position: relative;
display: inline-block;
width: 20%;
height: 100px;
background-color: green;
margin-right: 10px;
transition: all 0.4s ease;
transform: scale(1.5);
margin-right: 6%; /* fallback for ancient browsers that don't support calc() */
margin-right: calc(5% + 10px);
margin-left: 5%;
applyFnToTuple ('o',('t','w')) $ \a b c -> [a,b,c] == "otw"
applyFnToTuple ('h','i') $ \a b -> [a,b] == "hi"
applyFnToTuple ("hello",('y','o')) $ \a b c -> a ++ [b,c]
关键点是最后一例。我完全期望需要添加type family TupleFn ty out where
TupleFn (a,b) output = a -> (TupleFn b output)
TupleFn b output = b -> output
class ApplyFnToTuple a where
applyFnToTuple :: a -> TupleFn a out -> out
instance ApplyFnToTuple b => ApplyFnToTuple (a,b) where
applyFnToTuple (a,b) fn = applyFnToTuple b (fn a)
instance ApplyFnToTuple a where
applyFnToTuple b fn = fn b
Couldn't match expected type ‘a -> out’
with actual type ‘TupleFn a out’
Relevant bindings include
fn :: TupleFn a out (bound at examples.hs:574:22)
b :: a (bound at examples.hs:574:20)
applyFnToTuple :: a -> TupleFn a out -> out
(bound at examples.hs:574:5)
The function ‘fn’ is applied to one argument,
but its type ‘TupleFn a out’ has none
In the expression: fn b
In an equation for ‘applyFnToTuple’: applyFnToTuple b fn = fn b
Failed, modules loaded: none.
PS:我正在运行GHC 7.10.1
答案 0 :(得分:6)
问题是在的instance ApplyFnToTuple a
不是元组的信息 - 我猜GHC没有考虑如何选择实例来决定它是否作为定义是正确的。这意味着它无法知道TupleFn
类型,因此需要将其作为类的额外类型参数包含在内。至少,以下似乎有效(仅使用GHC 7.8进行测试):
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances,
OverlappingInstances #-}
type family TupleFn ty out where
TupleFn (a,b) output = a -> (TupleFn b output)
TupleFn b output = b -> output
class ApplyFnToTuple a out where
applyFnToTuple :: a -> TupleFn a out -> out
instance ApplyFnToTuple b out => ApplyFnToTuple (a,b) out where
applyFnToTuple (a,b) fn = applyFnToTuple b (fn a)
instance TupleFn a out ~ (a -> out) => ApplyFnToTuple a out where
applyFnToTuple b fn = fn b
答案 1 :(得分:3)
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
type family Tuple b as where
Tuple b '[] = b
Tuple b (a ': as) = (b, Tuple a as)
type family Function as b where
Function '[] b = b
Function (a ': as) b = a -> Function as b
data SingList as where
SNil :: SingList '[]
SCons :: SingList as -> SingList (a ': as)
applyToTuple :: SingList as -> Tuple a as -> Function (a ': as) b -> b
applyToTuple SNil x f = f x
applyToTuple (SCons as) (x, xs) f = applyToTuple as xs (f x)
main = do
print $ applyToTuple (SCons (SCons SNil)) ('o',('t','w')) $ \a b c -> [a,b,c] == "otw"
print $ applyToTuple (SCons SNil) ('h','i') $ \a b -> [a,b] == "hi"
print $ applyToTuple (SCons (SCons SNil)) ("hello",('y','o')) $ \a b c -> a ++ [b,c]
Tuple a [b, c, d]
缩减为(a, (b, (c, d)))
Function [a, b, c, d] r
缩减为a -> b -> c -> d -> r
因此,如果as == [b, c, d]
Tuple a as -> Function (a ': as) r -> r
(a, (b, (c, d))) -> (a -> b -> c -> d -> r) -> r
答案 2 :(得分:2)
type family TupleFn ty out where
TupleFn () output = output
TupleFn (a,b) output = a -> (TupleFn b output)
class ApplyFnToTuple a where
applyFnToTuple :: a -> TupleFn a out -> out
instance ApplyFnToTuple b => ApplyFnToTuple (a,b) where
applyFnToTuple (a,b) fn = applyFnToTuple b (fn a)
instance ApplyFnToTuple () where
applyFnToTuple _ fn = fn
一样使用applyFnToTuple ('a',('b',())) $ \a b -> [a,b] == "ab"
applyFnToTuple ("hello",(12,('r',()))) $ \h n r -> h ++ show n ++ [r] == "hello12r"
--using DataKinds these could be done slightly neater:
data Cons a b
data Nil
-- the list itself, where the type 'a' is built from the above tags
data MyList a where
LCons :: itemty -> MyList a -> MyList (Cons itemty a)
LNil :: MyList Nil
-- this type family converts that type 'a' to a function signature.
type family MyListFn a output where
MyListFn (Cons a b) output = a -> (MyListFn b output)
MyListFn Nil output = output
-- this function applies items in MyList a to a MyListFn a just
-- like we did with tuples. Note no type family, because
-- no type dependant differences in behaviour needed:
applyFnToMyList :: MyList a -> MyListFn a out -> out
applyFnToMyList (LCons a b) fn = applyFnToMyList b (fn a)
applyFnToMyList LNil fn = fn
applyFnToMyList (LCons 'a' (LCons 'b' LNil)) $ \a b -> [a,b] == "ab"
applyFnToMyList (LCons "hello" (LCons 12 (LCons 'r' LNil))) $ \h n r -> h ++ show n ++ [r] == "hello12r"
TL; DR 您可以创建函数,以完全类型安全的方式应用多态数据结构的某些元素所需的奇偶校验函数。很棒的东西,Haskell!