
时间:2015-08-08 06:54:07

标签: c arrays parallel-processing mpi


int MPI_Gatherv(const void *sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype,
            void *recvbuf, const int *recvcounts, const int *displs,
            MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)**.


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


至关重要的是,对于更简单的Gather操作,每个块都具有相同的大小,MPI库可以轻松地预先计算每个块应该在最终编译的数组中的位置;在更一般的收集操作中,如果不太清楚,你可以选择 - 事实上,要求 - 准确说明每个项目的起点。



Rank 0: "Hello"    (len=5)
Rank 1: "world!"   (len=6)
Rank 2: "Bonjour"  (len=7)
Rank 3: "le"       (len=2)
Rank 4: "monde!"   (len=6)


Hello world! Bonjour le monde!\0

recvcounts={5,6,7,2,6};  /* just the lengths */
displs = {0,6,13,21,24}; /* cumulative sum of len+1 for padding */

您可以看到位移0为0,位移i等于j = 0..i-1的(recvcounts [j] +1)之和:

   i    count[i]   count[i]+1   displ[i]   displ[i]-displ[i-1]
   0       5          6           0    
   1       6          7           6                 6
   2       7          8          13                 7
   3       2          3          21                 8
   4       6          7          24                 3


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mpi.h"

#define nstrings 5
const char *const strings[nstrings] = {"Hello","world!","Bonjour","le","monde!"};

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); 

    int rank, size;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);

    /* Everyone gets a string */    

    int myStringNum = rank % nstrings;
    char *mystring = (char *)strings[myStringNum];
    int mylen = strlen(mystring);

    printf("Rank %d: %s\n", rank, mystring);

     * Now, we Gather the string lengths to the root process, 
     * so we can create the buffer into which we'll receive the strings

    const int root = 0;
    int *recvcounts = NULL;

    /* Only root has the received data */
    if (rank == root)
        recvcounts = malloc( size * sizeof(int)) ;

    MPI_Gather(&mylen, 1, MPI_INT,
               recvcounts, 1, MPI_INT,
               root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

     * Figure out the total length of string, 
     * and displacements for each rank 

    int totlen = 0;
    int *displs = NULL;
    char *totalstring = NULL;

    if (rank == root) {
        displs = malloc( size * sizeof(int) );

        displs[0] = 0;
        totlen += recvcounts[0]+1;

        for (int i=1; i<size; i++) {
           totlen += recvcounts[i]+1;   /* plus one for space or \0 after words */
           displs[i] = displs[i-1] + recvcounts[i-1] + 1;

        /* allocate string, pre-fill with spaces and null terminator */
        totalstring = malloc(totlen * sizeof(char));            
        for (int i=0; i<totlen-1; i++)
            totalstring[i] = ' ';
        totalstring[totlen-1] = '\0';

     * Now we have the receive buffer, counts, and displacements, and 
     * can gather the strings 

    MPI_Gatherv(mystring, mylen, MPI_CHAR,
                totalstring, recvcounts, displs, MPI_CHAR,
                root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if (rank == root) {
        printf("%d: <%s>\n", rank, totalstring);

    return 0;


$ mpicc -o gatherstring gatherstring.c -Wall -std=c99
$ mpirun -np 5 ./gatherstring
Rank 0: Hello
Rank 3: le
Rank 4: monde!
Rank 1: world!
Rank 2: Bonjour
0: <Hello world! Bonjour le monde!>

答案 1 :(得分:0)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <mpi.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
    int rank;
    int nranks;
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nranks);

    srand(time(NULL) + rank);
    int my_len =  (rand() % 10) + 1; // str_len   \in [1, 9]
    int my_char = (rand() % 26) + 65; // str_char \in [65, 90] = [A, Z]

    char my_str[my_len + 1];
    memset(my_str, my_char, my_len);
    my_str[my_len] = '\0';
    printf("rank %d of %d has string=%s with size=%zu\n",
            rank, nranks, my_str, strlen(my_str));

    int max_len = 0;
    MPI_Allreduce(&my_len, &max_len, 1, 
                  MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 

    // + 1 for taking account of null pointer at the end ['\n']
    char *my_str_padded[max_len + 1]; 
    memset(my_str_padded, '\0', max_len + 1);
    memcpy(my_str_padded, my_str, my_len);

    char *all_str = NULL;
    if(!rank) {
        int all_len = (max_len + 1) * nranks;
        all_str = malloc(all_len * sizeof(char));   
        memset(all_str, '\0', all_len);

    MPI_Gather(my_str_padded, max_len + 1, MPI_CHAR, 
                     all_str, max_len + 1, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    if(!rank) {
        char *str_idx = all_str;
        int rank_idx = 0;
        while(*str_idx) {
            printf("rank %d sent string=%s with size=%zu\n", 
                    rank_idx, str_idx, strlen(str_idx));
            str_idx = str_idx + max_len + 1;



