In the example below, we have a contiguous array, and a view of the same array that is non-contiguous:
shape = (5, 100)
A = np.arange(np.product(shape)).reshape(shape)
# Everything is contiguous at this point
assert A.flags.c_contiguous == True
# Since we're taking a view over the
# row minor dimension, we'll have 5
# segments of 50 contiguous elements
A[:,20:70].flags.c_contiguous == False
# Each segment is contiguous
A[0,20:70].flags.c_contiguous == True
A[1,20:70].flags.c_contiguous == True
A[2,20:70].flags.c_contiguous == True
A[3,20:70].flags.c_contiguous == True
A[4,20:70].flags.c_contiguous == True
The view references 5 segments of 50 contiguous elements.
If we look at a more general case
shape = (30, 20, 70, 50)
B = np.arange(np.product(shape)).reshape(shape)
then, the following holds:
B[0,:,:,:].flags.c_contiguous == True
B[0,0,:,:].flags.c_contiguous == True
B[0,0,0,:].flags.c_contiguous == True
A partial solution, based on _UpdateContiguousFlags in flagobjects.c might be:
def is_contiguous(ary):
is_c_contig = True
sd = ary.itemsize
for i in reversed(range(ary.ndim)):
dim = ary.shape[i]
# Contiguous by default
if dim == 0:
return True
if dim != 1:
if ary.strides[i] != sd:
is_c_contig = False
sd *= dim
return is_c_contig
But I don't think this handles cases where the array is transposed. e.g.:
Question: Is there a method of identifying the contiguous segments in a general NumPy view/array?
I need this functionality in order to transfer data from a NumPy array to a GPU without copying data into pinned memory
. Instead, I'd like to pin contiguous segments using cudaHostRegister
and then do the transfer to the GPU. I'm aware of CUDA's support for pitched memory via MemCpy3D
, but I'd like to handle more general cases.
Edit 1: Added a basic solution to the question, and asked about the transpose case.
Edit 2: Clarified removing the need to copy data into pinned memory.