Null Gulp pipe function

时间:2015-07-28 16:58:10

标签: javascript node.js coffeescript gulp

I'm attempting to pass through a "dummy" pipe function that simply passes through to the next pipe instance based on a conditional. I cannot use gulp-if as I need sourcemaps support, so my current task looks like this:

module.exports = (gulp, $, browserSync, reload, merge, paths, files) ->

    nullFunc = ->
      transform = (file, cb) ->

    uglify = if @seq[0] is 'coffeeprod' then $.uglify() else nullFunc()

    .pipe($.coffee(join: true).on('error', $.util.log))
      showFiles: true
      title: 'Coffee:'))
    .pipe gulp.dest(

What's not working is my nullFunc() as I'm getting a TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined error. Any tips on a dummy function or the best way to get around the uglify() function not firing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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