
时间:2015-08-04 18:16:49

标签: python algorithm copy sudoku



class Sudoku:
    def __init__(self, input, tokens = None):
        self.data = {}
        if tokens is None:
            self.tokens = list(range(1, 10))
            self.tokens = tokens

        assert len(self.tokens) == 9
        if type(input) == dict:
            self.data = input
            for i, cell in enumerate(input):
                if cell in self.tokens:
                    self.data[i % 9, i // 9] = cell

    def __repr__(self):
        string = ''
        canvas = [['.'] * 9 for line in range(9)]
        for (col, row), cell in self.data.items():
            canvas[row][col] = str(cell)
        for y, row in enumerate(canvas):
            if not y % 3:
                string += "+-------+-------+-------+\n"
            string += '| {} | {} | {} |\n'.format(' '.join(row[:3]), ' '.join(row[3:6]), ' '.join(row[6:]))
        string += "+-------+-------+-------+"
        return string

    def sq_coords(cls, cell_x, cell_y):
        #returns all coordinates of cells in the same square as the one in (cell_x, cell_y)
        start_x, start_y = cell_x // 3 * 3, cell_y // 3 * 3
        for dx in range(3):
            for dy in range(3):
                yield (start_x +dx, start_y + dy)

    def copy(self):
        return Sudoku(self.data)

    def clues(self, cell_x, cell_y):
        assert not self.data.get((cell_x, cell_y))
        allowed = set(self.tokens)
        #Remove all numbers on the same row, column and square as the cell
        for row in range(9):
            allowed.discard(self.data.get((cell_x, row)))
        for col in range(9):
            allowed.discard(self.data.get((col, cell_y)))
        for coords in self.sq_coords(cell_x, cell_y):
        return allowed

    def get_all_clues(self):
        clues = {}
        for row in range(9):
                for col in range(9):
                    if not self.data.get((col, row)):
                        clues[col, row] = self.clues(col, row)
        return clues

    def fill_singles(self):
        still_going = True
        did_something = False
        while still_going:
            still_going = False
            for (col, row), clues in self.get_all_clues().items():
                if len(clues) == 1:
                    still_going = True
                    did_something = True
                    self.data[col, row] = clues.pop()
        return did_something

    def place_finding(self):
        still_going = True
        did_something = False
        while still_going:
            still_going = False
            for token in self.tokens:
                for group in self.get_groups():
                    available_spots = [coords for coords, cell in group.items() if cell == None and token in self.clues(*coords)]
                    if len(available_spots) == 1:
                        self.data[available_spots.pop()] = token
                        still_going = True
                        did_something = True
        return did_something

    def fill_obvious(self):
        still_going = True
        while still_going:
            a = self.fill_singles()
            b = self.place_finding()
            still_going = a or b

    def get_groups(self):
        for y in range(9):
            yield {(x, y) : self.data.get((x, y)) for x in range(9)}
        for x in range(9):
            yield {(x, y) : self.data.get((x, y)) for y in range(9)}
        for n in range(9):
            start_x, start_y = n % 3 * 3, n // 3 * 3
            yield {(x, y) : self.data.get((x, y)) for x, y in self.sq_coords(start_x, start_y)}

    def is_valid(self):
        for group in self.get_groups():
            if any([list(group.values()).count(token) > 1 for token in self.tokens]):
                return False
        return True

    def is_solved(self):
        return self.is_valid() and len(self.data) == 9 * 9

def solve(sudoku):
        def loop(su):
            if su.is_solved():
            elif su.is_valid():
                for coords, available_tokens in sorted(su.get_all_clues().items(), key=lambda kv: len(kv[1])):
                    for token in available_tokens:
                        new_su = su.copy()
                        new_su.data[coords] = token

with open('input.txt') as f:
    numbers = ''
    for i, line in enumerate(f):
        if i >= 9:
        numbers += line.rstrip().ljust(9)

s = Sudoku(numbers, tokens='123456789')



正如你所看到的,它所做的第一件事是使用fill_singles方法填充Sudoku只有100%确定的数字(填充每个只能用数字x填充的单元格,例如其他8种可能性在其行中,列或块)和place_finding(检查所有标记,看看组中是否只有一个空格 - 行,列或块 - 它们可以适合的位置)。它遍历这两者,直到无法完成任何事情。


| . . . | . 2 6 | . . 4 |
| . . . | 7 9 . | 5 . . |
| . . . | . . . | 9 1 . |
| . 8 . | 1 . . | . . . |
| 2 3 6 | . . . | 1 8 5 |
| . . . | . . 3 | . 7 . |
| . 4 7 | . . . | . . . |
| . . 3 | . 7 8 | . . . |
| 5 . . | 6 3 . | . . . |


| 1 4 9 | 3 2 6 | 7 3 4 |
| 3 2 4 | 7 9 1 | 5 1 8 |
| 3 7 5 | 3 2 4 | 9 1 2 |
| 7 8 6 | 1 1 4 | 3 2 5 |
| 2 3 6 | 9 4 7 | 1 8 5 |
| 4 1 7 | 2 3 3 | 6 7 4 |
| 2 4 7 | 1 1 3 | 5 4 6 |
| 1 3 3 | 4 7 8 | 2 5 1 |
| 5 5 4 | 6 3 2 | 1 3 7 |


>>> s
| 1 4 9 | 3 2 6 | 7 3 4 |
| 3 2 4 | 7 9 1 | 5 1 8 |
| 3 7 5 | 3 2 4 | 9 1 2 |
| 7 8 6 | 1 1 4 | 3 2 5 |
| 2 3 6 | 9 4 7 | 1 8 5 |
| 4 1 7 | 2 3 3 | 6 7 4 |
| 2 4 7 | 1 1 3 | 5 4 6 |
| 1 3 3 | 4 7 8 | 2 5 1 |
| 5 5 4 | 6 3 2 | 1 3 7 |
>>> s.is_valid()



    26  4
   79 5
 8 1
236   185
     3 7
  3 78
5  63

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided
from itertools import chain
import numpy
def block_view(A, block= (3, 3)):
    """Provide a 2D block view to 2D array. No error checking made.
    Therefore meaningful (as implemented) only for blocks strictly
    compatible with the shape of A."""
    # simple shape and strides computations may seem at first strange
    # unless one is able to recognize the 'tuple additions' involved ;-)
    shape= (A.shape[0]/ block[0], A.shape[1]/ block[1])+ block
    strides= (block[0]* A.strides[0], block[1]* A.strides[1])+ A.strides
    return chain.from_iterable(as_strided(A, shape= shape, strides= strides))

def check_board(a):
    a is a 2d 9x9 numpy array, 0 represents None
    for row,col,section in zip(a,a.T,block_view(a,(3,3))):
        s = list(chain.from_iterable(section))
        if any(sum(set(x)) != sum(x) for x in [row,col,s]):
            return False
    return True

a = numpy.array(

print check_board(a)