1904, 1, 1) ' Way back in the past
SumOfOld = 0
OutputRow = OldMonthsRow
For InputRow = FirstDataRow To LastDataRow
TheDate = ws.Cells(InputRow, cDates)
TheAmount = ws.Cells(InputRow, cAmounts)
If TheDate >= CutoffDate Then
' Add at the bottom of the summary table
OutputRow = OutputRow + 1
ws.Cells(OutputRow, cDates).Formula = TheDate
ws.Cells(OutputRow, cAmounts).Formula = TheAmount
' Update results for previous months
EarliestOldDate = IIf(TheDate < EarliestOldDate, TheDate, EarliestOldDate)
LatestOldDate = IIf(TheDate > LatestOldDate, TheDate, LatestOldDate)
SumOfOld = SumOfOld + TheAmount
End If
Next InputRow
ws.Cells(OldMonthsRow, cDates).Formula = Format(EarliestOldDate, "dd/mm/yyyy") & " - " & Format(LatestOldDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
ws.Cells(OldMonthsRow, cAmounts).Formula = SumOfOld
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub