
时间:2015-07-23 00:29:34

标签: coq convoy-pattern


    Definition gen `{A:Type}
           {i o: nat}
           (f: nat -> (option nat))
           {ibound: forall (n n':nat), f n = Some n' -> n' < i}
           (x: svector A i) (t:nat) (ti: t < o): option A
  := match (f t) with
     | None => None
     | Some t' => Vnth x (ibound t t' _)

代替最后&#34; _&#34;我需要一个证据表明&#34; f t&#34;等于&#34;有些t&#39;&#34;。我无法弄清楚如何从比赛中获得它。 Vnth定义为:

     : ∀ (A : Type) (n : nat), vector A n → ∀ i : nat, i < n → A

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Definition gen `{A:Type}
           {i o: nat}
           (f: nat -> (option nat))
           {ibound: forall (n n':nat), f n = Some n' -> n' < i}
           (x: svector A i) (t:nat) (ti: t < o): option A
  := match f t as x return f t = x -> option A with
     | None => fun _ => None
     | Some t' => fun p => Vnth x (ibound t t' p)
     end (eq_refl (f t)).