#pragma version(1)
#pragma rs java_package_name(com.example.xxx)
#pragma rs_fp_relaxed
rs_allocation bmpAllocIn, direction;
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
// Sobel, Magnitude und Direction
float __attribute__((kernel)) sobel_XY(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) {
float sobX=0, sobY=0, magn=0;
// leave a border of 1 pixel
if (x>0 && y>0 && x<(width-1) && y<(height-1)){
uchar4 c11=rsGetElementAt_uchar4(bmpAllocIn, x-1, y-1); uchar4 c12=rsGetElementAt_uchar4(bmpAllocIn, x-1, y);uchar4 c13=rsGetElementAt_uchar4(bmpAllocIn, x-1, y+1);
uchar4 c21=rsGetElementAt_uchar4(bmpAllocIn, x, y-1);uchar4 c23=rsGetElementAt_uchar4(bmpAllocIn, x, y+1);
uchar4 c31=rsGetElementAt_uchar4(bmpAllocIn, x+1, y-1);uchar4 c32=rsGetElementAt_uchar4(bmpAllocIn, x+1, y);uchar4 c33=rsGetElementAt_uchar4(bmpAllocIn, x+1, y+1);
sobX= (float) c11.r-c31.r + 2*(c12.r-c32.r) + c13.r-c33.r;
sobY= (float) c11.r-c13.r + 2*(c21.r-c23.r) + c31.r-c33.r;
float d = atan2(sobY, sobX);
rsSetElementAt_float(direction, d, x, y);
magn= hypot(sobX, sobY);
rsSetElementAt_float(direction, 0, x, y);
return magn;
float[] gm = new float[width*height]; // gradient magnitude
float[] gd = new float[width*height]; // gradient direction
ScriptC_sobel script;
script=new ScriptC_sobel(rs);
script.set_bmpAllocIn(Allocation.createFromBitmap(rs, bmpGray));
// dirAllocation: reference to the global variable "direction" in rs script. This
// dirAllocation is actually the second output of the kernel. It will be "filled" by
// the rsSetElementAt_float() method that include a reference to the current
// element (x,y) during the passage of the kernel.
Type.Builder TypeDir = new Type.Builder(rs, Element.F32(rs));
Allocation dirAllocation = Allocation.createTyped(rs, TypeDir.create());
// outAllocation: the kernel will slide along this global float Variable, which is
// "formally" the output (in principle the roles of the outAllocation (magnitude) and the
// second global variable direction (dirAllocation)could have been switched, the kernel
// just needs at least one in- or out-Allocation to "slide" along.)
Type.Builder TypeOut = new Type.Builder(rs, Element.F32(rs));
Allocation outAllocation = Allocation.createTyped(rs, TypeOut.create());
script.forEach_sobel_XY(outAllocation); //start kernel
// here comes the problem
outAllocation.copyTo(gm) ;
简而言之:此代码适用于我较旧的Galaxy Tab2(API17),但它会与我的Galaxy S5(API 21)一起造成崩溃(致命信号7(SIGBUS),代码2,故障地址0x9e6d4000)。奇怪的是,当我使用一个更简单的内核,它只是以相同的方式计算SobelX或SobelY渐变(除了第二次分配,这里是方向),它也适用于S5。因此,问题不能是一些兼容性问题。另外,正如我所说的,内核本身没有问题(我可以记录Magnitude和direction值),但它与上面的.copyTo语句相悖。正如您所看到的,gm和gd浮点具有与内核使用的所有其他分配相同的维度(宽度*高度)。知道问题可能是什么吗?或者是否有一种替代的,更强大的方式来完成整个故事?